Proposed Changes For HR 676 In The  112th Congress 
Dear Key HR 676 Supporters: 
Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings!  Rep. John Conyers will be  
re-introducing HR 676 as soon as we get back in January 2011 for the 112th  
of Congress.  The bill maintains the vast majority of the language  from the 
HR 676 of the 111th Congress and adds language from the single-payer  
amendment drafted by Rep. Weiner in conjunction with many of the leading  
single-payer advocacy organizations.  We believe this language will  strengthen 
bill by explicitly quantifying the revenue stream, including a  financial 
transactions tax, which will be used to pay for the Improved and  Expanded 
Medicare For All program. 
Once we get the new draft of the HR 676 bill from the legislative counsels, 
 we will forward the language to you so you can comment on the language 
before  introduction during the first week of the 112th Congress.  We believe 
that  the bill will again have the H.R. 676 number. 
Below is the summary of the proposed major changes in the bill: 
·        Rename the bill “The Improved  and Expanded Medicare For All Act.”
·        H.R. 676 will repeal the new  health care law’s health insurance 
provisions (e.g., state exchanges, Medicaid  expansion, guaranteed issue and 
protections for pre-existing conditions,  affordability credits for 
low-income individuals) and replace them with a  single-payer insurance system. 
·        The benefits package will  remain the same, but we are expanding 
the dental benefits package to include  oral surgery. 
·        An 6 percent payroll tax for  employees and an 8 percent payroll 
tax on employers.  The prior bill did  not have specific language on the tax, 
but our HR 676 summaries estimated a  4.75% tax on employers and employees. 
·        Self employed individuals will  pay a modest progressive tax based 
on their annual income, not the 8 percent  payroll tax.  This tax will be 
determined by the HHS Secretary during  implementation. 
·        Creates a specific annual  budget each year for the Improved 
Medicare For All Program that increases each  year.  This will make the cost of 
the program clear. 
·        Revenue provisions included in  the new health care law will be 
used as revenue raisers for H.R. 676. 
·        Adds a new revenue raiser – the  financial transactions tax from 
Rep. Defazio’s H.R. 1068.   All  revenue from the tax will go into the Program
’s trust fund. 
·        More specific language on the  establishment of  global budgets  
from the Weiner Single-Payer  Amendment 
*For more information, please contact Michael Darner, Legislative Director, 
 or Joel Segal, Senior Legislative Assistant at 202 225-5126, or email at ( ,  or ( . 
*This is intended to go to anyone who cares about single-payer health care  
and the fight to enact H.R. 676.  Please share it with anyone we may have  
left off of this list* 
Mike Darner Legislative Director Office of Congressman John Conyers, Jr.  
2426 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 
(202)  225-5126 (office) 
(202) 225-0072 (fax) 
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