Another New Year, another notch.

All scientists engage in theoretical discussions, even Steven Hawkins himself 
faced shameful criticism over his thesis that mater is destroyed  as it passes 
through a black hole.   Later, Hawkins rescinded this theory under much 

Objective Facts are facts and no one can dispute nor change that, and theory 
must still be proven or applied;  but it is in its interpretations where things 
can begin to go wrong, i.e foreign to the working class.  

The working class is becoming more skilled and intelligent world wide, despite 
those who consider our expansion and development symbiotic to moribund 
capitalism.   The working class, our technicians, scientists, intelligentia,  
our soldiers,  will lead the way into freeing our productive forces from the 
fetters imposed on us.   It is that vanguard, connected to the new productive 
forces,  which is  most significant   and who will raise all the toilers, 
dispossessed and productive, in march toward the new world created by our 
social intelligence and labor.  We must live for the future and not for  what's 
moribund.  That any one may pray to ostracize this working contingent of the 
class is Marxist revisionism and can become reactionary, and  this sectarianism 
within the objective working class movement is not a mere difference of 

The spontaneous working class movement will persist of itself despite the 
subjective factor people.  Or, in other words, You don't need a communist to  
invent or create economic struggles, the working class is quite capable of 
doing that.  The role of the communist, as an advanced warrior in the class 
struggle armed with an advanced theory, is to make revolution to what ever 
degree the economic  and political struggle demands.  

At this stage, communists should focus on constructing a revolutionary party 
for the emancipation of labor, a party of professional revolutionaries, a party 
of Lenin.  Or, the class shall be left dilly dallying tailing the bourgeois 
labor party, democrats, bundists, or trots.     There are hundreds of communist 
and socialist organizations and parties in USA, and you can, more or less, 
separate them into two camps..... the trots, and the followers of the 3rd 
international.   Those communists engaged with the masses in the spontaneous 
struggle should consolidate advanced elements and unite them as a core for our 
future revolutionary party.   If those already existing Parties and 
organizations agree to be "party spirited" and not perpetuate the long 
sectarian history that we all share, there is a chance that our central  
strategic task can be fulfilled.  

If no effort to construct our party takes place any time soon, it doesn't 
matter, since the spontaneous struggle will proceed.  Communist must  then 
accompany our class with the principal task, as I see, to disseminate communist 
ideology, the science of nature,  which predicts our future and emancipation;  
then we can engage the masses in winning our economic and political battles,  
which we shall win, since the quantitative process  towards the new means of 
production is invincible.   

The spontaneous movement is a double edged sword.

The proletariat will therefore stumble and tumble, the communists too, beside 
them; and when  the fighting workers comment to the communists,  "how should we 
plan on winning this communist future,  with so many opportunist organizations 
and parties scrambling this way and then that way?",  shall we answer:  "Well, 
we shall first follow this  one,  and then the other", in an opportunist way? 

Leninists will be underground constructing our Party.   And the cadres involved 
in the economic struggle of the masses will be hard pressed against the 
economists and opportunists who will want to stifle us as being rhetorical or 
leftists or out of place or ridiculous, and will want to purge communist from 
our organizations.  The rank and file will, notwithstanding, gravitate towards 
the communist, as circumstances  bear them out,   and will become indignant 
against the SYSTEM of Capitalism, as the economic struggle against the employer 
will have  proven to be fruitless.  

The working class, vanguard to the future society, will become intent on 
establishing their power, to whatever degree that our fighting forces can 
achieve.     Our limitations will include: the sectarianism of our communist 
organizations, and the reformism  within the working class spontaneous process, 
i.e. the Unbelievers. 

History is my witness.

Despite any concession to the ever threatening working class by the moribund 
capitalist, WAR will always predominate economics.  The trend is,  that the 
struggle for national liberation is winning the wars.  Imperialism is left 
bankrupt....  when even  China, a country whose  major means of production are 
socialized or State Capitalized,  holds its debts.    And so, the antagonism 
intensifies inside the Imperialist country while the international oppressed 
and exploited resist and die and win.  

Therefore, whether the working class, here in the USA,  fights or not, the 
SYSTEM deteriorates to abominable depths.  

The emancipation of labor can not but be inevitable;  but how we expedite it,  
is "up to us": The communist factor.


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