Rolf Martens a écrit :

> NEWS ON CONGO 035: Counterattack hits aggressors
> [Posted: 06.08.00]
> NOTE: On websites with information on the DR Congo and for
> some contact addresses, see endnote last in this posting.
> According to recent news reports, the Democratic Republic of
> Congo is now counterattacking, on several fronts, the aggressor
> forces which, as muppets of the main imperialist states in the
> world, are still occupying one-half of the country. The wailing
> tone of the reactionary media suggests that some successes have
> in fact been achieved in this counter-offensive. This is good
> news, for the vast majority of people elsewhere too!
> Also, the Congolese government has declared, on 03.08, that the
> Lusaka ceasefire accord of July 1999 is now invalid. This is
> perfectly justified. The aggressors have constantly broken that
> accord with renewed armed action. They flagrantly have failed to
> comply with its main provision, that they withdraw their troops
> from the DR Congo. And the UN, for instance, in practice has
> done nothing to make them comply with this.
> The Congolese people's just war of liberation no doubt will
> be a long and very difficult one. The aggression against that
> country, which has refused to accept neo-colonialist plunder
> and in which a really democratic state is being built up, al-
> ready has cost the lives of some 1.7 million people and has
> brought untold suffering in the country. For this, the govern-
> ments of the "rich" countries are directly responsible. Very
> much do the Congolese people at present need the support of the
> peoples in all countries!
> Below are reproduced, in full or in part, some of the recent
> media reports on the DR Congo. Those originally in French are
> in my translation. Within brackets [ ] are some explanations
> of words in "Imperialistese" and some other comments. Reports,
> or excerpts reproduced:
> 1) Reuters/CNN, Goma, 02.08: 'Rwanda says Congo government
>    launching attacks'
> 2) Posting to congokin_opinions mailing list (see endnote),
>    05.08: 'DR Congo says Lusaka cease-fire agreement invalid,
>    UN "useless"'
> 3) AFP, Bangui, 03.08: 'Vaste offensive de l'armée congolaise
>    le long du fleuve Oubangui (témoins)' [translated]
> 4) AFP, Kigali, and AP, Kigali, 05.08 [Some reports on the war]
> 5) USA, 04.08 [On recent IMF loan to muppet aggressor Rwanda]
> 6) Posting to mailing list congokin_opinions by JmY 05.08
>    [Brief comment on loan to Rwanda]
> - RM
> 1) From Reuters/CNN, 02.08.00:
> Rwanda says Congo government launching attacks [in liberation
> struggle]
> August 2, 2000
> Web posted at: 8:27 AM EDT (1227 GMT)
> GOMA, Congo (Reuters) [It's also a provocation that these
> people are reporting, as they do, from Goma, in *occupied Congo-
> lese territory*, on what one of the *aggressor states* says.]
> -- The Congolese government and its allies have launched a new
> wave of attacks against rebels [aggressor muppets] and their
> Rwandan backers [invaders] all along their vast frontline,
> Rwandan officials said on Wednesday.
> The news comes on the second anniversary of the start of the
> civil war in [! flagrant aggression against] the Democratic Re-
> public of the Congo and underlines that a peace accord signed
> last year has all but collapsed.
> "Definitely there has been an increase in attacks all over the
> place," Rwandan presidential envoy Patrick Mazimhaka told
> Reuters by telephone from the Rwandan capital Kigali.
> "There is fighting, there are infiltrations, there is shelling.
> It's an organized offensive. The whole front has been reacti-
> vated."
> The rebels [invaders' muppets], who control the northern and
> eastern regions of the huge country, are backed by Rwanda and
> Uganda, while the government army is supported by troops from
> Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia.
> Mazimhaka said fighting along the southern front -- mostly con-
> trolled by Rwandan forces and quiet for many months -- was con-
> centrated along a sector stretching north from the government-
> held diamond trading center of Mbuji-Mayi in Kasai province.
> He said there had been at least 20 attacks in Kasai on rebel
> [" "] and Rwandan positions since June and Rwandan troops were
> returning fire.
> Mazimhaka said clashes had also increased behind the frontlines
> in the eastern province of North Kivu, where Rwanda says hordes
> [a term some use for people whom they fear] of pro-government
> militiamen are being supplied by Congolese President Laurent
> Kabila.
> The civil war [aggression] began in the eastern city of Goma on
> August 2, 1998. A peace accord was signed by all the main war-
> ring parties in the Zambian capital Lusaka last year but has
> failed to stop the fighting.
> 2) To congokin_opinions mailing list from Alidor Muya <alidor.
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05.08.00:
> DR Congo says Lusaka cease-fire agreement invalid, UN "useless"
> AP reported that the government of DR Congo pronounced the Lusa-
> ka cease-fire agreement, signed in July 1999, invalid, asserting
> on August 3 that  it had failed to end two years of warfare, in-
> vasion and occupation.
> Deputy Interior Minister Celestin Mulumba Katshi said the go-
> vernment had been forced into the deal, quoted telling a news
> conference, "Congo no longer exists as a sovereign and free
> state." Katshi argued that the UN has become "useless" because
> of its "inertia," complaining the UN had not prevented what he
> called the slaughter of Congolese civilians by foreign armies.
> Asked what should replace the peace deal, Katshi said, "All that
> is required is for the aggressors to go home."
> In the mean time, Edith Lederer reported from the UN for AP that
> the UN Security Council is blaming the DR Congo government for
> the failures in achieving  peace. Congo's Human Rights Minister
> Leonard She Okitundu addressed a closed-door Security Council
> meeting on August 3 and urged the council to send the invasion
> and occupation forces home.
> Council members, including American, seem prone to ignore the
> invasion and occupation and instead focus on the Congo's failure
> to follow-through on its promises to hold an inter-Congolese po-
> litical dialogue, as called for in the cease-fire agreement, and
> of inhibiting the deployment of UN peacekeepers. In response,
> Okitundu said in an interview that he told the council it should
> separate the issue of external aggression against Congo from the
> country's internal problems, and not make democratization a pre-
> requisite for the withdrawal of foreign forces.
> [In fact, it was the precisely the starting democratisation of
> the DR Congo, and its policy of opposing colonialism, after
> the successful war of liberation against the Mobutu regime, that
> caused the US and other imperialists to stage-manage this foul
> aggression in the first place - precisely contrary to their
> public hypocrisy.]
> Your dot com for Africa agrees on this point with Mr. Okitundu.
> [And so do I.] We would also reiterate that the UN has failed to
> fulfill the requirements levied on it by this same cease-fire
> agreement. It has failed to deploy a peacekeeping and peace en-
> forcement force, but instead is using the Rwandan and Ugandan
> invasion and occupation of the Congo as a means to hold a gun at
> the Kabila government's head and force it to democratize. In
> effect, the UN Security Council has legitimized the invasion and
> occupation. [Precisely.]
> While we all want to see the Congo blossom into a free-market
> democracy, we would prefer leaving that job to the Congolese
> people themselves, and not employ invasion and occupation as the
> means to get that task done.
> 3) From AFP, 03.08.00:
> Large offensive by the Congolese army along the river Ubangi
> (eywitness reports)
> [The Ubangi is a tributary to the river Congo and separates the
> DRC Équateur province in the north-west from the Republic of
> Congo - "Congo-Brazzaville" - and the Central African Republic.]
> Bangui, 3 August (AFP)
> The troops of the government of the Democratic Republic of
> Congo have started an offensive along the river Ubangi in the
> Équateur province against the armed Congolese rebellion [still
> continuing foreign invasion], eyewitnesses told the AFP on
> Thursday. With this offensive, the Congolese Armed Forces (FAC)
> have retaken all the territory between Buburu, opposite the
> city of Impfondo (in Congo-Brazzaville) and Imesse, a place
> close to Libenge, which is situated opposite Mongoumba (80 km
> south of Bangui), they have stated.
> These eyewitnesses, who travelled on a Central-African ship
> transporting fuel to Kinshasa, stated on their arrival in
> Bangui that the Congolese troops were using small craft and
> outboarder boats equippped with mortars and heavy machine guns,
> supported by tanks and aircraft.
> They also said that the FAC in the beginning of this week had
> bombarded (or shelled) Batanga, close to the city of Libange,
> before reinforcing their positions around that city. Faced with
> this "armada" of loyalist [Congolese] forces, the rebels [ag-
> gressor muppets] of Jean-Pierre Bemba's Mouvement de libération
> du Congo (MLC) have retreated to some kilometers from Libenge,
> which they had been controlling, the ship's passengers added.
> Last Tuesday, as may be recalled, a Central-African officer who
> wished to remain anonymous stated to the AFP that the MLC were
> reinforcing their positions at Libenge with elements from Ge-
> mena and from Basangusu (in Équateur province). Since the re-
> sumption of fighting in this region at the end of July, some
> 6,000 Congolese have crossed the Ubangi in order to take refuge
> at Zinga and Mongumba, in Central Africa, according to the High
> Commissoriat for Refugees (HCR) in Bangui.
> acp/fj/cls
> 5) From AFP respectively AP, 05.08.00:
> Kigali, 5 August (AFP)
> An offensive by Kinshasa threatens once more the Lusaka accord
> A resurgence of fighting between forces of the government
> [Congolese forces] and rebels [aggressor and muppet troops] in
> the Équateur province (in the north-east of the DR Congo), said
> to be caused by an offensive by Kinshasa, threatens again the
> implementation of the ceasefire accord reached hardly a year
> ago at Lusaka.
> .....
> Kinshasa has recently admitted [! "reconnu"!] it has retaken
> the city of Imesse (700 km north of Kinshasa) from the forces
> of the MCL, and advanced [? - unclear] to 900 north of Kinshasa,
> in violation of the Lusaka accord which stipulates a freezing
> of positions [it stipluated, above all, a withdrawal of all
> foreign "non-invited" troops, which as all know has not taken
> place at all].
> ...[Mentions the Congolese counter-offensive along the Ubangi,
> see 3) above]...
> The leader of the MLC [aggressor muppets] Bemba denies having
> lost these positions. He states to the AFP that 45 soldiers of
> the FAC were killed in combats involving aircraft, infantry and
> artillery from Thursday to Friday in the Libenge region.
> On 26 July, the DRC government itself denounced "many cases of
> violations of the cease-fire accord" of Lusaka by Ugandan
> troops in the Équateur province. The Minister of Defence said
> there were Ugandan troop movements in the direction of Libange
> in order "not only to stay there but also to attack the FAC".
> .......
> Kigali, 5 August (AP)
> Heavy fighting in the north of Congo-Kinshasa
> Heavy fighting was raging Saturday in the north of Congo-Kin-
> shasa, with the rebels [invader muppets] saying they had killed
> 45 government [Congolese] troops and stopped the attempt by
> forces of Laurent-Désiré Kabila [Congolese forces] to retake
> areas conquered by the rebellion [the aggressors]. Le Movement
> de liberation [" "] du Congo (supported by Uganda) declared
> that it had stabilised the front line south of Libenge, some
> 900 km north-east of Kinshasa, where the forces of Kabila [the
> DRC] has been bombarding the rebel [muppet] positions along the
> river Ubangi since Tuesday, with heavy weapons, from the river
> and from the air.
> According to spokesman Olivier Kamitatu, the Zimbawean soldiers
> based at Mbandaka, a harbour on the river Congo, have supported
> the pro-Kabila coalition [the one in defence of the RD Congo],
> bombarding the rebels [aggressor muppets] with Russian-made
> Sukhoi-25s and Antonovs.
> These informations could not be confirmed by independent sour-
> ces; Kinshasa on its part accues the rebellion [aggressors] of
> having started an offensive.
> Weeks of fighting have caused tens of thouseands of people to
> take refuge in Congo-Brazzaville and in the Central African Re-
> public, according to the HCR. The war has been resumed in ear-
> nest in Congo-Kinshasa and the Lusaka accord signed in August
> 1999, never respected, was denounced by President Kabila this
> week.
> 6) From Washington File, 04.08 [forwarded to congokin_opinions]
> News from Washington
> Rwanda is stable and has solid growth
> .......
> On 31 July ...[an assessment of Rwanda's situation by the IMF]
> ......
> This assessment being concluded, some $12.5 million can now
> be released [as additional loan to] Rwanda....
> .......
> 7) To mailing list congokin_opinions from Jacques Mangalaboyi
>    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Comment on the above loan],
>    05.08:
> This sum approximately corresponds to the cost of 10,000 sol-
> diers during one year.
> JmY
> [Loans and other assistance the DR Congo, on the contrary, pre-
> cisely are being blocked, by the US etc governments, who in
> this and other ways have made their support for the ongoing
> aggression against that country quite clear. In the end, they
> will fail anyway.]
> ______________________________________________________________
> "NEWS ON CONGO" postings bring statements by the Congo National
> Association in Sweden and the DR Congo Committee in Sweden and
> also reproduce information and analysis from other sources.
> [This endnote is being updated continually, in order to show
> readers where at the time they can best get information. Last
> update of this note: 09.07.2000.]
> Some websites with information in English and/or in French on
> the DR Congo:
> Official site of the DR Congo: <>
> (Has been impossible to reach lately; it may be down)
> Site of the DR Congo's Permanent Mission at the UN:
> <>
> (With much information, i.a. continually updated news in French
> and English)
> Great Lakes Press: <>
> Congolese League for Peace (abbr. LICOPA):
> <>
> Congo 2000: <>
> Two Belgium-based sites support the struggle of the DR Congo:
> <> and <>.
> Two other Belgium-based sites: ATMA <> and Congon-
> line <> (the last only for subscribers).
> An English-language website managed by Richard Alcorn, USA, with
> i.a. much material from August 1998 on from us supporters of the
> DR Congo in Sweden: <>
> Africanews: <>
> NCN: <>
> (Managed by Ed Marek, formerly of the US Air Force. Often ap-
> parently well-informed and, of late, containing considerable
> criticism of the official US position on the aggression. Its
> informations should be treated with great caution anyway, ex-
> perience shows.)
> "Rebel" aggressor puppets, a site based in South Africa:
> <>
> Two discussions sites of interest:
> <>
> (Belgium-based. E-group discussions are in French and English.
> For participation, contact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or <congokin_
> <>
> Some contact addresses:
> Congo National Association
> Box 5343 SE - 102 45
> Stockholm
> Sweden
> Tel:        +46 - 8 - 471 96 26 (chairman)
>             +46 - 8 - 84 57 18  (facility)
> Fax:        +46 - 8 - 751 26 06
> DR Congo Committee (Chairman: Bony Ndjov-a-Shamalo)
> Box 17513
> SE - 200 10 Malmoe
> Sweden
> Tel:       +46 - 40 - 12 48 32
> E-mail:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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