> The following is a speech delivered by Hillel Cohen at the October 13,
> 2000, mass rally in New York City in support of the Palestinian people.
> The demonstration was over 10,000 strong and mainly organized from
> the Arab-American community. Mosques from the New York/New
> Jersey area mobilized to attend. Cohen's speech was met with a
> tremendous ovation.
> Right-wing and racist propaganda wants to portray the Israeli-
> Palestinian struggle as a "religious war." The same propaganda
> demonizes those who are fighting against U.S.-backed Israeli
> aggression as "anti-Semitic." Cohen, who is a member of Workers
> World Party, puts the Palestinian struggle in a more accurate context
> as a struggle against imperialism, racism and colonialism.
> ON OCT. 13, 2000:
> Brothers and sisters, I speak to you today as a member of healthcare
> workers’ union 1199/SEIU, an organizer for the International Action
> Center and a Jewish-American in solidarity with the struggle of the
> Palestinian people for self-determination.
> Working people join unions in order to fight for a better life for their
> families. This includes the right to a decent place to live, to healthcare,
> to education and to be treated with dignity and justice. Isn’t this what
> the Palestinian people are in the streets fighting for? It is the same
> struggle which is why every union and every union member should be
> here, standing side by side our Palestinian brothers and sisters. The
> Union movement is all about solidarity and right now the Palestinian
> people need and deserve the solidarity of working people here and the
> union movement in particular. I also urge all of you who are in unions
> to appeal to your union for solidarity. And, if you are not in a union, to
> join one and teach the union movement about the Palestinian struggle.
> The International Action Center is trying to reach out to the people of
> this country to explain that Ariel Sharon is a killer. Barak is a killer.
> But people have to know that Sharon and Barak are not acting by
> themselves. They are hired killers. They are bought and paid for by the
> banks, the oil companies and the big businesses in the United States
> that stand to profit from the blood of the Palestinian people.
> The guns have been paid for by the Pentagon. The bullets are paid for
> by the Pentagon. The tear gas, the helicopters and the rockets, all
> paid for by the Pentagon. The same bankers and big business
> interests that pay to kill Palestinian youth are the ones who pay the
> cops here to attack workers fighting for justice and to terrorize peoples
> of color. The millions and billions of dollars being used to pay for these
> crimes should be used instead for jobs, housing, education and
> healthcare. Stop all U.S. arms to Israel!
> There are many parallels between the struggle in Palestine and the
> struggle here. New York cops killed Amadou Diallo in front of his
> home. They shot Patrick Dorismond for refusing drugs. They tortured
> Abner Louima for daring to speak out against an unjust police attack.
> The police were carrying out acts of racist violence. This is the way the
> Zionist police and military treat Palestinian youth We have to fight to
> stop the police murders here and in Palestine.
> Whose Right to Return
> I was born in New York City. My parents were born here and my
> grandparents came here from Eastern Europe. Because I am Jewish, I
> can go and buy an airline ticket to Jerusalem and claim first-class
> citizenship rights. But my Palestinian friends who were born in
> Jerusalem or whose parents and grandparents were born in Jerusalem,
> don’t have that right! The Zionists say that I as a Jewish-American have
> the right to return. I don’t want that right! That right belongs to the
> Palestinian people.
> Long live the just struggle of the Palestinian people for their homeland!
> Long live Palestine!
> International Action Center
> 39 West 14th Street, Room 206
> New York, NY 10011
> web: www.iacenter.org
> CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
> phone: 212 633-6646
> fax:   212 633-2889

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