Herman de Tollenaere a écrit :

> Someone connected to export from the United States told about a charity
> shipment of grain to starving Africans.  The shipper was worried about it.
> The grain was so infested with bugs that it seemed to
> move on its own.  It was infested with rat droppings as well.
> This grain is worth $11 million dollars; someone at the business concerned
> first tried to talk our source
> into telling the shipper there was nothing wrong with it.  Our source said
> this man
> told:  "Its only going to dying niggers in a Third World Country, anyway."
> When she told him that she was going to tell the truth about the grain, he
> threatened her.
> It is upsetting that people who are dying are going to receive this swill,
> maybe
> as their last food.  It is bad enough people have to die of starvation, but
> to have to eat this before they die?
> Someone might react to this: "Should not the leaders of the Democrat and
> Republican parties in the United States first sort out problems of racism,
> health hazards, and lack of free speech [guaranteed by the US Constitution]
> outside their parties' convention halls in Philadelphia and Los Angeles;
> before pretending to solve the problems of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Colombia, and
> who knows what countries next, by bombs?"
> Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Herman de Tollenaere
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:
> http://homes.dsl.nl/~hermantl/
> See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:
> http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/simpoeng.htm
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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