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August 15, 2000

Enclosed are two UPDATES to the subject TiM Bulletin about the NATO takeover of a Kosovo mine, and Hashim Thaci's sighting at the Democratic convention in Los Angeles.


There is also an update to an earlier TiM Bulletin - about "FBI International" - use of Carnivore in Australia:


You can also read them at our Web site (http://www.truthinmedia.org) by clicking on the animated (green) THE NEWSbutton, or by clicking on the TiM Bulletins Index button, to go to selections of our reports by your geographic area of interest (Balkans in this case).


9. Thugs of the World Unite, Part III: Thaci Attends Democratic Party Convention, Kisses Albright - update Aug. 15, 2000

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14 - Hashim Thaci, the Kosovo Albanian terrorist-in-chief and (thus) Madeleine Albright’s good pal, attended a gala luncheon on Monday (Aug. 14) at the Democratic Party convention in Los Angeles.  A TiM source who was also there said that when Albright and Bill Clinton showed up, “before they spoke, Thaci went up to Albright, had a brief talk, and then they kissed twice on the cheeks.”

Thaci’s star rose at the Rambouillet talks in February 1999 where he got chummy with Albright, and at the age of 29, became the top Kosovo Albanian negotiator.  By that stage, this unsavory character had been already wanted for murder of a policeman in Kosovo, among his other crimes (see "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?").

Also see “Thugs of the World Unite, Part II - S99-117, "Peace" 11 - Special TiM GW Bulletins (July 1, 1999), and "Thugs of the World Unite!" (Part I) - TiM GW Bulletin 98/6-7 (6/26/98).

1. British-led NATO Troops Seize Serb Mine in Kosovo - update Aug. 15, 2000

PHOENIX, Aug. 15 - Here’s an update based on a Reuters’ report about the NATO takeover of the Serb mine in Zvecan:

"We had to act in order to ensure the safety of the population," said Bernard Kouchner, according to an Aug. 14 Reuters report.  Kouchner is a French leftist politician who has run Kosovo as a de facto protectorate since mid-1999.

Mr. Kouchner said a French, American and Swedish consortium would develop a $16 million renovation plan for the vast and dilapidated Trepca complex, ensuring lead smelting could restart.  But Mr. Kouchner's chief economic adviser, Bernard Salome, said it could take three years before significant output appeared.

Some 1,800 Serb jobs are at stake.  Kouchner assured the Serb workers that they would keep their jobs even while the smelter was shut for repairs, with their salaries guaranteed.  But the Serbs are naturally skeptical about that, given Kouchner’s proven Serbophobia and a myriad of broken promises during the first year of NATO’s occupation of Kosovo, when some 250,000 Serbs were driven from the province.

9. FBI Goes International: Australia Also to Use "Carnivore" - update Aug. 15, 2000

SYDNEY, Aug. 6 - Australian spies could soon monitor people's e-mail using technology developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the London Telegraph reported in its Sunday, Aug. 6 edition.

In a recent visit to Australia, FBI agents instructed local intelligence agencies on how to use the "Carnivore" monitoring system.  Australia already has laws allowing one of its intelligence organizations to monitor all communications by an individual under one warrant.
TiM Ed.: And so, FBI goes international.  Nor is this the first time.  The controversial Echelon spying system, which is shared by five Anglo-Saxon countries, also includes Australia.
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