heikki =?iso-8859-1?Q?sipil=E4?= a écrit :

>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Rozoff)
>Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 07:44:21 -0500 (CDT)

>Sunday Times (UK)
>September 3 2000
>EU plans armed police force for world hot spots
>Stephen Grey
>A PARAMILITARY police force is being established by the European Union
>to intervene in conflict areas across the world to protect the
>community's political and economic interests.
>Brussels has drawn up plans for a 5,000-strong armed police capability
>able to carry out "preventative and repressive" actions in support of
>global peacekeeping missions. Critics say it is a deliberate challenge
>to the United Nations.
>The new body, which may be given the name European Security and
>Intelligence Force (Esif), would work alongside a 60,000-strong EU
>defence force that is also being set up.
>The security force - likened to France's gendarmerie or the Royal Ulster
>Constabulary and made up of policemen from Britain and other EU members
>- would be intended primarily for use in trouble spots such as Kosovo.
>Although it is not clear when recruitment to the force will begin, it is
>expected to be fully operational by 2003.
>Critics fear, however, that its units, armed with light machineguns and
>trained to operate alongside EU ground troops, may eventually be used to
>suppress disorder within member states. No restrictions on its sphere of
>operations have been placed in the regulations so far agreed by EU
>governments, and detailed "rules of engagement" have not yet been drawn
>"This is an appalling development," said Timothy Kirkhope, the former
>Home Office minister and now Conservative chief whip in the European
>parliament. "Al-though they say this police force would be used only in
>places like Kosovo, once the structure is in place there is an implied
>threat to deploy it anywhere, including on home soil."
>Tony Bunyon, the director of Statewatch, a civil liberties group which
>monitors the EU's security policy, said the creation of the force was
>part of a broader drive by the EU to enhance its powers: "The European
>Union is working hard to become a player alongside the United States in
>policing the world."
>It was of particular concern, Bunyan added, that details of the new
>structure would be kept secret, under regulations quietly agreed by EU
>governments during the summer that end the right of public access to
>information about both military and civilian crisis management.
>A Foreign Office spokesman said the need for an international policing
>ability had been revealed in Kosovo when British troops found themselves
>engaged in police work to "restore and maintain law and order".
>"There is no attempt at all to reduce the role of the United Nations,"
>he said. There was also "no question" of the force being used within the
>The new police units, like the EU's defence arm, will be under the
>control of a political and security committee, composed of ambassadors
>from each EU country.
>Effective operational command, however, will be in the hands of Javier
>Solana, the Spanish former secretary-general of Nato who is now
>secretary-general of the council of ministers.
>A spokesman for Solana said last week that the police units would be
>modelled on such paramilitary forces as Spain's guardia civil, the
>Italian carabinieri, and the French gendarmerie.
>There were already more than 3,000 policemen from EU countries deployed
>abroad, in the Balkans, Guatemala and East Timor, making the target of
>a modest one. The big change was to organise things collectively, the
>spokesman said.
>"We cannot tell where a crisis may occur and EU assistance is requested,
>so there is no geographic limitation being placed at all."
>Experts believe deploying a police force of 5,000 would require more
>than 15,000 men committed and trained for service with the EU.
>The impetus for the creation of the force has been the perception of
>Britain, France and Germany that the UN failed to act effectively in
>preventing bloodshed in the Balkans. But the present plan is
>considerably more ambitious, calling on the EU to intervene on the world
>stage either in co-operation with or instead of the UN.
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