"Infinite Communist Revolution !!!" a écrit :

> U.S. condemned for crime of erasing evidences of mass killings
>    Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the north headquarters of
> the Nationwide Special Committee
> for Probing the Truth Behind the GIs' Massacres released a statement on
> Saturday strongly denouncing the United
> States for removing evidences of mass killings.
>     In the early 1970s the U.S. forces in South Korea removed out with
> technical means empty cartridges, splinters
> and other evidences of mass killings in Rogun-ri committed by GIs during
> the last Korean War. This serious criminal
> deed was brought to light recently by testimonies of South Korean
> inhabitants and the technical survey of the scene and
> its surrounding areas conducted by the "investigation team for probing the
> truth behind massacres in Rogun-ri".
>     In this regard people at home and abroad strongly condemn it as a deed
> intended to bury into oblivion the case of
> mass killings forever, the statement said, and went on:
>     The United States has not yet uttered a word of apology to the families
> of the victims of the Rogun-ri case
> demanding apology and compensation, but attempted to wipe out the evidences
> of those massacres.
>     However, the monstrous crimes committed by the U.S. aggressors against
> the Korean nation during the Korean
> War can never be covered up.
>     The north headquarters of the nationwide special committee strongly
> demands that the U.S. not attempt to evade its
> responsibility for such crimes by erasing evidences but frankly admit them,
> punish their organizers and executors and
> make an apology and compensation to the Korean nation.
> TODAY'S NEWS (August.20.2000 Juche 89)
>    * Korean people's struggle for national reunification supported
>    * U.S. condemned for crime of erasing evidences of mass killings
>    * Abolition of S. Korean "SL" urged
>    * Congratulatory message to Sri Lankan Prime Minister
>    * Wreaths laid before grave of Kim Po Hyon
>    * Juche idea study center inaugurated abroad
>    * Cancellation of war exercise against DPRK urged
>    * Who is resorting to nuclear threat
>      For Spanish-speaking people
>    * dado a conocer plan de ejercicios militares conjuntos sudcorea-ee.uu.
>    * parte de pyongyang delegacion gubernamental de rpdc
>    * secretariado de crpp demanda liberacion de estudiantes patrioticos
> Korean people's struggle for national reunification supported
>    Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- Martin Lotscher, chairman of the Swiss
> Committee for Supporting Korea's
> Reunification, on a visit to the DPRK, was interviewed here by KCNA on Aug.
> 17.
>     Referring to his impressions of Korea, he said that what impressed him
> most in Korea was the reunion of
> separated families and relatives in the north and the south amid the deep
> interests and attention of all Koreans.
>     It is an epochal event that the visiting groups of separated families
> and relatives were exchanged in the north and
> the south at the same time as specified in an article of the north-south
> joint declaration, he said, and went on:
>     The reunion was possible because the Korean people have the great
> leader.
>     The great leader Kim Jong Il put forward the idea that love for and
> trust in the people is the core of the benevolent
> politics and has always pursued genuine politics for people.
>     The future of the Korean people who absolutely worship and follow Kim
> Jong Il is bright and rosy.
>     The mightiest means of the Korean people is single-hearted unity. The
> Korean people are now upholding his
> leadership, firmly united around him.
>     The Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification extends full
> support and firm solidarity to the Korean
> people in their dauntless struggle for socialist construction and national
> reunification even under the persistent threats of
> the imperialists.
> U.S. condemned for crime of erasing evidences of mass killings
>    Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the north headquarters of
> the Nationwide Special Committee
> for Probing the Truth Behind the GIs' Massacres released a statement on
> Saturday strongly denouncing the United
> States for removing evidences of mass killings.
>     In the early 1970s the U.S. forces in South Korea removed out with
> technical means empty cartridges, splinters
> and other evidences of mass killings in Rogun-ri committed by GIs during
> the last Korean War. This serious criminal
> deed was brought to light recently by testimonies of South Korean
> inhabitants and the technical survey of the scene and
> its surrounding areas conducted by the "investigation team for probing the
> truth behind massacres in Rogun-ri".
>     In this regard people at home and abroad strongly condemn it as a deed
> intended to bury into oblivion the case of
> mass killings forever, the statement said, and went on:
>     The United States has not yet uttered a word of apology to the families
> of the victims of the Rogun-ri case
> demanding apology and compensation, but attempted to wipe out the evidences
> of those massacres.
>     However, the monstrous crimes committed by the U.S. aggressors against
> the Korean nation during the Korean
> War can never be covered up.
>     The north headquarters of the nationwide special committee strongly
> demands that the U.S. not attempt to evade its
> responsibility for such crimes by erasing evidences but frankly admit them,
> punish their organizers and executors and
> make an apology and compensation to the Korean nation.
> Abolition of S. Korean "SL" urged
>     Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- The Amnesty International, an
> organization of human rights, in a statement on
> August 17 called for the release of all the prisoners of conscience in
> South Korea, according to Kyodo News.
>     The statement urged the South Korean authorities to revise or abolish
> the "Security Law".
>     Many political prisoners are still behind bars and the repressive "SL"
> invoked for their imprisonment has not yet
> been revised drastically, it said, demanding those facts and situation of
> those prisoners be disclosed.
> Congratulatory message to Sri Lankan Prime Minister
>     Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
> cabinet, sent a congratulatory message
> to Ratnasiri Wickremanayake on his appointment as Prime Minister of the
> Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
>     The message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative
> relations between the two countries would grow
> stronger and develop in the interests of the two peoples and sincerely
> wished the Prime Minister success in his
> responsible work for stability and prosperity of the country.
> Wreaths laid before grave of Kim Po Hyon
>    Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- Senior party and state officials and
> working people yesterday laid wreaths
> before the grave of Kim Po Hyon, grandfather of the President Kim Il Sung
> and an ardent patriot, in Mangyongdae on
> the occasion of his 129th birth anniversary.
>     Seen at the grave was a wreath sent by General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
>     Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Choe Yong Rim, Kim Jung Rin
> and others.
>     Laid before the grave were wreaths with bouquets in the name of the
> Central Committee of the Worker's Party of
> Korea, ministries, national institutions, educational and press organs,
> party and power bodies and farms in the city of
> Pyongyang.
>     The participants paid a silent tribute to Kim Po Hyon, recalling his
> noble life.
> Juche idea study center inaugurated abroad
>     Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- A center for the study of the Juche idea
> was inaugurated at Chingiskhan
> College of Mongolia on August 14.
>     Its purpose is to study the basic principles and contents of the Juche
> idea and the success and experience the
> Korean people have achieved by applying the idea and propagandize them to
> central Asian countries and Mongolia.
> Cancellation of war exercise against DPRK urged
>     Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- The spokesman of the Committee for the
> Peaceful Reunification of the
> Fatherland released a statement on August 19 as regards the projected
> U.S.-South Korea "Ulji-Focus Lens" war
> exercise. If the South Korean authorities truly want the improved
> north-south relations and peace on the Korean
> peninsula, they should take a step to cancel the large-scale joint military
> drill against the north as unanimously
> demanded by people at home and abroad, the statement said, and went on:
>     The planned military exercise is evidently betrayal to the north-south
> agreement and an open provocation against
> the north, partner of dialogue.
>     The CPRF strongly condemns such reckless military provocative moves of
> the U.S. and the South Korean
> authorities, in the name of the 70 million fellow countrymen and the
> peace-loving people of the world aspiring after
> peace and reunification of the Korean peninsula.
>     They should be clearly mindful that if they persistently stage the
> drill, disregarding the present north-south
> relations developing toward reconciliation, unity and reunification in
> conformity with the expectation of the whole
> nation it will turn back the present situation to that before the
> publication of the June 15 north-south joint declaration,
> bringing all contacts, dialogue, visits and cooperation between the north
> and the south to stagnation at a bound.
> Who is resorting to nuclear threat
>     Pyongyang, August 20 (KCNA) -- The United States is viciously scheming
> to make the fiction of the "DPRK's
> suspected development of nuclear weapons" a fait accompli in a bid to find
> a pretext for sanction and pressure upon the
> DPRK, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary.
>     The U.S. conservative hard-liners are peddling the fiction of "nuclear
> suspicion " and "depot of parts of nuclear
> warheads" to shift the responsibility for non-fulfillment of the DPRK-U.S.
> agreed framework on to the DPRK, the
> commentary says, and goes on:
>     Objects of "suspected development of nuclear weapons" loudmouthed by
> U.S. hard-liners are all military
> establishments and important economic facilities.
>     We have built many underground economic structures with a view to
> countering the U.S. continued military threat
> of aggression. We do not conceal this. It is a just measure for
> self-defence.
>     The United States has no qualification for talking about someone's
> "nuclear threat".
>     The United States has stockpiled and deployed many nuclear weapons in
> South Korea and around it.
>     We are always exposed to the U.S. nuclear threat. It is all the more
> because the United States has not implemented
> the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework. Worse still, the U.S. nuclear warmongers
> openly expressed their intention to use
> nuclear weapons under the pretext of the "threat" from the DPRK.
>     It is clearly specified in the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework that the
> United States shall not use nuclear weapons
> nor threaten the DPRK with them. The U.S. announcement about use of nuclear
> weapons is a frantic violation of this.
>     The nuclear threat is coming from the United States. The United States
> is the very one who is resorting to nuclear
> threat.
> For Spanish-speaking people
> dado a conocer plan de ejercicios militares conjuntos sudcorea-ee.uu.
>     pyongyang, 19 de agosto (atcc) -- segun cablegramas extranjeros, la
> "comandancia de las fuerzas combinadas
> surcoreano - norteamericanas publico el dia 17 el plan de librar del 21 del
> mes en curso al primero de septiembre el
> simulacro "ulji focus lens" bajo el rotulo de "mejorar la capacidad de
> operacion conjunta de los ejercitos en el caso de
> emergencia".
>     a las maniobras se incorporaran 13 mil efectivos norteamericanos en
> sudcorea, 3 mil 800 efectivos de reserva en el
> territorio norteamericano, la isala guam, japon, etc., y 56 mil efectivos
> surcoreanos.
> parte de pyongyang delegacion gubernamental de rpdc
>     pyongyang, 19 de agosto (atcc) -- partio hoy de esta capital por via
> aerea la delegacion gubernamental de la rpdc
> presidida por el embajador itinerario del ministerio de rr.ee. jong thae
> hwa a la decima ronda de conversaciones
> principales intergubernamentales rpdc-japon que se efectuara en el japon.
> secretariado de crpp demanda liberacion de estudiantes patrioticos
>     pyongyang, 19 de agosto (atcc) -- el secretariado del comite por la
> reunificacion pacifica de la patria publico el dia
> 17 la informacion no. 808 denunciando a las autoridades policiacas de la
> ciudad de seul que recientemente arrestaron al
> presidente del consejo general de estudiantes de la universidad tanguk y
> otros cuadros de consejo de estudiantes en
> virtud de la "ley de seguridad".
>     segun informacion, las autoridades policiacas de seul perpetraron tal
> represion pretextando que el presidente del
> consejo general de estudiantes de la universidad tanguk, el presidente de
> la sociedad de estudiantes de la facultad de
> ingenieria y otros cuadros del consejo de estudiantes, durante las
> elecciones de cuadros de consejo de estudiantes del
> ano pasado "distribuyeron la coleccion de datos que embellecen norcorea" y
> luego de ser electos actuaron como
> miembros de la "federacion de los consejos generales de estudiantes
> universitarios de sudcorea" y "elogiaron" la rpdc.
>     la informacion senala:
>     cuando se da sentir como nunca tendencia a la reconciliacion, unidad y
> reunificacion entre el norte y el sur, las
> autoridades policiacas de sudcorea arrestan y reprimen a los estudiantes
> patrioticos en virtud de la "ley de seguridad"
> que define la rpdc como "organizacion anti-estatal" pretextando las cosas
> del ano pasado. esta es una traicion a la
> ejecucion de la historica declaracion conjunta norte-sur de corea.
>     el objetivo de la represion en cuestion es bloquear la opinion publica
> inclinada a norcorea, fomentar el
> enfrentamiento con norcorea y dar freno a la ejecucion de la declaracion
> conjunta norte-sur hoy que distintos sectores
> de la poblacion surcoreana llegan a conocer mejor la realidad de norcorea
> por los frecuentes contactos y viajes entre
> ambas partes.
>     si las autoridades surcoreanas se proponen ejecutar con lealtad dicha
> declaracion deben abolir la infame "ley de
> seguridad" opuesta a la reunificacion, correspondiendo a la demanda de la
> nueva epoca y poner inmediatamente en
> libertad a todos los jovenes estudiantes arrestados injustamente.
> _______________________________________
> P.O. Box 66
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> Unconverted long-term prisoners, men of strong faith and will, to come to
>     Pyongyang, August 25 (KCNA) -- Unconverted long-term prisoners in South
> Korea are due to come into the care
> of the DPRK soon in accordance with the historic north-south joint
> declaration.
>     The unconverted long-term prisoners have waged courageous struggles,
> devoting their youth and happiness to the
> sacred cause for the party and the revolution, the country and the people.
> That is why their coming into the care of the
> mother party and that of the socialist fatherland, which they have wished
> even in their dreams, is a great revolutionary
> event as it alleviates the misfortune and pain of the fellow countrymen and
> brings great joy and hope to them.
>     The whole country is greatly excited by the forthcoming event of
> welcoming the unconverted long-term prisoners,
> the praiseworthy sons of the motherland who courageously overcame scores of
> years of ordeals in prison with their
> transparent revolutionary views on the leader and inflexible will and
> emerged as victors by remaining true to the
> revolutionary principles and constancy to the last.
>     The 63 unconverted long-term prisoners to come into the care of the
> DPRK in the first batch early in September
> amid the blessings of all people are as follows:
>        Kang Tong Gun, 84. 37 years in prison
>        Kim Tong Gi, 68. 34 years in prison
>        Kim Myong Su, 78. 37 years in prison
>        Kim Sok Hyong, 86. 30 years in prison
>        Kim Son Myong, 75. 45 years in prison
>        Kim Yong Dal, 66. 30 years in prison
>        Kim Yong Man, 76. 30 years in prison
>        Kim Yong Thae, 69. 35 years in prison
>        Kim Yong Gyu, 77. 34 years in prison
>        Kim Yong Su, 69. 27 years in prison
>        Kim U Thaek, 81. 40 years in prison
>        Kim Yn Hwan, 70. 31 years in prison
>        Kim Ik Jin (Kim Il Jin), 68. 31 years in prison
>        Kim In So (Kim Kuk Hong), 74. 34 years in prison
>        Kim In Su, 76. 36 years in prison
>        Kim Jong Ho, 84. 31 years in prison
>        Kim Jung Jong (Kim thak), 74. 29 years in prison
>        Kim Chang Won, 66. 31 years in prison
>        Ko Kwang In, 65. 34 years in prison
>        Ryu Un Hyong, 76. 34 years in prison
>        Ryu Yon Chol, 88. 27 years in prison
>        Ryu Han Uk, 89. 37 years in prison
>        Ri Kyong Gu, 70. 38 years in prison
>        Ri Kyong Chan, 65. 35 years in prison
>        Ri Kong Dun, 66. 33 years in prison
>        Ri Tu Gyun, 74. 31 years in prison
>        Ri Se Gyun, 78. 30 years in prison
>        Ri Jae Ryong, 55. 30 years in prison
>        Ri Jong, 89. 25 years in prison
>        Ri Jong Hwan, 78. 43 years in prison
>        Pak Mun Jae, 78. 28 years in prison
>        Pak Wang Gyu (Pak Wan Gyu), 71. 33 years in prison
>        Pang Jae Sun, 83. 38 years in prison
>        Sok Yong Hwa, 75. 20 years in prison
>        Son Song Mo, 70. 19 years in prison
>        Song Sang Jun, 73. 36 years in prison
>        Sin Kwang Su, 71. 15 years in prison
>        Sin In Su, 82. 30 years in prison
>        Sin In Yong, 71. 32 years in prison
>        An Yong Gi, 71. 38 years in prison
>        Yang Jong Ho, 69. 31 years in prison
>        O Hyong Sik, 68. 31 years in prison
>        U Yong Gak, 71. 42 years in prison
>        Yun Yong Gi, 74. 40 years in prison
>        Yun Hui Bo, 83. 25 years in prison
>        Im Pyong Ho, 84. 32 years in prison
>        Jang Pyong Rak, 66. 38 years in prison
>        Jang Ho, 80. 32 years in prison
>        Jon Jin, 77. 38 years in prison
>        Jon Chang Gi, 82. 23 years in prison
>        Jo Chang Son, 71. 30 years in prison
>        Choe Son Muk, 72. 38 years in prison
>        Choe Su Il, 61. 35 years in prison
>        Choe Ha Jong, 73. 36 years in prison
>        Han Paek Ryol, 80. 23 years in prison
>        Han Jang Ho, 77. 39 years in prison
>        Han Jong ho, 82. 13 years in prison
>        Han Chun Ik, 75. 29 years in prison
>        Ham Se Hwan, 68. 34 years in prison
>        Hong Kyong Son, 75. 33 years in prison
>        Hong myong Gi, 71. 38 years in prison
>        Hong Mun go, 79. 37 years in prison
>        Hwang Yong Gap, 76. 35 years in prison
> _______________________________________
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> 00841 Helsinki - Finland
> +358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081
> http://www.kominf.pp.fi
> _______________________________________
> Subscribe/unsubscribe messages
> ________________________________________
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >BELGRADE, August 21 (Tanjug) - Ambassador at the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry
> >Danilo Milic, who has presented a written message from Yugoslav President
> >Slobodan Milosevic for his Malian counterpart Alphe Oumar Konore to Malian
> >authorities in Bamako, was received by Malian Foreign Minister Modibo
> Sidibe.
> >The talk focused on the future development of bilateral relations, the
> >situation in Serbia's Kosovo-Metohija province, and issues regarding the
> >forthcoming Millennium Summit and the 55th UN General Assembly. Both sides
> >expressed satisfaction with the successful development of bilateral
> relations,
> >especially in the economic field, and pointed to the need for stepping up
> >bilateral cooperation within international organizations, the statement
> says.
> >
> (Tanjug) -
> >Yugoslavia has filed a strong protest with the U.N. Security Council over
> >Friday's bombing of the Yugoslav U.N. Liaison Office in Pristina, in the
> >Serbian (Yugoslav) U.N.-run province of Kosovo-Metohija. The protest note,
> >delivered by Yugoslavia's U.N. Ambassador Vladislav Jovanovic, condemns the
> >terrorist attack as a heinous crime and points out that the U.N. Mission to
> >Kosovo-Metohija has lost all meaning and should be terminated. The note was
> >delivered on Saturday to Security Council President Agam Hasmy with a
> request
> >that it be circulated to all members of the 15-member body and published as
> an
> >official document. It says that the Friday blast was further evidence of
> >flagrant violation of U.N. Resolution 1244 and non-implementation of its
> >mandate by the international force KFor. The text of the note follows: "I
> have
> >been instructed by my Government to lodge the strongest protest at the
> >terrorist attack at the offices of the Committee of the Federal Government
> of
> >the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for Cooperation with the United Nations
> >Mission in Kosovo and Metohija, the autonomous province of the Yugoslav
> >constituent Republic of Serbia, in Pristina, which amounts to a flagrant
> >violation of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999 and
> the
> >non-implementation of the mandate by the Kosovo Force (KFOR). "On 18 August
> >2000 at about 9:30 a.m., ethnic Albanian terrorists planted an explosive
> >device in the building housing the Committee of the Federal Government of
> the
> >Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for Cooperation with the United Nations
> Mission
> >in Kosovo and Metohija in which, at the time of the attack, there were 20
> >Committee employees. The building, housing also the offices of UNMIK and
> >allegedly provided security by KFOR round the clock, was severely damaged.
> >"The attack represents yet another act of aggression against the Federal
> >Republic of Yugoslavia and its sovereignty and territorial integrity, as
> well
> >as a heinous act of terror, the provenance of which is in the deliberate
> >campaign of the United States Administration which has put the United
> Nations
> >mission under its tutelage and outside the control of the Security Council.
> It
> >is evident that the overt collaboration of the representatives of the
> >international mission with terrorists and separatists continues. "Only four
> >days after the armed attack of over 1,000 heavily armed members of KFOR on
> the
> >civilian population of Kosovska Mitrovica and the military occupation of
> >"Trepca", as well as the vandal demolition and shutdown of the only
> remaining
> >Serbian-language media in Kosovo and Metohija, the Pristina newspaper
> >"Jedinstvo" and the Zvecan Radio "S", the ethnic Albanian terrorists
> continued
> >their reign of terror. There is no doubt that they have understood the
> >occupation of "Trepca" by KFOR and UNMIK as their victory and the defeat of
> >Serbs and are now attempting to cut off all links of the remaining Serbs
> with
> >the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and its constituent Republic of Serbia.
> >"This crime provides also eloquent proof of the existence of the concept
> and
> >strategy aimed at systematically violating Security Council resolution 1244
> >(1999) and at ethnically cleansing the remaining Serbs, Muslims, Roma,
> >Goranci, Turks, Egyptians and other non-Albanians by rendering support to
> >separatism and terrorism. I recall that 1,036 persons, primarily Serbs,
> were
> >killed on the KFOR and UNMIK watch, 960 kidnapped and 360,000 expelled. As
> a
> >consequence, the United Nations mission in Kosovo and Metohija has lost its
> >purpose, wherefore it is necessary to call off its presence in southern
> >Serbian province which is a part of the sovereign territory of the Federal
> >Republic of Yugoslavia."
> >
> >August 20 (Tanjug) - Friday's bombing of Yugoslav offices in downtown
> Pristina
> >was a heinous act of terrorism, an attack on Yugoslavia and a continuation
> of
> >ethnic cleansing and genocide in Kosovo-Metohija, a Yugoslav Committee
> >statement said. An explosion ripped through the building housing the
> Yugoslav
> >Committee liaising with the U.N. mission to Kosovo-Metohija, the
> Provisional
> >Executive Council and the Centre for Peace and Tolerance in that
> U.N.-secured
> >province of the Yugoslav Republic of Serbia. This was another deliberate
> >terrorist outrage designed to drive Serbs out of the Province and was
> directly
> >linked to Monday's brutal storming of the Trepca smelting plant by the
> >international force KFor and the U.N. Civilian Mission UNMIK, the statement
> >said. Instead of protecting civilians and creating conditions for their
> >dignified existence, the international force, in its colonial march, is
> >collaborating in daily murders and crimes of intimidation and genocide, the
> >Committee added. KFor and UNMIK have not provided security, either, for a
> >normal work of the Committee, whose members are directly threatened by
> ethnic
> >Albanian terrorists who run riot under a U.S. strategy for destabilizing
> >Yugoslavia, the statement said.
> >
> >Saturday condemned Friday's terrorist attack on the Yugoslav U.N. Liaison
> >Committee in Pristina, Kosovo-Metohija, as further proof that conditions do
> >not exist for holding local polls in that u.N.-Run Serbian (Yugoslav)
> >province. U.N. Civilian Mission in Kosovo-Metohija (UNMIK) Chief Bernard
> >Kouchner has called local elections for October 28, Despite strong
> opposition
> >from the local Serbian population and the Government in Belgrade. The
> Russian
> >Foreign Ministry said the blast was obviously meant to bring pressure to
> bear
> >on workers liaising with the international bodies in Kosovo-Metohija and
> >further destabilise the shaky situation in the Province. The Ministry
> stressed
> >the explosion was further evidence that not even minimum conditions exist
> for
> >the planned local polls to be truly free, just and democratic. To hold
> >elections in the present situation would in no way be conducive to further
> >promoting the settlement process in line with U.N. Resolution 1244, the
> >Ministry said.
> >
> >AND METOHIJA, SERBIAN MINISTRY BELGRADE, August 20 - After a brutal taking
> >over of a lead smelting plant, part of the Trepca mining complex, a
> collection
> >of about 40 mines that produce gold, silver, lead, zinc and cadmium (RMHK
> >"Trepca") by the occupiers on Kosovo, with an excuse to do it due to
> >ecological problems and ecological pollution, we would like to inform the
> >public about the following facts: According to the "Regulations on marginal
> >values, emission measuring methods, criterion for establishment of the
> >measuring sites and data evidence" ("Sluzbeni Glasnik RS" 54/92) adopted by
> >the Government of the Republic of Serbia and done in accordance with the
> world
> >standards (World Health Organization Recommendation) and regulations, one
> of
> >the measuring sites is Kosovska Mitrovica. Systematic measuring of basic
> >polluting substances (soot, sulphur dioxide, sediment substances used for
> >heavy metals determination - lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury, nickel, and
> >chromium) were done in two measuring sites. Programme of the air quality in
> >this city encompasses also special polluting substances as follows: phenol,
> >PAH, ammonia, CS2 and H2S. Also Kosovska Mitrovica among six other cities
> in
> >the Republic of Serbia was included in monitoring of air quality influence
> to
> >human health. Measuring is realised by the Institute for Health Protection
> in
> >Kosovska Mitrovica. Air pollution on Kosovo and Metohija does not and did
> not
> >exceed allowed marginal values according to the Regulations on marginal
> >values, because analyses were permanently carried out. Reasons of the
> >occupiers for taking over a lead smelting plant (RMHK Trepca) have a
> different
> >background, so the story of ecological purposes is an outright lie. The
> >greatest pollution existing on Kosovo and Metohija - ecological, mental and
> >human is Bernard Koushner himself and the occupiers of Kosovo and Metohija.
> >
> >August 21 (Tanjug) - Trepca lead smelter workers and residents of Kosovska
> >Mitrovica protested again outside the smelting plant early on Monday
> against
> >the storming of the plant by the international force KFor in U.N.-run
> >Kosovo-Metohija a week ago. Tioslav Lazarevic of the Trepca management
> >addressed the assembled multitude and read out the demands of the
> management
> >and the trade unions that none of Trepca's employees must be moved out of
> the
> >north of that Serbian (Yugoslav) province. Lazarevic strongly condemned the
> >seizure of Trepca by KFor and urged the workers to remain united and
> continue
> >their peaceful protests. Some 900 KFor troops stormed and seized the Trepca
> >lead smelter on August. 14, while Trepca's General Manager Novak Bijelic
> was
> >exiled from Kosovo-Metohija on the orders of U.N. Civilian Mission (UNMIK)
> >chief Bernard Kouchner.
> >
> >GNJILANE, August 21 (Tanjug) - A Serb cemetery in the Gornji Livoc village
> >near Gnjilane, Serbia's Kosovo-Metohija province, was set on fire, the
> >Gnjilane Human Rights Committee said Monday. Unidentified arsonists set
> fire
> >to dry vegetation at the cemetery, causing extensive damage. The fire
> spread
> >to a cemetery chapel that local Serbs have been building for five years
> with
> >the intention of transforming it into a church in the future. The chapel
> was
> >saved in time by Kfor troops stationed nearby.
> >
> >ABDUCTION KOSOVSKA KAMENICA, August 21 (Tanjug) - Serbs in east
> >Kosovo-Metohija protested on Sunday the recent abduction of two Serb youths
> by
> >ethnic Albanian extremists and a difficult situation in this part of the
> >U.N.-administered Serbian (Yugoslav) province. Cousins Goran Stankovic,
> aged
> >19, and Zoran Tomic, 26, were abducted around noon on August 12, after
> going
> >from their native village of Domorovac to a petrol station in the
> neighbouring
> >ethnic Albanian village of Odanovci. Regrettably, Sunday's talks by local
> >Serbs with representatives of international organisations have produced no
> >news about the fate of the youths, according to amateur radio operators. At
> >the protest rally in Domorovac, the Serb National Assembly (SNS) handed
> >protest notes over the incident to representatives of the U.N. civilian
> >mission UNMIK, the Russian and U.S. battalions of the international force
> KFor
> >deployed in the area and the international police. The notes were delivered
> by
> >SNS President Tomislav Popovic and said the local Serbs' life has been
> getting
> >steadily more difficult since the deployment of the peace mission on June
> 10,
> >1999. More than 100 Serbs have been abducted or murdered, many houses have
> >been plundered or torched, while hundreds of thousands of Serbs and other
> >non-Albanians have been driven out of Kosovo-Metohija under pressure from
> >ethnic Albanian extremists and with the condonation of the international
> >peacekeepers, the statement said. The protesters drew attention to the fact
> >that basic conditions for a peaceful life for all people in Kosovo-Metohija
> >are still not being created. UNMIK, Russian and U.S. KFor battalions and
> the
> >international police have been strongly urged to shed light on the
> >disappearance of the two youths, and to find and punish the culprits. The
> >innermost leadership held a meeting after the rally, at which it decided to
> >keep up the protests until the abducted youths have been found and
> released.
> >The road leading from Domorovac to adjacent ethnic Albanian villages was
> >closed to traffic from 6 a.m. Sunday to 6 a.m. Monday.
> >
> >August 20 (Tanjug) - The latest wave of ethnic Albanian violence against
> >innocent and unprotected Serb civilians in U.N.-run Kosovo-Metohija shows
> that
> >the international military and civilian missions are collaborating with the
> >terrorists, a local Serb body said on Sunday. Friday's bombing attacks on
> >children in the village of Crkvena Vodica and on the Yugoslav U.N. Liaison
> >Committee in Pristina, Monday's storming of the Trepca lead smelter in
> Zvecan
> >and a recent abduction of two Serb youths are cases in point, the Serb
> >National Assembly (SNS) for Kosovo-Metohija said. There is no doubt that
> this
> >is all part of a deliberate campaign to ethnically cleanse Kosovo-Metohija
> of
> >its Serbs, which has been in progress for more than a year in the presence
> of
> >international representatives in that province of the Yugoslav republic of
> >Serbia, the SNS said. The international force KFor and the U.N. civilian
> >mission UNMIK assumed responsibility for the situation in Kosovo-Metohija
> >under U.N. Resolution 1244 of June 10, 1999, after NATO's aggression on
> >Yugoslavia was halted and the Yugoslav army pulled out of the province.
> Since
> >then, more than 350,000 non-Albanians, 250,000 of them Serbs, have fled
> >Kosovo-Metohija in the face of ethnic Albanian terrorism. The SNS went on
> to
> >say that the displaced Serbs are not allowed to return, on the pretext that
> >the international force cannot guarantee their security, while KFor and
> >have secured the return of more than 600,000 Albanians, among whom some who
> >had never lived in Kosovo-Metohija in the first place.
> >
> >RADIO YUGOSLAVIA OUT BELGRADE, August 20 (Tanjug) - International
> >Bosnia-Herzegovina Administrator Wolfgang Petritsch has ordered Radio
> >Yugoslavia out of the (Bosnian Serb) Republika Srpska town of Bijeljina,
> >according to the Radio's officials on Friday. "A uniformed representative
> of
> >the Commander of Republika Srpska, Wolfgang Petritsch, delivered an
> ultimatum
> >to the personnel of the Radio Yugoslavia transmission centre in Bijeljina
> to
> >vacate the centre within 48 hours and stop broadcasting on pains of
> coercion",
> >the Radio Yugoslavia Board of Editors said in a statement. The unlawful,
> >immoral and violent order came in the wake of repeated threats and constant
> >pressure used against the Radio Yugoslavia personnel in Bijeljina ever
> since
> >the emplacement of Republika Srpska's puppet government of Milorad Dodik,
> the
> >statement said. The head office in Belgrade has said that Radio Yugoslavia
> is
> >a Yugoslav state radio which will find a way "to continue broadcasting the
> >truth to the world". As of Monday, August 21, Radio Yugoslavia will be
> >broadcasting special programmes via the Internet in 14 languages. Internet
> >address: www.radioyu.org
> >
> >August 20 (Tanjug) - Yugoslavia's Minister of Information has said he was
> not
> >surprised by International Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina Wolfgant
> >Petritsch's ordering Radio Yugoslavia out of the (Bosnian Serb) Republika
> >Srpska town of Bijeljina. The order to stop broadcasting out of the
> Bijeljina
> >centre came as no surprise because Petritsch is a text-book Nazi pursuing
> an
> >anti-Serbian policy much more rabid even than that demanded by Washington,
> >Goran Matic said in a statement for Radio Yugoslavia. Petritsch's
> anti-Serbism
> >is evident from his "statement to Vienna's Kurier newspaper that his dog is
> of
> >Serbian nationality", Matic said, going on to criticise also Republika
> Srpska
> >Premier Milorad Dodik. According to Matic, the 1995 Dayton Accord on peace
> in
> >Bosnia- Herzegovina is being constantly and systematically violated. "The
> >Dayton Accord and the statehood of Republika Srpska are violated primarily
> >because the unlawful and illegitimate government of Republika Srpska make
> the
> >violations possible. "Dodik, (former president) Biljana Plavsic and the
> like
> >pursue a policy against the best interests of the Serbs and all people in
> >Republika Srpska, and also against international standards and the
> documents
> >signed at Dayton (Ohio, USA) and Paris", Matic said.
> >
> _______________________________________
> P.O. Box 66
> 00841 Helsinki - Finland
> +358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081
> http://www.kominf.pp.fi
> _______________________________________
> Subscribe/unsubscribe messages
> ________________________________________
> >
> >        WW News Service Digest #154
> >
> > 1) Verizon strkers vs. merger mania
> >    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 2) Is Verizon James Earl Jones?
> >    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 3) Philadelphia women prisoners speak
> >    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 4) The rape charge & Washington's war propaganda
> >    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 5) Israeli settler state in crisis as deadline looms
> >    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 6) Cape Cod drives Army out of Camp Edwards
> >    by "WW" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >-------------------------
> >Via Workers World News Service
> >Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
> >issue of Workers World newspaper
> >-------------------------
> >
> >
> >By Milt Neidenberg
> >
> >Fear now pervades management at Verizon, the giant
> >telecommunications corporation formed by the merger of Bell
> >Atlantic and GTE. Did the monopoly take the unions' pre-
> >strike preparations too lightly in negotiating a contract?
> >
> >It was clear that the Communications Workers and the
> >Electrical Workers unions, who together represent more than
> >87,000 striking members in 13 states, were fired up over
> >management's heavy-handed, oppressive tactics. But Verizon
> >decided to ignore it.
> >
> >That was a serious miscalculation.
> >
> >The strike is one of the largest and most militant in years.
> >Directory assistance has completely broken down. Requests
> >for repairs and installations in 13 states have nearly
> >tripled.
> >
> >Customers are angry and frustrated. Threats to leave the
> >company for other service providers are real in the
> >cutthroat competitive telecommunications industry.
> >
> >Verizon's strategy has backfired. They have relied
> >completely on automated services and scab supervisors to do
> >the job.
> >
> >Thirty thousand managers, untrained and ill equipped to
> >handle the technical aspects of the industry, are no
> >substitute for an experienced, skilled, unionized workforce.
> >Working them 12 hours a day, seven days a week can't
> >overcome this fundamental weakness.
> >
> >Herein lies the breakdown of operations that has left
> >thousands across the region without phone service--not
> >sabotage, as the company falsely charged.
> >
> >This truth didn't stop the courts, always available when the
> >bosses are in need, from issuing restraining orders against
> >the unions in at least three states.
> >
> >Verizon management compounded its miscalculations when it
> >announced Aug. 8 that the company had purchased a 55 percent
> >stake in NorthPoint Communications at a cost of $800 million
> >in cash.
> >
> >That was a clear provocation. The unions charged that the
> >money could have been made available to improve their
> >contracts.
> >
> >NorthPoint is a non-union, high-speed Internet digital
> >subscribers line (DSL). The Electrical Workers have warned
> >Verizon that they are going to organize NorthPoint's 1,500
> >non-union workers, a plan that would blunt Verizon's
> >strategy to eliminate jobs and undermine union wages,
> >benefits and working conditions. This issue has yet to be
> >resolved.
> >
> >Verizon was initially more concerned about its nationwide
> >advertising campaign to make the merged corporations a
> >household name rather than discussing the unions' demands.
> >
> >On Aug. 8, the second day of the strike, Wall Street and the
> >stock market confirmed the unsettling position Verizon had
> >gotten itself into with 87,000 union workers. Verizon shares
> >plunged more than 12 percent and an additional 3.7 percent
> >the following day.
> >
> >
> >As the strike gets stronger and the workers' anger grows,
> >Verizon has begun to blink.
> >
> >The company's first concession occurred less than a week
> >into the strike when it reportedly agreed to the unions'
> >demand for better access to represent the 32,000 non-union
> >workers at Verizon Wireless. Fifty-five percent of Verizon
> >Wireless is owned by Verizon and 45 percent by Britain's
> >Vodafone AirTouch PLC.
> >
> >This means that Verizon would be a "neutral player" in a
> >procedure called a card check. Under this agreement, Verizon
> >bosses would recognize the union once a majority of the non-
> >union workers signed authorization cards.
> >
> >The unions would thus avoid costly and protracted legal
> >entanglements with the National Labor Relations Board and
> >the courts--a process that often takes years.
> >
> >Verizon Wireless is the nation's largest phone company as
> >well as the largest wireless owner. This significant
> >concession on union representation will have far-reaching
> >effects on an industry that is overwhelmingly non-union.
> >
> >In addition to the card-check victory, the Communications
> >Workers announced on Aug. 8 that GTE/Verizon signed a
> >tentative agreement with its unionized work force in
> >Kentucky moments before a walkout. Progress is reported in
> >western North Carolina and other areas.
> >
> >
> >Verizon began as Bell Atlantic following the breakup of AT&T
> >into 22 Bell Systems companies in 1982. It bought out Nynex,
> >one of the Bells, in 1997, and recently merged with GTE to
> >form Verizon.
> >
> >Mega-mergers and spin-offs like this are intensifying mass
> >layoffs, downsizing, increased productivity and obscene
> >profits. In every industry in the last decades--
> >telecommunications, banking, oil, auto, military-industrial
> >and others--corporate mega-mergers have wrecked havoc.
> >
> >These corporate mergers and acquisitions are usually carried
> >out in secret to keep the workers in the dark. Meetings are
> >held behind closed doors. Billions of dollars and overpriced
> >stocks change hands in the boardrooms of high finance.
> >Commercial bankers, investment bankers, high-priced lawyers
> >and accounting firms, along with an army of "gimme"
> >parasites, are paid hundreds of millions of dollars to pull
> >off these mergers successfully.
> >
> >Thanks in large part to these transactions, the value of
> >U.S. stocks has risen by more than $10 trillion since 1994--
> >to $16 trillion, or 16 millions of millions of dollars.
> >
> >Workers in and out of unions are the main victims of the
> >cover-ups of these wheeling and dealing operations. They are
> >often caught by surprise when restructuring and the fallout
> >of layoffs and downsizing begin.
> >
> >Verizon workers are fighting to avoid this kind of
> >catastrophe. The strike has exposed the corporate
> >machinations and schemes that make the mega-mergers
> >profitable.
> >
> >The timing of the strike can upset Verizon's plans to
> >intensify exploitation to suit the needs of the merger. With
> >the strike as leverage, the rank and file can resist the
> >layoffs that are inevitable in any merger. They can fight
> >Verizon's plans to transfer unionized jobs to the non-union
> >sector.
> >
> >They can withstand the corporate decision to transfer them
> >to areas where the merger needs experienced workers and
> >eliminate many of the stress factors that permeate their
> >jobs--especially forced overtime. They can force Verizon to
> >subject speed-ups and restructuring plans to negotiations,
> >instead of allowing bosses to reorganize at will.
> >
> >Frenzied, merger-driven development has enabled Wall Street
> >to be the dominant player in the world of international
> >finance capital. Bankers use the wealth extracted from the
> >labor power of the workers and the sacrifices forced upon
> >them to impose their imperialist policies and further
> >impoverish workers all over the world.
> >
> >A broad and growing movement of progressive forces,
> >including militant youths and people of color, are
> >challenging this anti-worker corporate culture. These
> >activists have challenged both the Democratic and Republican
> >conventions, pointing to the lords of high finance and mega-
> >merger architects that control both parties and their
> >candidates.
> >
> >Linking these struggles with the 87,000 striking Verizon
> >workers who are fighting these powerful corporate forces
> >could be a basis for unity against a common enemy.
> >
> >
> >Will the strike of 87,000 telecommunications union members
> >be an influence on the million-fold work force of this
> >highly competitive, overwhelmingly non-union industry? That
> >is the greatest fear of the telecommunications bosses
> >industry-wide.
> >
> >And fearful they should be. These operations are ripe for
> >union organizing.
> >
> >In 1998, Worldcom merged with MCI to create a combined work
> >force of 75,000 employees. Less than 500 are unionized. At
> >Sprint only 10,500 of the company's 78,000 workers are
> >unionized.
> >
> >There are virtually no unionized workers in the long
> >distance, wireless and Internet industries. VoiceStream
> >Communications has agreed to be acquired by Deutsche
> >Telekom, a German telecommunications corporation that has no
> >union workers. Bell South Corporation has 52,000 union
> >employees of a total workforce of 99,000.
> >
> >Others like AT&T, Southwestern (owned by SBC), and other
> >former Bell companies, which have a higher percentage of
> >union workers, are in the process of building up non-union
> >sectors in their wireless and Internet divisions.
> >
> >With the Verizon strike now in its second week, the unions'
> >tentative victory on the card check issue to reach the
> >unorganized in Verizon Wireless will undoubtedly spread to
> >other non-union workers in the telecommunications industry.
> >The corporations will fight these efforts with a vengeance.
> >
> >That will raise the need for creative forms of struggle on
> >company property--like the sit-ins of the 1930s--and in the
> >streets to overcome the bosses' challenges.
> >
> >The 87,000 Communications Workers and Electrical Workers
> >will need to be prepared for a continued, aggressive battle
> >as Verizon digs in. While the outcome looks favorable to the
> >unions, the final victory is yet to be decided.
> >
> >- END -
> >
> >(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
> >copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
> >changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
> >Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Message-ID: <025c01c009df$e9e79840$0a00a8c0@home>
> >Subject: [WW]  Is Verizon James Earl Jones?
> >Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:18:06 -0400
> >Content-Type: text/plain;
> >        charset="Windows-1252"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> >-------------------------
> >Via Workers World News Service
> >Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
> >issue of Workers World newspaper
> >-------------------------
> >
> >
> >When people think of Verizon/Bell Atlantic, they think of
> >actor James Earl Jones and his great voice. But this is just
> >slick advertising. What is Verizon and who's really behind
> >it?
> >
> >Here are some of the facts:
> >
> >Verizon is no mom and pop outfit. The company has 95 million
> >telephone lines in the United States; 25 million wireless
> >customers; and 4 million pager customers. It's the world's
> >big gest provider of print and online directory information.
> >Verizon operates in
> >96 of the top 100 markets in the country. The company
> >reported $60 billion in revenues for 1999.
> >
> >Verizon is not just a monopoly here. It owns the main
> >telephone companies in 21 countries and has a presence in
> >another 19 countries. These include Canada, Venezuela,
> >Dominican Republic, Britain, Italy, Greece, Micronesia,
> >Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, New Zealand, and the U.S.
> >colony of Puerto Rico. Verizon has 6 million wireless
> >customers overseas.
> >
> >Who's on the board of directors? Not James Earl Jones.
> >
> >The following Fortune 500 companies are represented on the
> >board:
> >
> >Banks: Chase, First Union, PNC
> >
> >Pharmaceuticals: American Home Products
> >
> >Oil: Shell
> >
> >Military-Industrial Complex: United Technologies
> >
> >Steel: USX
> >
> >Transportation: CS Railroad
> >
> >When you look at who owns the stock, you discover a Who's
> >Who of big business and big banks: Barclay's, Fidelity
> >Management, Bankers Trust, Mellon Bank, State Street Bank
> >and others.
> >
> >Your may not see these folks in the Verizon ads. You may not
> >see their faces on your telephone bill. But these corporate
> >interests are part of the system of exploitation that
> >dominates our lives from telephones to political offices.
> >They're part of the system we are fighting when we protest
> >police brutality.
> >
> >So when you pass the picket line, let the strikers know you
> >support them. Not only because their battle is just--but
> >because they are fighting for all of us!
> >
> >[Sources: Verizon Web site (www.verizon.com), Wall Street
> >Journal (www.wsj.com), Yahoo Full Coverage (www.yahoo.com).]
> >
> >--Jeff Bigelow
> >
> >- END -
> >
> >(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
> >copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
> >changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
> >Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Message-ID: <026201c009e0$06d01b80$0a00a8c0@home>
> >Subject: [WW]  Philadelphia women prisoners speak
> >Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:18:53 -0400
> >Content-Type: text/plain;
> >        charset="Windows-1252"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> >-------------------------
> >Via Workers World News Service
> >Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
> >issue of Workers World newspaper
> >-------------------------
> >
> >Philadelphia
> >
> >
> >By Berta Joubert-Ceci
> >Philadelphia
> >
> >Over 450 people were arrested during the Aug. 1 protests
> >against the "criminal injustice system" at the Republican
> >Convention. The 20 protesters who remain in Philadelphia
> >jails will be released Aug. 15, supporters said.
> >
> >After deliberating among themselves and consulting with
> >lawyers, the activists have decided to switch their tactics
> >from "jail solidarity" to "court solidarity."
> >
> >Judges reduced the bail for many protesters during their
> >second week in jail. Bail was originally as high as $10,000
> >to $1 million.
> >
> >Kris Hermes from the R2K Network legal defense team told
> >Workers World that the newly released activists plan to hold
> >a press conference on the evening of Aug. 15.
> >
> >There the ex-prisoners--most of them women--will announce
> >their new strategy.
> >
> >The women will also speak out about the conditions they were
> >subjected to while in jail, including physical and
> >psychological torture, isolation and sexual abuse.
> >
> >Hermes said the activists want to keep the focus on the
> >struggle to abolish the prison-industrial complex and the
> >current situation of the 2 million people behind bars in
> >this country.
> >
> >They will give voice to the general prison population by
> >reading a list of demands drafted by non-protesters in the
> >jails. These prisoners' 16 demands include the right to a
> >speedy trial, prompt medical and dental attention, decent
> >food, an end to overcrowding, an end to abuse by guards and
> >reliable phone service.
> >
> >In a statement, the protesters said, "These demands reflect
> >the long-term day-to-day problems inside the Philadelphia
> >prison system that are not unique to us and will remain long
> >after we are gone.
> >
> >"These are the problems that we were trying to draw
> >attention to when we were arrested."
> >
> >- END -
> >
> >(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
> >copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
> >changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
> >Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Message-ID: <026801c009e0$23da3080$0a00a8c0@home>
> >Subject: [WW]  The rape charge & Washington's war propaganda
> >Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:19:41 -0400
> >Content-Type: text/plain;
> >        charset="Windows-1252"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> >-------------------------
> >Via Workers World News Service
> >Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
> >issue of Workers World newspaper
> >-------------------------
> >
> >U.S. court rules against Serb leader
> >
> >
> >By Sara Flounders
> >
> >On Aug. 10, a federal court in New York ruled that Radovan
> >Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader during the civil war in
> >Bosnia seven years ago, must pay $745 million in damages for
> >the crimes of rape, torture and genocide committed during
> >the civil war.
> >
> >Of course, no money is expected to be recovered. The charge
> >was originally filed in 1993 for propaganda purposes at the
> >height of the Bosnian civil war. The decision seven years
> >later received the full front page and three inside pages of
> >coverage in the Aug. 11 edition of Newsday, and wide
> >attention in other media.
> >
> >How could a U.S. federal court in New York even have
> >jurisdiction over what happened in another country to people
> >who had no connection to the United States?
> >
> >This "trial" is part of a continuing effort to give the U.S.
> >government the basis to charge and convict leaders of any
> >country that is the target of CIA destabilization. It
> >revived all the charges that were used to justify U.S.
> >military intervention and occupation in the Balkans.
> >
> >Karadzic is not charged with committing any of the crimes
> >directly. He is charged as the leader of a government that
> >has been a target of continuing demonization.
> >
> >Karadzic could not travel to New York or present any defense
> >in this one-sided trial. He is in hiding in Bosnia after
> >being indicted on similar charges at the court established
> >at The Hague by U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright--
> >the so-called International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
> >Yugoslavia.
> >
> >Of course, no testimony presented in the U.S. federal court
> >in New York or the Tribunal based at The Hague even
> >mentioned Washington's role in manufacturing the break-up of
> >the Yugoslav Federation, fomenting the civil war and bombing
> >civilians in Bosnia and Yugoslavia.
> >
> >But the criminal role of the United States, Germany and
> >other Western governments has been well documented by
> >people's tribunals in New York, Berlin, Rome, Athens, Moscow
> >and Kiev, Ukraine, over the past year.
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________
> P.O. Box 66
> 00841 Helsinki - Finland
> +358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081
> http://www.kominf.pp.fi
> ___________________________________
> Subscribe/unsubscribe messages
> ___________________________________
> >The charges of genocide and mass rapes in Bosnia were the
> >beginning of a massive, well-orchestrated public relations
> >campaign to demand U.S./NATO intervention in the Balkans.
> >
> >Claiming to be a force for peace and stability in a bloody
> >civil war, the Pentagon has now established a whole network
> >of military bases in Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo,
> >Hungary and the Czech Republic.
> >
> >Serb towns in Bosnia were the targets of more than 4,000
> >U.S. bombings in 1994 and 1995. In 1999 the Pentagon and
> >NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days.
> >
> >The charge of rape made against the Serbs shaped the views
> >of millions of people who previously had little interest in
> >the Balkans.
> >
> >In late 1992 and early 1993, sensational news reports
> >charged that mass rapes were a planned, deliberate strategy
> >of the Bosnian Serb leadership.
> >
> >Women are the first victims in every war. Rape and the
> >degrading abuse of women are all too often carried out as a
> >stamp of conquest by invading armies imbued with patriarchal
> >attitudes.
> >
> >But the charge of rape has also often been consciously used
> >as an essential prop of war propaganda. The supposed defense
> >of women is used to mobilize armies and to galvanize blind
> >hatred.
> >
> >
> >Without any examination of the highly biased sources, the
> >major Western media gave lurid descriptions of rape camps
> >where it was claimed that between 20,000 and 100,000 Muslim
> >and Croatian women were raped. This crystallized the public
> >view that Serbs were the evil aggressors and Muslims and
> >Croatians the helpless victims.
> >
> >The charge that 30,000 women and girls had been raped
> >originated with the foreign minister of Bosnia, Haris
> >Silajdzic, in order to stall peace talks in Geneva in late
> >1992.
> >
> >In January 1993 the Warburton Report authorized by the
> >European Community estimated that 20,000 Muslim women had
> >been raped as part of a Serb strategy of conquest. This
> >report was widely cited as an authoritative, independent
> >source.
> >
> >No coverage was given to a dissenting member of the
> >investigative team--European Parliament President Simone
> >Veil--who revealed that the estimate of 20,000 rapes was
> >based on interviews with only four victims, two women and
> >two men.
> >
> >The Croatian Ministry of Health in Zagreb was the main
> >source on which the Warburton Report based its estimate of
> >20,000 rapes.
> >
> >Because the charge of systematic Serbian rapes of Muslim and
> >Croatian women has been repeated so often, it is now
> >accepted as an undisputed fact.
> >
> >Publications vied with each other for sensationalized
> >accounts. USA Today told the story of a 5-month-old baby who
> >was supposedly the result of Serbian rape. The New York
> >Times carried a photo story with the caption, "Two-month-old
> >baby girl born to a teen-age Muslim woman after she was
> >raped in a Serbian detention camp." The war was not yet nine
> >months old.
> >
> >Ms. Magazine ran a cover story that accused Bosnian Serb
> >forces of raping for the purpose of producing pornographic
> >films. No such films were ever found and the charges were
> >not supported by the findings of Helsinki Watch or Human
> >Rights Watch.
> >
> >
> >The woman who was the star witness and main media
> >spokesperson in the New York trial and judgment, Jadranka
> >Cigelj, is a paid propagandist who worked for the Croatian
> >Information Center.
> >
> >She was well known in radical Croatian nationalist circles.
> >She was also the vice-chair of Croatian President Franjo
> >Tudjman's fascist HDZ Party.
> >
> >The HDZ is closely linked to the Ustashe Party that led
> >Croatia during the Nazi occupation in World War II.
> >
> >Perhaps because of her fascist political background, in
> >interviews Cigelj always brands the Serbs as "far worse than
> >the Nazis."
> >
> >Cigelj's rape charges are extensively quoted in almost all
> >articles and testimony on rapes in Bosnia. However, her
> >accounts have changed several times.
> >
> >Thomas Deichmann, a German researcher and journalist, has
> >documented Cigelj's varied testimony and her political
> >background in a chapter of the book, "War, Lies and
> >Videotape," published by the International Action Center.
> >
> >In one publication produced by the Croatian Information
> >Center, Cigelj charged that a Serbian reserve officer raped
> >her. In a later article with Roy Gutman of Newsday, she
> >charged that Zeljko Mejakic, the Serbian commander of a
> >refugee camp, and two camp guards raped her.
> >
> >Later, in a German publication, her story changed again. She
> >testified in the highly publicized case of another man,
> >former Serbian soldier Jezdimir Topic, who faced deportation
> >from the United States in 1999.
> >
> >Cigelj offered to become a key prosecution witness against
> >another Serb, Dusan Tadic, at the Hague Tribunal. She was
> >rejected because she was seen as an unreliable source.
> >
> >However, Cigelj has been featured in documentaries, received
> >financial awards, and was the main spokesperson of a 25-city
> >U.S. tour organized by Amnesty International.
> >
> >None of the discrepancies in her story or her right-wing
> >political activities was reported in the coverage of her
> >testimony against Radovan Karadzic.
> >
> >
> >Nowhere in Newsday's three pages of coverage recounting
> >charges of Serbian rapes in Bosnia were the conditions women
> >face today under NATO occupation even mentioned.
> >
> >Throughout Eastern and Central Europe, in Russia and the
> >former Soviet republics, the chaos and dislocation of the
> >capitalist market have eroded the enormous gains women made
> >under socialism.
> >
> >A decade ago these countries guaranteed full employment and
> >two years paid maternity leave. Now unemployment of 30-40
> >percent is the norm. Health care and child-care services
> >have collapsed.
> >
> >Women's organizations were understandably outraged by the
> >lurid reports concerning mass rapes in Bosnia seven years
> >ago. They would make a contribution if they focused their
> >resources on exposing the conditions for women living under
> >U.S. domination today.
> >
> >U.S. troops and bases do not protect women. They exist to
> >protect the extraction of profits for giant capitalist
> >institutions. In every U.S. military operation an entire sex
> >industry of bars, strip joints and brothels is created
> >around the bases.
> >
> >This experience of Vietnam, Thailand, Korea and the
> >Philippines is now the reality around U.S. bases in Tuxla,
> >Bosnia, and at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo.
> >
> >At the United Nations Beijing Plus Five Conference of 10,000
> >women in June, the worldwide status of women was examined.
> >It was estimated that more than half-a-million women from
> >Central and Eastern Europe are shipped abroad each year as
> >part of the worldwide trafficking in prostitutes. Bosnia was
> >cited as one of the worst examples. (New York Times, June
> >11)
> >
> >Flounders is co-director of the International Action Center
> >in New York. Background materials for this article appeared
> >in two IAC books, "NATO in the Balkans" and "War, Lies and
> >Videotape," both available at leftbooks.com.
> >
> >- END -
> >
> >(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
> >copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
> >changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
> >Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Message-ID: <026e01c009e0$425d29e0$0a00a8c0@home>
> >Subject: [WW]  Israeli settler state in crisis as deadline looms
> >Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:20:34 -0400
> >Content-Type: text/plain;
> >        charset="Windows-1252"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> >-------------------------
> >Via Workers World News Service
> >Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
> >issue of Workers World newspaper
> >-------------------------
> >
> >Israel
> >
> >
> >By Michael Bar-Am
> >
> >The Israeli settler state is in the midst of a deep
> >political and ideological crisis. A military crisis also
> >looms as Sept. 13 approaches.
> >
> >That is the date when the Palestinian Authority has said it
> >will declare an independent state of Palestine. The PA now
> >administers a small percentage of Palestinian land from
> >which Israeli ground forces have withdrawn.
> >
> >In May Israeli troops were forced to make a humiliating
> >retreat from southern Lebanon, which they had occupied since
> >June 1978. The retreat was brought on by a heroic armed
> >struggle and people's war conducted by the Lebanese people.
> >
> >Lebanese youths played a leading role in attacks on Israeli
> >military bases and in the daily ambushes of Israeli infantry
> >and armored vehicle patrols.
> >
> >Less than two months later, the Clinton administration tried
> >to broker an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian
> >Authority at the Camp David compound outside Washington.
> >
> >President Bill Clinton chaired the talks. Secretary of State
> >Madeleine Albright was close at hand.
> >
> >Prime Minister Ehud Barak led the Israeli delegation. Yassir
> >Arafat, the leader of Fatah, the largest Palestinian
> >political movement, and head of the PA, lead the Palestinian
> >delegation.
> >
> >The talks collapsed over control of Jerusalem, Palestinian
> >sovereignty and the right of Palestinian refugees to return
> >to their homes in Palestine, including Ashquelon, Haifa, the
> >Galilee and the West Bank.
> >
> >When Barak returned to Israel, he found his shaky
> >parliamentary coalition near collapse. Israeli political
> >parties and establishment media are deeply divided over how
> >to try to deal the Palestinians a historic defeat that would
> >once and for all legitimize the Israeli settler-state
> >worldwide.
> >
> >Liberals, centrists and moderates are for using the carrot,
> >that is, offering concessions to Palestinian statehood.
> >Right-wingers, racists and religious fundamentalists are for
> >using the stick and repressing the Palestinians militarily.
> >But all support the existence of an apartheid-like state
> >with a virtually all-Jewish population.
> >
> >With armed struggle throughout Palestine a real possibility
> >in September, the Israeli daily newspaper Ha'aretz, in an
> >Aug. 11 editorial entitled "The return of despair,"
> >observed: "It has been a long time since we heard so many
> >saying there is nothing to keep them here. All those who
> >have not heard anyone make such a statement recently--all
> >dozen of you--please stand up."
> >
> >In his desperate bid for the Clinton administration's
> >support--and more importantly, to bolster sinking Israeli
> >morale--Barak exposed the real role of Washington in keeping
> >Israel afloat. The United States gives Israel billions of
> >dollars in military and economic aid annually, as well as
> >political backing in all domestic and world forums.
> >
> >Barak got Clinton to give a 30-minute "feel good" interview
> >on prime time Israeli television. Clinton praised Barak and
> >attacked the Palestinians for not giving in at Camp David.
> >
> >
> >At this time it is impossible to tell what will happen on
> >Sept. 13.
> >
> >The clock is ticking. The United States is putting
> >tremendous pressure on the PA not to declare an independent
> >state. The Israelis are threatening a land, sea and air
> >blockade if independence is declared.
> >
> >The Palestinians have studied the successful military
> >campaign in southern Lebanon and thousands of Palestinian
> >teenagers are spending their summer vacation in military
> >training learning to use live ammunition.
> >
> >Palestinian legislator Ziad Abu Zayyad told the Associated
> >Press Aug. 13 that a final decision would not be made until
> >a PLO leadership meeting in late August-early September.
> >
> >Meanwhile, Ha'aretz reported May 26, the "crisis of
> >motivation among Israel's youth has been an officially
> >recognized phenomenon since 1996" by the Ministry of
> >Defense. Compulsory military service for all 18-year-olds is
> >a thing of the past. Now there is conscription."
> >
> >"The four years of the great war on draft dodging have not
> >reduced the number of those avoiding the draft," Ha'aretz
> >warned.
> >
> >Roni Barkan, from the town of Ra'anana, entered the Israeli
> >Defense Forces after college. He left the army after two
> >months. "For me, the so-called enemy nations are not enemies
> >at all. I have no personal interest in waking up in the
> >morning to find therea State of Israel," Barkan explained.
> >
> >This growing disaffection of Israeli youths offers perhaps
> >the best opportunity to de-fang the Pentagon's aggressive
> >ally in the Middle East.
> >
> >[Bar-Am served in the Israeli Defense Forces during the 1973
> >Arab-Israeli War and since that experience has been active
> >for decades as a supporter of the Palestinian liberation
> >struggle.]
> >
> >- END -
> >
> >(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
> >copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
> >changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
> >Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Message-ID: <027401c009e0$5fed85e0$0a00a8c0@home>
> >Subject: [WW]  Cape Cod drives Army out of Camp Edwards
> >Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 09:21:23 -0400
> >Content-Type: text/plain;
> >        charset="Windows-1252"
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> >-------------------------
> >Via Workers World News Service
> >Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
> >issue of Workers World newspaper
> >-------------------------
> >
> >
> >By Richard Hugus
> >Cape Cod, Mass.
> >
> >After almost 90 years of environmental abuse, the people of
> >Cape Cod, Mass., have forced the Army and Department of
> >Defense to end mortar, rocket and artillery fire bombardment
> >of the Camp Edwards impact area. The Pentagon has also
> >agreed to clean up the unexploded ordnance, contaminated
> >soil and polluted groundwater it left behind.
> >
> >The cleanup will be enforced under the Safe Drinking Water
> >Act by an Environmental Protection Agency administrative
> >order that went into effect on Jan. 14. This order followed
> >two from 1997 that required an environmental study of Camp
> >Edwards and a "cease-fire" of the guns that have been firing
> >steadily there since World War I.
> >
> >This retreat came only after years of struggle by residents
> >living around the base concerned about noise, high cancer
> >rates, and contamination of air and drinking water. The
> >Defense Department had fiercely resisted setting a legal
> >precedent by which it could be held responsible for
> >remediation of as much as 65 million acres of active and
> >inactive firing ranges it owns in the United States.
> >
> >And with the struggle against U.S. bases now white hot in
> >Puerto Rico, south Korea and Okinawa, this development has
> >international implications, too.
> >
> >Because Camp Edwards sits at the very top of a big mound-
> >shaped aquifer, explosives left behind from military
> >training have traveled in all directions toward nearby
> >ponds, wetlands and water-supply wells. Among the munitions-
> >related contaminants detected in groundwater at Camp Edwards
> >are RDX, TNT, HMX, DNT and nitroglycerine.
> >
> >Levels of RDX in groundwater are as high as 370 parts per
> >billion. The EPA's "lifetime health advisory" for this
> >compound is two parts per billion.
> >
> >Camp Edwards comprises two thirds of the 21,000-acre
> >Massachusetts Military Reservation, which also hosts Otis
> >Air Base. The historic dumping of toxic fuels and solvents
> >at Otis has already destroyed large areas of western Cape
> >Cod's aquifer, with many big plumes of contaminated
> >groundwater. This aquifer is the sole source of drinking
> >water for the region's 200,000 year-round and 500,000
> >seasonal residents.
> >
> >In the fall, F-15s from Otis are scheduled to go to Iraq to
> >enforce the illegal no-flight zones. Though some people
> >oppose the base only because of environmental concerns, in
> >September members of the group Cape Codders against the Iraq
> >War will demonstrate against this deployment of the
> >Massachusetts Air National Guard at the entrance to the
> >base.
> >
> >Cape Codders have also been active in opposing an "upgrade"
> >of a military mega-radar facility called PAVE PAWS. This
> >upgrade could make Cape Cod home to one of three radar
> >systems planned for the National Missile Defense "Star Pork"
> >program. The other two radars are in Alaska and California.
> >
> >Besides opposing the program as an escalation of the arms
> >race, residents are outraged at the prospect of being
> >exposed to another 20 years of low-level microwave radiation
> >from the radar.
> >
> >Last November, an activist from Cape Cod visited Vieques,
> >Puerto Rico, to share with resisters there information about
> >environmental laws that might be used to bring about an end
> >to U.S. Navy bombing, a study of the effects of this
> >bombing, and full restoration of the land.
> >
> >However, last January President Bill Clinton signed a
> >directive that lets the Navy bomb Vieques until 2003. At
> >that time, should the people of Vieques decide against
> >permanent bombing, "the Live Impact Area will be swept for
> >ordnance and fenced." In other words, if Clinton has his way
> >at Vieques there will be no cease-fire, no environmental
> >study, and no cleanup of an impact area that has seen far
> >worse damage than Camp Edwards.
> >
> >Why does Massachusetts merit a cleanup but Puerto Rico
> >doesn't? Simply put, Puerto Rico is a colony of the United
> >States.
> >
> >Clinton's directive states that the Vieques impact-area
> >closure will meet the same range standards used by the Navy
> >at Nomans Land, just south of Martha's Vineyard. Nomans is a
> >small, uninhabited island bombed by the Navy from 1943 to
> >1997. It is an ancestral land of the Wampanoag Tribe of
> >Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard.
> >
> >At Nomans, the Navy simply set its own standard, which was
> >to find whatever unexploded ordnance was lying about, pick
> >it up and leave. No one was watching. The Wampanoag Tribe is
> >struggling with the Navy for a proper cleanup.
> >
> >U.S. bases and bombing ranges are now known to cause severe
> >environmental problems. Gradually, people living around
> >bases in the United States are fighting back, just like the
> >people of Vieques, Maehyang-ri in south Korea and Okinawa.
> >
> >- END -
> >
> >(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
> >copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
> >changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
> >Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.workers.org)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> Libya:
> News and Views
> LIBYA Saturday, 19 August, 2000: Top Abu Sayyaf guerrillas holding hostages
> in the southern Philippines have demanded asylum in Libya, fearing they
> will be hunted down by the military when they release their captives,
> officials were quoted as saying Friday. Ghalib "Commander Robot" Andang and
> Mujib Susukan want to board a Libyan flight out of the Philippines, the
> Philippine Star said quoting sources close to the official negotiating
> panel. The development came as sources close to the negotiations said that
> the Muslim extremists freed three Malaysian hostages. [AFP]
> Saturday, 19 August, 2000: Libya expects all the hostages held in the
> Philippines to be released by Sunday at the latest, a foreign ministry
> spokesman said here Friday. "All of the hostages will be freed," Hasuna
> al-Shaush told reporters. Shaush also said Libya has received no requests
> for political asylum from members of Abu Sayyaf, the Islamist group that is
> holding 28 Western and Filipino hostages in the southern Philippines. Two
> leaders of the separatist group had asked Libya for asylum, fearing
> Manila's military would strike them as soon as the hostages were released,
> Filipino officials were quoted by the press as saying earlier. [AFP]
> Saturday, 19 August, 2000: Libya has agreed to pay $25 million as the price
> for the release of hostages held by Moslem rebels in the Philippines, a
> Western diplomat told reporters on Friday. "The Libyans would pay this $25
> million and there is a deal on that," the diplomat said without elaborating
> as to whether the amount was direct ransom to the kidnappers or part of aid
> reportedly to be funneled through a Libyan charitable foundation to finance
> development projects in the Philippines. The Western diplomat said Libya
> was willing to provide the money in order to win publicity for its role and
> ensure European Union backing for it to attend a European Mediterranean
> summit in November. "Libya wants to participate in the European
> Mediterranean summit," the Western diplomat said. [FOX]
> Saturday, 19 August, 2000: Liberia's Vice President Moses Z. Blah says his
> government is satisfied with the "people to people" diplomacy the
> government of Libya is playing in the face of international isolation
> against Liberia. Mr. Blah spoke yesterday at his Capitol Hill office when
> the Libyan envoy, Mohammed Talbi presented him a set of computers and
> accessories as a gesture from his government. Vice President Blah said the
> Libyan envoy had been a good friend to him for a long time and that he was
> not surprised at his worth. He named the renovation of schools and health
> centers around the country as a clear demonstration of the Libyan
> government's willingness to contribute to the national reconstruction of
> Liberia.
> [Africa News] Saturday, 19 August, 2000: While a Libyan jet waits in the
> Philippines preparing for the triumphant return of western hostages, here
> in the Libyan capital residents know next to nothing about the
> international situation their government is working to defuse. None of
> Libya's six publications or its radio and television stations -- all of
> which are run by the government -- have mentioned Tripoli's diplomacy to
> free 28 hostages held in the southern Philippines. Libyans stopped on the
> street seemed to know nothing of the Libyan jet that has waited in Tripoli
> since Monday, nor of the involvement in negotiations of a charity run by
> Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi's son, nor of the potential international
> benefits to Libya if its efforts are successful. "The blackout is normal in
> this country, where there is never any information on anything. Even if an
> airplane leaves the Philippines with hostages on board, they won't know,"
> said a diplomat here. The only Libyans who know about Kadhafi's
> intervention are those who own satellite dishes or computers, giving them
> access to foreign media. But even Libyans in the know seem disinterested in
> the plight of hostages being held thousands of miles away. "Freedom would
> be great for the hostages. But they're using our money (for a ransom
> payment) and are doing this to put more of the limelight on Libya," said
> one young woman, who refused to give her name. [AFP]
> __________________________________
> P.O. Box 66
> 00841 Helsinki - Finland
> +358-40-7177941, fax +358-9-7591081
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> ___________________________________
> >To: Sandeep Vaidya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >
> >
> >Send reply to:          "STOP NATO: ¡NO PASARAN!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date sent:              Mon, 21 Aug 2000 12:34:00 +0100
> >From:                   Sandeep Vaidya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Organization:           Lucent Technologies Ireland
> >To:                     "STOP NATO: ¡îO PASARAN!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject:                [STOPNATO] MASS GRAVE OF 160 KIDNAPPED SERBS
> >
> >   Wasn't there just an article -- say, a week or so ago -- that
> >blamed this massacre on the Serbs?
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a39a0443a536f.htm
> >>
> >>      Foreign Affairs Breaking News News Keywords: KOSOVO KLA TERRORISM
> >>      Source: Kosovo Ham-Radio
> >>      Published: August 20, 2000 Author: Ichabod Walrus
> >>      Posted on 08/20/2000 13:48:58 PDT by Ichabod Walrus
> >>
> >> The wife of a kidnapped Serb in Kosovo has just disclosed to ham radio
> >>operators
> >> (the only independent Serbian source of news now in Kosovo), that UNMIK
> >>police
> >> have confirmed her husband was one of 160 Serb, or mostly Serb victims,
> >>found in
> >> a mass grave outside Pristina. The Serbs were among more than 900 persons
> >> similarly kidnapped in 14 months of lawlessness in the NATO occupied
> >>province.
> >>
> >> The woman, Vesna Mulic, said she was taken to the HQ of UNMIK polic in
> >>Pristina,
> >> to identify her husband's remains. There she was told that her husband,
> Rame,
> >> was
> >> one of 160 bodies found in a mass grave near the village of Dragodan
> outside
> >> Pristina.
> >>
> >> So careless were the Albanian killers, whom Clinton's administration is
> >>proud to
> >> call the US Army's allies, that they left numerous personal document and
> >>other
> >> forms
> >> of identification with the dead. Vesna Mulic, said she saw numerous
> pieces of
> >> identification belonging to other victims.
> >>
> >> It would appear that UNMIK has known of the mass grave for a long time.
> Why
> >>it
> >> has refused to reveal this shocking discovery is another unanswered
> question.
> >>
> >>
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