Macdonald Stainsby a écrit :

> P.O. Box 5464
> TACOMA, WA 98415-0464
> Voice Mail: (253) 593-9631
>   THE LAST BATTLE; By Leonard Peltier
>   As I stood in silence looking through the broken window of the wooded
> shack in which was once my home, I could see the misty morning dew
> as it laid in rest, not yet awaken by the coming of the Father Sun. Then
> suddenly there came a formilizing sound that carried me back to my
> early childhood. I heard the sound of someone crying. But after a few
> moments I was only that of the wailing wind, weeping out as
> if in great pain. Then as suddenly as it came it departed. Once again the
> cold sound of silence fell upon me ...with it came back so many
> memories. It was at that moment that I decided to vist the beautiful
> Mother Earth, to seekout her comfort and love from this haunting feeling
> of emptiness.
>   As I walked through the heart of this ancient reservation the gentle mist
> seemed to reach out and cling to me like some violent spirit  without
> form. As I  continued to walk I came across several hidden trails of
> nature, but all looked to belong abandoned...leaving only the ugly for
> memories, as if a reminder of that that once was.
>   Then there sitting upon a river bank, I could see an old Indian man, with
> long silver shining hair, bound tightly in braids that reached the length of
> his hips, aimlessly tossing pebbles to the muddywater...water that had
> long changed its colors from the White Man's, turtles, and
> even the playful many of life's water creatures, once
> depended upon for the survival of my people...laid lifeless with decay
> upon the river's banks.
>   As I turned to the old man, I couldn't help but wonder who he was, for
> over the years I had come to know all the  Elders of our Nation.And then
> as if my thoughts were spoken, he rose up to look into my eyes. As if
> he had known I would come and had been waiting. As he stood
> there...from the morning light I could see tears forming in his lifeless
> eyes, and as I looked a little closer I could see that they were the
> sacred tears of blood, cried through generations of sorrow by our people.
>   Then softly I heard him son, I am a very old man of great age,
> sorrow, pain in many  visions, but most important of all I am the original
> seed of life, handed down to our people  by the Great Spirit.
>  I am the voice...of a thousand battles, who speaks with the wisdom and
> direction from years of counseling with traditional Chiefs and our Elders.
>   I am the voice...for a Nation that seeks the beauty of freedom...freedom
> through  whatever means possible, from the rusty chains of bondage,
> that has long imprisoned our people and those of all Indian Nations.
>   I am the voice...for the people that have struggled and cried for
> hundreds of years, the bitter tears of blood, through death, starvation,
> racialism and suffering under the vice of the White Man's greed.
>   I am the voice...for the people who demand that the White Man stop
> destorying mankind, stop abusing our beautiful Mother Earth  through
> the use of nuclear arms and explosives.
>   I am the you my people of the great strength andpride, for we
> can no longer survive off the White Man's pity. We must strike back and
> fight...if we are to prevent the total annihilation of ourpeople, and all
> nations.
>   I am the voice...that will carry with great love and pride your prayers
> and cries to the Great Spirit for forgiveness for the violent crimes being
> forced upon you the people to commit, in order to survive...with the
> honor and pride that so many of our people have died for through
> generations of battle.
>   Then suddenly as if Mother Eath had vailed him with her ravishing
> beauty...he vanished, leaving only a handful of pebbles, as if a reminder
> of the very ground at which he once roamed at some time or another.
>   As I continued upon my journey across the reservation a smile crept
> upon my face, as I thought about the old Indian man ...raving on like
> some madman about the destrution of Mother Earth.
>   I found no such destruction. As I shrugged my shoulders in doubt...for I
> thought perhaps it was just hallucinating? With this thought in mind I
> began to look around me, searching for life, amd more and more I
> noticed several of the Great Spirit's creatures laying about motionless,
> others staggering from deformity, quivering from pain under the slumber
> of death.
>   Grievously sad and bewildered, I began to wonder what could have
> possibly inflicted such a widespread destruction  upon my four-legged
> brothers...why?? And where are my beloved sisters the  dear and the
> antelope  that once grazed in multitudes and roamed freely across the
> vast plains?
>   As I continued to gaze about I began treambling vigorously...then I as if
> in desperation, my eyes turned to the sky, searching for the beautiful
> winged ones  that once flew with enormous speed and grace...but they
> too could not be found...for they also layed crippled, infected or
> motionless under the summer heat of our now barren Mother Earth.
>   With extreme hate and vengeance, I looked once more upon this
> horrifying sight...that had once been the beautiful Mother Earth, so
> abounded with life and enormous beauty. While looking upon this
> monstrous destruction created by the White Man's greed...I began to
> smell the repelling odor of human flesh burning, so foul a scent that my
> eyes began to burn, as my heart beat uncontrollably...violently fighting
> to be free from all this death and destruction.
>   As the odor of death filled my lungs I started to run. As I approached
> my village it appeared  to be deserted, for I found only the mute sound
> of silence. I could not hear the barking of dogs that never failed to watch
> over our village, there came no sound of laughter from the children that
> never failed to play under the warm Father Sun, or of their mothers that
> would call out to them, I found only that of a dreadful silence...a cold
> chill began to ran through me as the mighty fear of loneiness  clinched
> me within its powerful hands.
>    Overpowered by panic...I forced myself to ran to the very first Indian
> house  that was near. After entering a few feet I froze...for there before
> me were the mulilated bodies of my people, men, women, and children
> layed on the floor, masked by the face of an agonizing death. As if
> shackled to the very pit of pain, I  began to scream as tears rolled down
> my cheeks. And when I came upon the last house in my village, I found
> the same as the first, twisted bodies deformed beyond recognition.
>     Lost and alone, I walked as if in a trance to the center of the village.
> Then I  heard a terrifying explosion that deafened my ears and rapidly
> vibated my entire body. As I looked up into the sky I saw a flash of light,
> so bright it became blinding to my naked eyes...with extreme pain I
> continued to watch as an enormous mushroom formed.
>   Not able to look any longer I turned my eyes upon the ground, and
> cast from my shadow came the mirrored reflection of the old Indian...
> weeping and wailing bitter tears of sorrow over our people.
>   Blistered and weak I fell to my knees...and there upon the ground was
> a pool of blood...the old man's weeping tears.
> Whereas: Leonard Peltier was originally convicted of aiding and abetting
> murder of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Reservation,
> but formerly withheld documents supporting Peltier's innocence later
> forced the prosecution to admit that they could not prove who actually
> killed the agents, and despite this lack of evidence, Peltier has remained
> in prison for 24 years, and
> Whereas: The trial of Leonard's co-defendants resulted in a not guilty
> verdict based upon the right of self-defense, and
> Whereas: There is disturbing evidence of FBI misconduct in this case,
> that falsified affidavits were used to extradite Peltier from Canada, that
> ballistics tests were falsified and young witnesses were intimidated, that
> even the U.S. Attorney has admitted no one knows who pulled the
> trigger that killed the two FBI agents, and
> Whereas: The case of Leonard Peltier came about because of a long
> conflict on the Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Reservation that resulted in the
> suffering of many people, and
> Whereas: Peltier, a Native American activist, has been a model prisoner
> for over 24 years, with no record of violence and has contributed to many
> humanitarian efforts from prison, and that the seriousness of his
> deteriorating health could result in stroke, heart disease and kidney
> failure if not properly treated soon, and that his Parole Board recently
> denied his request for parole and his next hearing is not scheduled until
> the year 2008,
> Therefore be it Resolved. That the NORTHWEST LEONARD PELTIER
> SUPPORT NETWORK is organizing a campaign for the Fall of 2000 to
> encourage President, William Jefferson Clinton to grant Leonard Peltier
> Executive Clemency in the spirit of reconciliation. Please call the White
> House Comments Line (202) 456-1111. We ask all people to join with us
> in this campaign.
> MARCH AND RALLY: March starting point, noon, First and Yesler
> (Chief Sealth Statue), Rally Steinbreuck Park.
> CLEMENCY MARCH AND RALLY: march starting point, noon,
> Sylvester Park (Legion Way & Capital Blvd).
> (Blaine, WA), march starting point, noon, Blaine Park (corner of Blaine
> & Alder), rally at Peace Arch Park. Donations are greatly needed,
> please send them to: NWLPSN--Olympia Office, P.O. Box 4398,
> Tumwater, WA 98501.
> Signed
> Susan Morales, NWLPSN Co-Coordinator
> Robert Free, NWLPSN, Co-Coordinator
> Arthur J. Miller, NWLPSN, Co-Coordinator
> Steve Hapy, Jr, NWLPSN, Security Coordinator
> Carol Reed, NWLPSN Secretary-Treasurer
> NWLPSN  Advisors And Organizers
> Harold Belmont
> Peter Bohmer
> Tiokasin Veaux
> Tyree Scott
> Juan Jose Bocanegra
> John Parsak
> K.L. Shannon
> Jim Page
> Jim McMahan
> Dylan Magon Floyd-Miller
> Tim McHugh
> _______
> Macdonald Stainsby.
> Rad-Green List: Radical anti- capitalist environmental discussion.
> ----------

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