De: Infinite Communist Revolution !!! [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

>By Gregory Elich
>Quietly, NATO is laying plans for a new military strike against Yugoslavia.
>On August 13 through 15, CIA Director George Tenet visited Bulgaria. In a
>series of extraordinary meetings, Tenet met with Bulgarian President Petur
>Stoyanov, as well as the Prime Minister, Interior Minister and Defense
>Minister. Officially, the purpose of Tenet's visit was to discuss the
>problem of organized crime and narcotics. However, Tenet spent a combined
>total of only 20 minutes at the headquarters of the National Security
>Service and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime. Unnamed
>diplomatic sources revealed that the proposed oil transit pipeline from the
>Caspian Sea was also topic of discussion.
>The driving motivation for Tenet's visit, though, was to discuss
>Yugoslavia. According to an unnamed diplomatic source, Montenegrin
>secession from Yugoslavia topped the agenda. Following the meeting between
>Tenet and Major General Dimo Gyaurov, Director of the National Intelligence
>Service, a public statement was issued which stressed their "commonality of
>interests." Reports in the Bulgarian press revealed that various options
>were discussed with Bulgaria's president and prime minister. Tenet's
>preferred option is the removal of the Yugoslav government, either as a
>result of that country's election on September 24, or by a NATO military
>assault that would install a puppet government. Another scenario would
>follow the secession of Montenegro from Yugoslavia. If open warfare breaks
>out over Montenegro's secession, then the United States plans to wage a
>full-scale war against Yugoslavia, as it did in spring 1999. Sofia's
>Monitor reported that the "CIA coup machine" is forming. "A strike against
>Belgrade is imminent," it adds, and "Bulgaria will serve as a base." (1)
>The Italian army recently signed a lease contract to conduct training
>exercises beginning in October at the Koren training ground, near Kaskovo
>in southeast Bulgaria. The French army signed a similar agreement, in which
>French soldiers and tanks will train at the Novo Selo grounds in central
>Bulgaria from October 11 to December 12. Talks are also underway for the
>U.S. military to lease the Shabla training grounds in northeastern
>Bulgaria. Scheduled to take place following the election in Yugoslavia, the
>training exercises could serve as a launching pad for NATO's planned
>military strike. It was recently announced that the British aircraft
>carrier HMS Invincible is to be redeployed to the Adriatic over the next
>few months in support of a potential conflict over Montenegro (2)
>Military force is only one component of the West's destabilization campaign
>against Yugoslavia. In November 1998, President Clinton launched a plan for
>the overthrow of the government of Yugoslavia. The initial emphasis of the
>plan centered on supporting secessionist forces in Montenegro and the
>right-wing opposition in Serbia. (3) Several months later, during the
>bombing of Yugoslavia, Clinton signed a secret paper instructing the CIA to
>topple the Yugoslav government. The plan called for the CIA to secretly
>fund opposition groups and the recruitment of moles in the Yugoslav
>government and military. (4) On July 8, 1999, U.S. and British officials
>revealed that commando teams were training snatch operations to seize
>alleged war criminals and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. As an
>encouragement to mercenaries, the U.S. State Department also announced a $5
>million bounty for President Milosevic. (5)
>Several Yugoslav government officials and prominent individuals, including
>Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic, have been gunned down. Most of these
>crimes remain unsolved, as the assassins managed to escape. Police
>apprehended one assassin, Milivoje Gutovic, after he shot Vojvodina
>Executive Council President Bosko Perosevic at an agricultural fair in Novi
>Sad. During interrogations, Gutovic admitted to police that he worked for
>the right-wing Serbian Renewal Movement. (6)
>Goran Zugic, security advisor to secessionist Montenegrin President Milo
>Djukanovic, was murdered late on May 31, 2000. The assassin escaped,
>allowing Western leaders to blame President Milosevic. Coming just one week
>before crucial local elections in Montenegro, forces opposing President
>Milosevic stood to gain from the murder, as the effect would tend to sway
>undecided voters in favor of secessionist parties. A few days after the
>assassination, Yugoslav Minister of Information Goran Matic held a press
>conference, at which he accused the CIA of complicity in the murder. Matic
>played a taped recording of two telephone conversations between head of the
>US mission in Dubrovnik Sean Burns, US State Department official James
>Swaggert, Gabriel Escobar of the US economic group in Montenegro and Paul
>Davies of the US Agency for International Development. Excerpts of the
>conversations, recorded 20 minutes after the assassination and again three
>hours later, included comments such as, "It was professional," and "Mission
>accomplished." (7)
>The first publicly known Western plan to assassinate President Milosevic
>was drafted in 1992. Richard Tomlinson, a former British MI6 employee,
>later disclosed the plan. His task as an MI6 agent was to carry out
>undercover operations in Eastern Europe posing as a businessman or
>journalist. Tomlinson frequently met with MI6 officer Nick Fishwick. During
>one their meetings, Fishwick showed Tomlinson a document entitled, "The
>Need to Assassinate President Milosevic of Serbia." Three methods were
>proposed for the assassination of Milosevic. The first method, Tomlinson
>recalled, "was to train and equip a Serbian paramilitary opposition group,"
>which would have the advantage of deniability but an unpredictable chance
>of success. The second method would employ a specially trained British SAS
>squad to murder President Milosevic "either with a bomb or sniper ambush."
>Fishwick considered this more reliable, but it lacked deniability. The
>third method would be to kill Milosevic "in a staged car crash." (8) Seven
>years later, on October 3, 1999, the third method was employed against the
>leader of the Serbian Renewal Movement, Vuk Draskovic, when a truck filled
>with sand plowed into his car, killing everyone inside except for
>Draskovic. The temperamental Draskovic had been a major factor in the
>chronic fragmentation of the right-wing opposition, frustrating
>Washington's efforts to forge a unified opposition. (9)
>During NATO's war against Yugoslavia, a missile struck President
>Milosevic's home on April 22, 1999. He and his wife were staying elsewhere
>that evening. Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon was quick to announce that "we
>are not targeting President Milosevic." It is impossible, though, to view a
>missile striking Milosevic's bedroom at 3:10 AM as anything but an
>assassination attempt. (10)
>In November 1999, members of an assassination squad, code-named "Spider,"
>were arrested in Yugoslavia. According to Minister Goran Matic, "French
>intelligence was behind" the Spider group, whose aim was the assassination
>of President Milosevic. Planned scenarios included a sniper attack,
>planting an explosive device alongside a route they expected Milosevic to
>travel, planting an explosive in his car, and organizing 10 trained
>commandos to storm the presidential residence. The leader of the group,
>Jugoslav Petrusic, had dual Yugoslav and French citizenship. Matic claimed
>that Petrusic worked for French intelligence for ten years. During
>interrogations, Petrusic said that he had killed 50 men on orders by French
>intelligence. Matic announced that one of the members of Spider was a
>"specialist for killings with a truck full of sand" - the same method used
>against Draskovic the previous month.
>Following the Bosnian war, Petrusic organized the transport of 180 Bosnian
>Serb mercenaries to fight for Mobutu Sese Seku in Zaire, an affair that was
>managed by French intelligence. According to a Bosnian Serb businessman,
>Petrusic "did not hide the fact that he was working for the French
>intelligence service. I have personally seen a photo of him next to
>Mitterand as his bodyguard." In younger days, Petrusic was a member of the
>French Foreign Legion. During NATO's war against Yugoslavia, the Spider
>group infiltrated the Yugoslav Army, supplying information to the French
>and guiding NATO warplanes to their targets.
>Yugoslav secret service sources revealed that the Spider group trained at
>NATO bases in Bosnia where "buildings resembling those where Milosevic
>lives were constructed." Money from the French intelligence service for
>Spider was brought to the border between Hungary and Yugoslavia by a man
>named Serge Lazarevic. (11)
>One month later, the members of a second hit team, calling itself the
>Serbian Liberation Army, was arrested. Their aim was to assassinate
>President Milosevic and restore the monarchy. (12)
>At the end of July 2000, a squad of four Dutch commandos was apprehended
>while attempting to cross into Serbia from Montenegro. During the
>investigation, they admitted that they intended to kill or kidnap President
>Milosevic. The four said that they were informed that $30 million had been
>offered for "Milosevic's head," and that they intended to "claim a reward."
>One of the men said that the group planned to abduct Milosevic or former
>Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic and "surrender them to The Hague."
>The group planned to put them atop a car "in a ski box and transport
>them.out of the country." If the abduction failed, one of the men "had the
>idea to kill the president, to decapitate his head, to put it in the box
>and to send it home" to the Netherlands.
>One of the arrested men, Gotfrides de Ri, belonged to the openly racist
>neo-nazi Center Party. During the wars in Croatia and Bosnia, the Center
>Party sent Dutch mercenaries to fight in right-wing Croatian paramilitary
>units. At the time of their arrest, the four were found with several
>knives, including one with a swastika, and wires with hooks for
>strangulation. All four admitted that they had trained under the British
>SAS. At a news conference on August 1, Goran Matic accused the U.S of being
>the prime sponsor of assassinations and attempted assassinations. "It is
>obvious that they are recruiting various terrorist groups because they are
>frustrated with the fact that their military, political and economic goals
>in southeastern Europe have not been realized. [They are] trying to send
>them into the country so that they can change our political and social
>environment." (13) Jonathan Eyal, an advisor to the British government,
>commented recently, "I can't say when it will happen, but I can guarantee
>that Milosevic will end up dead, and he will be followed by a more
>pro-Western government." (14)
>Flagrant Western interference is distorting the political process in
>Yugoslavia. U.S. and Western European funds are channelled to right-wing
>opposition parties and media through such organizations as the National
>Endowment for Democracy and George Soros' Open Society Institute. The
>National Democratic Institute (NDI) is yet another of the myriad
>semi-private organizations that have attached themselves like leeches on
>Eastern Europe. The NDI opened an office in Belgrade in 1997, hoping to
>capitalize on opposition attempts to bring down the government through
>street demonstrations. By 1999, the NDI had already trained over 900
>right-wing party leaders and activists on "message development, public
>outreach and election strategy." NDI also claimed to have provided
>"organizational training and coalition-building expertise" to the
>opposition. (15)
>The New Serbia Forum, funded by the British Foreign Office, brings Serbian
>professionals and academics to Hungary on a regular basis for discussions
>with British and Central European "experts." The aim of the meetings is to
>"design a blueprint for post-Milosevic society." The Forum develops reports
>intended to serve as "an action plan" for a future pro-Western government.
>Subjects under discussion have included privatization and economic
>stabilization. The Forum calls for the "reintegration of Yugoslavia into
>the European family," a phrase that translates into the dismantling of the
>socialist economy and inviting Western corporations to swarm in. (16)
>Western aims were clearly spelled out in the Stability Pact for
>Southeastern Europe of June 10, 1999. This document called for "creating
>vibrant market economies" in the Balkans, and "markets open to greatly
>expanded foreign trade and private sector investment." One year later, the
>White House issued a fact sheet detailing the "major achievements" of the
>Pact. Among the achievements listed, the European Bank for Reconstruction
>and Development (EBRD) and the International Finance Corporations are said
>to be "mobilizing private investment." By 2002, "new private investment in
>the region" is expected to reach nearly $2 billion. The Pact's Business
>Advisory Council "is visiting all of the countries of Southeast Europe" to
>"offer advice" on investment issues. Another initiative is Hungarian
>involvement with opposition-led local governments and opposition media in
>The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), on July 26, 2000,
>inaugurated an investment fund to be managed by Soros Private Funds
>Management. The Southeast Europe Equity Fund, "will invest in companies in
>the region in a range of sectors." Its purpose, according to the U.S.
>Embassy in Macedonia, is "to provide capital for new business development,
>expansion and privatization." In March 2000, Montenegro signed an agreement
>permitting the operation of OPIC on its territory. Billionaire George Soros
>spelled out what all this means. U.S. involvement in the region, he said,
>"creates investment opportunities," and "I am happy to put my money where
>they are putting theirs." In other words, there is money to be made. George
>Munoz, President and CEO of OPIC was also blunt. "The Southeast Europe
>Equity Fund," he announced, "is an ideal vehicle to connect American
>institutional capital with European entrepreneurs eager to help Americans
>tap their growing markets. OPIC is pleased that Soros Private Funds
>Management has chosen to send a strong, positive signal that Southeast
>Europe is open for business."
>The final text of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe suggested that a
>Yugoslavia that would "respect" the Pact's "principles and objectives"
>would be "welcome" to become a full member. "In order to draw the Federal
>Republic of Yugoslavia closer to this goal," the document declared,
>Montenegro would be an "early beneficiary." Western leaders hope that a
>future pro-Western Yugoslavia would, as has the rest of Eastern Europe, be
>1) "Bulgaria - Press Review" BTA (Sofia), August 12, 2000 "Bulgaria - Us
>CIA Director's Visit," BTA (Sofia), August 15, 2000 "CIA Did Not Tell Us
>the Most Important Thing," Trud (Sofia), August 16, 2000 "Bulgaria - Press
>Review," BTA (Sofia), August 14, 2000 "Bulgaria - Press Review," BTA
>(Sofia), August 16, 2000
>2) Mila Avramova, "Italians Lease Training Ground for 400,000 Leva," Trud
>(Sofia), August 9, 2000 Michael Evans, "Balkans Watch for 'Invincible',"
>The Times (London), August 26, 2000.
>3) Paul Beaver, "Clinton Tells CIA to Oust Milosevic," The Observer,
>November 29, 2000. Fran Visnar, "Clinton and the CIA Have Created a
>Scenario to Overthrow Milosevic,"  Vijesnik (Zagreb), November 30, 2000.
>4) Douglas Waller, "Tearing Down Milosevic," Time Magazine, July 12, 1999.
>5) Michael Moran, "A Threat to 'Snatch' Milosevic," MSNBC, July 8, 1999.
>6) "Yugoslav Police Say Killer of Local Leader Worked for Opposition,"
>Agence France-Presse,
>May 15, 2000.
>"Arrested Assassin Gutovic Member of Otpor and SPO," Tanjug (Belgrade), May
>15, 2000.
>7) "Yugoslav Official Accuses CIA of Being Behind Montenegro Murder,"
>Agence France-Presse, June 6, 2000. Aleksandar Vasovic, "Serb Aide Says CIA
>Behind Slaying," Associated Press, June 6, 2000 "Yugoslav Information
>Minister Accuses CIA of Complicity in Zugic Murder," Borba (Belgrade), June
>6, 2000
>8) Statement by Richard Tomlinson, addressed to John Wadham, September 11,
>9) "Serb Consensus: Draskovic Crash Was No Accident," Seattle Times News
>Services, October 13, 1999.
>10) "NATO: Milosevic Not Target," BBC News, April 22, 1999.
>11) "Serbs Allege Milosevic Assassination Plot," Reuters, November 25,
>1999. "France Plots to Murder Milosevic," Agence France-Presse, November
>26, 1999. "SFOR Units Involved in a Plot to Kill Milosevic," Agence
>France-Presse, December 1, 1999. Gordana Igric, "Alleged 'Assassins' Were
>No Stranger to France," IWPR Balkan Crisis Report (London), November 26,
>1999. Milenko Vasovic, "Belgrade's French Connection," IWPR Balkan Crisis
>Report (London), November 26, 1999.
>12) "Lt. Testifies at Milosevic Trial," Associated Press, April 26, 2000.
>13) Aleksandar Vasovic, "4 Accused of Milosevic Death Plot," Associated
>Press, July 31, 2000. "Dutchmen Arrested, Accused of Plotting Against
>Milosevic," Agence France-Presse, July 31, 2000. Email correspondence from
>Herman de Tollenaere, quoting from NRC- Business Paper of August 1, 2000.
>"Arrested Dutchmen Admitted Plans to Kill, Kidnap Milosevic," BETA
>(Belgrade), August 17, 2000. "Dutch Espionage Terrorist Gang Arrested in
>Yugoslavia - Minister," Tanjug (Belgrade), July 31, 2000. "Yugoslav
>Information Minister Says U.S. Behind Dutch 'Mercenaries'," BBC Monitoring
>Service, August 1, 2000.
>14) "West Sees Noose Tightening Around Milosevic," Reuters, June 9, 2000.
>15) "NDI Activities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
>(Serbia-Montenegro)," NDI Worldwide Activities,
>16) "Britain Trains New Elite for Post-Milosevic Era," The Independent, May
>3, 2000. The New Serbia Forum web page,



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