Continuing on WL - HOWLER #2

The quote we started with from WL concludes:

"...Lenin's  outlook became the  political 
foundation of the Third International.

"The essence of 2011- its distinguishing economic feature, is an epoch of
social revolution, based on 'post industrial' means of production."

The key here is the revisionist method of WL's 
exposition. Lenin declares that, with the coming 
to power of the Bolsheviks, the world has moved 
into the era of imperialism and the proletarian 
revolution. Before that point, there is the 
emergence of modern imperialism alongside great 
confusion in the organization of workers' 
struggles. This was seen most grossly in 1914, 
when the politically most-organized detachment of 
the working class, in Germany, voted the Kaiser 
war credits.

What is  impermissible here is precisely to gloss 
over the successful overthrow of Tsarism. That 
overthrow was and remains the key condition for 
Lenin's description of our era -- "the era of 
imperialism and the proletarian revolution" -- to 
hold any water.

That overthrow includes mass uprisings in a 
variety of forms. The Bolshevik victory 
demonstrated in practice that the one final push 
so beloved of the IWW and other 
anarcho-syndicalists --- their idea of the 
general strike --- wasn't gonna fly any further. 
This was critical for winning the most active 
revolutionary fighters from the class at that 
time not only to the Bolsheviks' cause but to the 
Bolsheviks' approach to revolutionary tactics.

Another key matter is the lengthy ideological and 
political preparation of the working class as the 
leading force for achieving revolutionary 
victory. This preparation included 
partially-failed previous power-seizing attempts 
such as in 1905. It included learning the lesson 
of the need to maintain maximum vigilance against 
counter-revolutionary plots such as Kornilov's 
near-coup in August 1917; that was a coup attempt 
set in motion by a nominally revolutionary 
democratic government supported by the Moscow and 
Petrograd Soviets! The Bolsheviks' experience 
taught the necessity to be ready to seize the 
initiative in the precise moment of maximum 
crisis -- in the 3rd week of October 1917 
[old-style calendar] as it turned out -- but not 
prematurely and not "too late."

Despite being but a tiny minority in the general 
population, the Russian working class could aim 
for, and accomplish, the overthrow of a 
centuries-long social, political, economic and 
military order and its entire arrangement of 
social structures. This was  because its 
political consciousness expressed through 
revolutionary deeds won to its side all the other 
social forces that could no longer tolerate the 
Tsarist order. Without the party of the new type 
developed under Lenin, the class could not and 
would not have acquired the discipline and 
broad-mindedness necessary for accomplishing such 
a sweeping revolutionary aim.

With the revolutionary victory and the massing of 
strength to beat off the reactionary comeback 
attempts of the Civil War, Russia under the 
Bolsheviks won the authority and respect of the 
workers of the world as the reliable rear area of 
the world revolutionary struggle. THIS was why 
the Third International took off. That is why 
Lenin's political and ideological authority stood 
so high there.

WL reduces all this to remarking that "Lenin's 
outlook became the  political foundation of the 
Third International." He leaves out precisely how 
such a thing could  happen. His description 
creates instead an impression of someone cooking 
up a nice formulation about the nature of our era 
and getting to propagate it within an 
international organisation! The source of 
Lenin's authority was this reality that had been 
accomplished by a revolutionary section of the 
working class steeling itself ideologically, 
politically and even militarily. It was not about 
the prestige of some intellectual individual.

Perhaps WL can explain how it is that no one has 
ever suggested that the nature of our era changed 
when Chairman Mao Zedong declared that "China has 
stood up" and the Communists took power at the 
head of the people in October 1949. Or perhaps he 
could illuminate on the basis of his "theory" why 
no one suggested that the era had changed when 
the July 26th Movement led by Fidel Castro, 
placing itself at the head of the revolutionary 
independence struggle of the Cuban people against 
U.S. neocolonial enslavement, took power 
declaring "¡Patria o Muerte!" [Homeland or Death] 
52 years ago yesterday.

What WL's line of argument implicitly suggests is 
that some economic changes in the organisation of 
production can be put forward as something that 
could redefine the nature of an era. Such a thing 
is not even the case for insurgent mass 
movements, such as in China and Cuba, effecting 
profound advances of people's rights-to-be 
through the seizure of power from the clutches of 
the most dangerous exploiters on the face of the 
earth. So how can some so-called 
"post-industrial" economic transformation(s) be 
placed in such a category?!?

Like the Devil avoiding holy water, WL is silent 
about the quote from Lenin's 1908 pamphlet on 
Marxism and Revisionism. So it is reiterated 
here, in the context of WL's evident fascination 
with the allegedly socially transformative powers 
of Monopoly Capital's latest scams and schemes 
for further bleeding the workers white:

Every more or less "new" question, every more or 
less unexpected and unforeseen turn of events, 
even though it change the basic line of 
development only to an insignificant degree and 
only for the briefest period, will always 
inevitably give rise to one variety of 
revisionism or another.

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