Bill Howard a écrit :

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 7:58 AM
> Subject: [STOPNATO] Turkey Massing Troops Near Iraq Border
> Times of India
> July 27, 2000
> 'Turkey massing troops near Iraq border'
> BAGHDAD: Iraq has informed the United Nations of a
> Turkish military build-up near its border, Iraqi
> newspapers reported on Wednesday.
> The Turkish army has entered northern Iraq in the past
> to pursue Kurdish separatists fighting for autonomy in
> southeast Turkey, angering Baghdad.
> Quoting a letter by Iraq's Foreign Minister Mohammed
> Saeed al-Sahaf to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
> and the Security Council, the newspapers said a
> special Turkish brigade was deployed in the area
> opposite the Iraqi town of Kani Rash near the shared
> border of Iraq, Iran and Turkey.
> "The massing of such troops can only be viewed as part
> of preparations to push into Iraq towards Sidkan-Haj
> Omran region under different pretexts," al-Sahaf said.
> He said that Turkey had also increased the number of
> troops it has already stationed on Iraqi territory.
> "These dubious operations and movements by Turkish
> forces represent a new chain in the series of
> recurrent acts of aggression launched by these forces
> against Iraq," he said.
> Al-Sahaf said Iraq condemns Turkey's aggression and
> would hold Turkey responsible for their consequences.
> He urged the United Nations to press Turkey to pull
> its troops out.
> Relations between Turkey and Iraq have been at a low
> ebb since the 1991 Gulf War in which Turkey was part
> of the U.S.-led coalition that forced Iraqi troops out
> of Kuwait.
> Baghdad has also protested against Turkey's hosting
> U.S. and British warplanes that patrol an no-fly zone
> over northern Iraq. (Reuters)
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