(These 2 articles festooned the NY Times front page today, one on the left  
side and the other on the right. It could not be more obvious that a  
union-busting attack is being planned that will sorely test the "leadership" of 
AFSCME et al.) 
January 1, 2011 Public Workers Facing Outrage as Budget Crises Grow By  
FLEMINGTON, N.J. — Ever since Marie Corfield’s confrontation with Gov.  
Chris Christie this fall over the state’s education cuts became a YouTube  
classic, she has received a stream of vituperative e-mails and Facebook  
“People I don’t even know are calling me horrible names,” said Ms.  
Corfield, an art teacher who had pleaded the case of struggling teachers. “The  
mantra is that the problem is the unions, the unions, the unions.” 
Across the nation, a rising irritation with public employee unions is  
palpable, as a wounded economy has blown gaping holes in state, city and town  
budgets, and revealed that some public pension funds dangle perilously close 
to  bankruptcy. In California, New York, Michigan and New Jersey, states 
where  public unions wield much power and the culture historically tends to be  
pro-labor, even longtime liberal political leaders have demanded 
concessions —  wage freezes, benefit cuts and tougher work rules. 
It is an angry conversation. Union chiefs, who sometimes persuaded members  
to take pension sweeteners in lieu of raises, are loath to surrender 
ground.  Taxpayers are split between those who want cuts and those who hope 
rising  tax receipts might bring easier choices. 
And a growing cadre of political leaders and municipal finance experts  
argue that much of the edifice of municipal and state finance is jury-rigged  
and, without new revenue, perhaps unsustainable. Too many political leaders,  
they argue, acted too irresponsibly, failing to either raise taxes or cut  
A brutal reckoning awaits, they say. 
These battles play out in many corners, but few are more passionate than in 
 New Jersey, where politics tend toward the moderately liberal and nearly 
20  percent of the work force is unionized (compared with less than 
14 percent  nationally). From tony horse-country towns to middle-class 
suburbs to hard-edged  cities, property tax and unemployment rates are high, 
budgets are pools of  red ink. 
A new regime in state politics is venting frustration less at Goldman Sachs 
 executives (Governor Christie vetoed a proposed “millionaire’s tax” this 
year)  than at unions. Newark recently laid off police officers after they 
refused to  accept cuts, and Camden has threatened to lay off half of its 
officers in  January. 
Fred Siegel, a historian at the conservative-leaning Manhattan Institute,  
has written of the “New Tammany Hall,” which he describes as the incestuous 
 alliance between public officials and labor. 
“Public unions have had no natural adversary; they give politicians  
political support and get good contracts back,” Mr. Siegel said. “It’s uniquely 
Even if that is so, this battle comes woven with complications. Across the  
nation in the last two years, public workers have experienced furloughs and 
pay  cuts. Local governments shed 212,000 jobs last year. 
A raft of recent studies found that public salaries, even with benefits  
included, are equivalent to or lag slightly behind those of private sector  
workers. The Manhattan Institute, which is not terribly sympathetic to unions, 
 studied New Jersey and concluded that teachers earned wages roughly 
comparable  to people in the private sector with a similar education. 
Benefits tend to be the sorest point. From Illinois to New Jersey,  
politicians have refused to pay into pension funds, creating deeper and deeper  
In California, pension costs now crowd out spending for parks, public  
schools and state universities; in Illinois, spiraling pension costs threaten  
the state with insolvency. 
And taxpayer resentment simmers. 
Trouble in New Jersey 
To venture into Washington Township in southern New Jersey is to walk the  
frayed line between taxpayer and public employees, and to hear anger and  
ambivalence. So many Philadelphians have flocked here over the years that 
locals  call it “South Philly with grass.” 
These expatriates tend to be Democrats and union members, or sons and  
daughters of the same. But property taxes are rising fast, and voters favored  
Governor Christie, a Republican. Bill Rahl, a graying plug of a retiree, 
squints  and holds his hand against his throat. “I’m up to here with taxes, I 
can’t  breathe, O.K.?” he says. “I don’t know about asking anyone to give 
up a pension.  Just don’t ask for no more.” 
Governor Christie faced a vast deficit when he took office last January,  
and much of the federal stimulus aid for schools was exhausted by June. So he 
 cut deeply into state aid for education; Washington Township lost 
$900,000. That  forced the town to rely principally on property taxes. (Few 
lean as  heavily on property taxes to finance education; New Jersey ranks 
45th in state  aid to education.) The town turned its construction office over 
to a private  contractor and shed a few employees. 
Assemblyman Paul D. Moriarty, a liberal Democrat, served four years as  
mayor of Washington Township. As the bill for pension and health benefits for  
town employees soared, he struggled to explain this to constituents. 
“We really should not receive benefits any better than the people we  serve,
” he says. “It leads to a lot of resentment against public employees.” 
All of which sounds logical, except that, as Mr. Moriarty also  
acknowledges, such thinking also “leads to a race to the bottom.” That is, as  
businesses cut private sector benefits, pressure grows on government to cut pay 
and benefits for its employees. 
Robert Master, political director for the Communication Workers of America  
District 1, which represents 40,000 state workers, speaks to that 
“The subtext of Christie’s message to a lot of people is that ‘you’re  
paying for benefits you’ll never have,’ ” he says. “Our challenge is how to  
defend middle-class health and retirement security, not just for our 
members but  for all working families, when over the past 30 years retirement 
health care  in the private sector have been essentially demolished.” 
This said, some union officials privately say that the teachers’ union, in  
its battle against cuts to salaries and benefits, misread Mr. Christie and 
the  public temperament. Better to endorse a wage freeze, they say, than to 
argue  that teachers should be held harmless against the economic storm. 
In the past, union leaders, too, have proven adept at winning gains not  
just at the bargaining table. In 2000, union lobbyists persuaded legislators 
to  cut five years off the retirement age for police and firefighters — a 
move  criticized as a budget-buster by a state pension commission. The next 
year, the  budget still was flush and union leaders persuaded the Republican 
dominated  legislature to approve a 9 percent increase in pension benefits. 
(The  legislators added a sweetener for their own pensions.) 
Those labor leaders, however, proved less successful in persuading their  
legislative allies to pay for such benefits. For much of the last two 
decades,  New Jersey has shortchanged its pension contribution. 
Governor Christie talked about tough choices this past year — then skipped  
the state’s required $3.1 billion payment. Now New Jersey has a $53.9 
billion  unfunded pension liability. 
A recent Monmouth University/Gannett New Jersey poll found a narrow  
plurality of respondents in the state in favor of ditching the pensions for a  
401(k)-type program. Public pensions, however, run the gamut, from modest (the  
average local government pensioner makes less than $20,000 a year while 
teachers  draw about $46,000) to the gilded variety for police and 
firefighters, some of  whom collect six figures. And then there’s the political 
which has made  an art form of pension collection. 
Some politicians draw multiple pensions as county legislators, called  
freeholders, and as prosecutors or union leaders. Back in Washington Township,  
people tend to talk of state government as a casino with fixed craps tables. 
A white-haired retired undercover police officer, whose wrap-around shades  
match his black Harley-Davidson jacket, pauses outside the Washington 
Township  municipal building to consider the many targets. He did not want to 
give his  name. 
“Christie has all the good intentions in the world but has he hit the right 
 people?” he says. “I understand pulling in belts, but you talking about 
janitors  and cops, or the free-loading freeholder?” 
Good Jobs, at What Cost? 
So how much is too much? On their face, New Jersey’s public salaries are  
not exorbitant. The state has one of the highest per-capita incomes in the  
country, and the average teacher makes $66,597, which even with benefits is 
on  par with or slightly behind similarly educated private sector workers, 
according  to Jeffrey H. Keefe, a Rutgers professor who studied the issue for 
the  liberal-leaning Economic Policy Institute. 
Mr. Keefe, however, uncovered some intriguing class splits. Blue-collar  
public workers make more money than their private sector counterparts. For 
such  jobs, public unions have established a higher wage floor. 
The sense that public workers enjoy certain advantages is not a mirage.  
Public employees pay into their pension funds, but health benefits often come 
at  a fraction of the cost of most private sector packages. 
Government employment also tends to be more secure. When the economy  
crashed, federal stimulus dollars safeguarded many public jobs. The 
many economists point out, was to force towns and cities into extensive 
layoffs,  even as unemployment hovered around 10 percent and millions of 
Americans sought  help from public agencies. 
But it accentuated the perception that public workers, however tenuously,  
inhabited a protected class. That’s a tough sell in Washington Township. 
Ask Michael Tini, 54, who works as a card dealer in Atlantic City, about  
teacher salaries and benefits and he taps his head, not unsympathetically. 
“Look, I understand that teachers are the brains of the operation, O.K.?  
But my hours are cut, and my taxes are killing me.” 
He taps his head again. “They have got to take it in the ear, too.” 
January 1, 2011 Cuomo Promises Emergency Plan on Finance Woes By DANNY  
ALBANY — Andrew Mark Cuomo became the 56th governor of New York on  
Saturday, promising to immediately take on the state’s huge financial problems  
to fight to limit taxes on homeowners across the state. 
In his inaugural address, Mr. Cuomo said he would unveil an emergency  
financial plan this week — a month before his first budget proposal is due — 
and  push aggressively for stronger ethics enforcement in Albany. 
“There is no more time to waste,” Mr. Cuomo, 53, said in a 25-minute  
speech, his voice often rising. “It is a time for deeds, not words, and 
 not rhetoric. It is time for a bold agenda and immediate action. There is 
no  more waiting for tomorrow, and there are no more baby steps, my friends.”
Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, pledged to approach his job with “constructive  
impatience,” shrink the size of the sprawling state government, and represent  
the interests of those who have lost faith in Albany. 
He emphasized his plan to cap the growth of local property taxes, a  
particular concern to suburban and rural residents. That proposal is already  
setting off worry among local officials and some public-employee unions, who 
 that it will result in deep spending cuts in cities and towns. 
Mr. Cuomo described residents as being imprisoned in their homes, which are 
 losing value even as their tax bills keep climbing. 
“Nothing is going up in their lives,” Mr. Cuomo said. “Their income isn’t 
 going up, their banking account isn’t going up, their savings aren’t 
going up.  They can’t afford the never-ending tax increases in the state of New 
York, and  this state has no future if it is going to be the tax capital of 
the nation.” 
His first moves as governor were symbolic: Mr. Cuomo declared that he would 
 remove the concrete barriers that have surrounded the Capitol building 
since the  aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks; within minutes of his speech, 
workers began  loading the barriers onto a flatbed truck. 
He also opened a historic hallway outside the governor’s office that Gov.  
George E. Pataki had closed off to the public. 
“To get into this Capitol is like running an obstacle course, and it  
shouldn’t be,” Mr. Cuomo said. “People refer to the Capitol as a fort or as a  
bunker, and it is anything but. This is a beautiful monument to democracy, 
this  building. This is the people’s meeting place, and they should be invited 
in. And  today, my friends, we will reopen the Capitol, literally and 
Mr. Cuomo is taking office at a time when the state faces daunting problems 
 and the public expresses little confidence that its political leaders can 
solve  them. A parade of government officials and lawmakers have admitted or 
been found  guilty of abusing their office for personal gain; the governor 
and comptroller  elected in 2006 resigned their offices amid scandal. 
Mr. Cuomo must grapple with a $9 billion budget deficit and a divided and  
perennially dysfunctional Legislature. 
“People all across the state, when you mention state government, literally  
are shaking their heads,” he said. “Worse than no confidence, what they’re 
 saying is no trust. The words ‘government in Albany’ have become a 
national  punch line, and the joke is on us.” 
Much remains in flux in Mr. Cuomo’s nascent administration. At least for  
now, Mr. Cuomo is relying on his predecessor’s budget director, and he has 
yet  to fill the state’s top economic post. 
Aides to Mr. Cuomo would not provide details about the financial plan he  
will present in an address to the Legislature on Wednesday; the governor  
referred to the proposal as an “emergency financial reinvention plan.” But in  
recent months, Mr. Cuomo has vowed to shrink the number of state agencies 
by  one-fifth and to make substantial cuts to the state’s Medicaid program, 
the most  costly in the nation. 
To underscore the seriousness of the situation he confronts, Mr. Cuomo  
eschewed any galas after his inauguration, and instead held a cabinet meeting 
in  the morning, before the ceremony, calling Saturday a regular working day. 
“In my administration this is going to be the way it works,” he said. “
When  we actually do something and perform and help the people of New York 
State and  make government function, then we’re going to have a big party and 
celebrate,  and not before.” 
Still, there were moments of warmth and humor. And interestingly, in an era 
 when politicians often decry the culture of government, Mr. Cuomo embraced 
the  state’s history, saying he was inspired by his father, former Gov. 
Mario M.  Cuomo, and the men his father worked alongside. He cited former Gov. 
Hugh L.  Carey; Stanley Fink, the former Assembly speaker, who died in 1997; 
and Warren  M. Anderson, the former Senate majority leader, who died in 
“I remember sitting there watching them, saying, you know what, maybe one  
day I could do this,” he said. 
Mr. Cuomo was joined as he took the oath by his girlfriend, the Food  
Network star Sandra Lee; his three daughters; his mother, Matilda; and his  
father, who, he said, “taught me everything I know.” 
The inauguration brought the extended Cuomo clan back to Albany, with  
nieces, nephews, siblings and cousins bearing a resemblance to the new governor 
roaming the halls of the Capitol. In his speech, Mr. Cuomo avoided reciting 
a  roll call of his kin, explaining, “I have so many family members here 
today, if  I start to point them out I’ll miss someone, and there’ll be a 
whole family  disturbance come the next holiday time.” 
Mr. Cuomo is also moving, at least part time, into the Executive Mansion,  
where his parents lived for a dozen years. Asked by a reporter after the  
ceremony whether it felt odd to be occupying his parents’ old bedroom, he  
responded, laughing: “I could answer that, but I won’t.” 
Elizabeth A. Harris contributed reporting. 
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