In a message dated 1/2/2011 12:12:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_intangib...@aphenomenal.com_ (   writes: 
Continuing on WL - HOWLER #2 

part C 
The era Lenin describes is part of the epoch of the industrial revolution;  
the continuation, expansion and quantitative growth of the industrial 
revolution  as completion of the leap from agriculture to industry. 
In describing imperialism Lenin writes that "colonial policy and  
imperialism existed before this latest stage of capitalism, and even before  
capitalism." That is to say Karl Marx did in fact have a theory of imperialism  
based on his era, or rather a distinct economic juncture in the industrial  
revolution and the evolution of captial. This theory is expressed in his and  
Engels writings on Ireland and India and coining the "bourgeoisfication of the 
 English working class." Marx theory of imperialism is of a new form of  
imperialism based on bourgeois property and driven by capital reproduction,  
which ushers in social revolution or a new mode of production. 
"England, it is true, in causing a social revolution in Hindostan, was  
actuated only by the vilest interests, and was stupid in her manner of 
enforcing  them. But that is not the question. The question is, can mankind 
its  destiny without a fundamental revolution in the social state of Asia? 
If not,  whatever may have been the crimes of England she was unconscious 
tool of history  in bringing about the revolution.  .. . . England has to 
fulfill a double  mission in India: one destructive, the other regenerating - 
annihilation of  old Asiatic society, and the laying of the material 
foundations of Western  society in Asia." (End quote) 
Marx's views - theory, on imperialism and the non-European world was  
published in the New York Daily Tribune (including the above). Lenin built upon 
Marx view in his description of the labor aristocracy. 
Lenin writes and speaks of a historically specific form of capital -  
financial-industrial capital and its political domination of the world. This  
form of capital arose in American 50 years before Lenin's "Imperialism." Lenin  
outlines his meaning in "Imperialism the last stage of capitalism." This  
financial-industrial capital Lenin outlines ultimately brought to an end the 
old  world system of colonialism. 
This world that Lenin describes and defines no longer exists. This does not 
 mean there is no longer a labor aristocracy but rather the 
financial-industrial  imperialism has been sublated by modern finance capital 
dominated by 
speculative  capital. 
Today's finance capital is not simply the export of finance capital, or  
rather the export of the capital relations based on financial instruments and  
financial architecture characterized as the buying up of raw material,  
government loans and productive capacity. Today finance capital is dominated by 
 speculative finance buttressed by a new - post 1970's non-banking 
financial  architecture. The flow of capital - money, through this new 
eclipses  anything Lenin could have imagined. 
This does not means production no longer takes place on earth. Nor does it  
imply productive capital is not at work. Surplus value is still produced 
but the  form of financial industrial capital has given way to speculative 
finance and a  politically dominant form of capital increasingly detached from 
surplus value  production. Nor does changes in the form of finance capital 
destroy the capital  relation. Changes in the form of capital and finance 
occur in the context of  growth of the productive forces. What destroys the 
capital relation or the  system of bourgeois production of commodities is 
economic development or  revolution in the means of production. Such is the 
with all social systems. 
Our world is qualitatively different from the era of which Lenin writes and 
 defines. The difference is qualitatively different means of production and 
the  new emerging organization of labor corresponding to new means of 

Goodbye Leninism as a doctrine means Good bye to the peasant question, most 
 certainly in America and basically world wide as a salient feature of the 
class  struggle. In defining Leninism and Lenin's contribution to Marxism 
and its  development, Stalin devoid a chapter to the peasant question. 
American  communists have no need for a doctrine of revolutionary combat based 
the  existence of a peasantry or as it is called the small producer or middle 
strata.  This of course does not means there exists no peasants on earth. 
There is also the further evolution of the national question in its  
economic content, as presented by Lenin and summed up by Stalin. 
"The question is as follows: Are the revolutionary potentialities latent in 
 the revolutionary liberation movement of the oppressed countries already  
exhausted, or not; and if not, is there any hope, any basis, for utilizing 
these  potentialities for the proletarian revolution, for transforming the 
dependent  and colonial countries from a reserve of the imperialist 
bourgeoisie into a  reserve of the revolutionary proletariat, into an ally of 
Leninism replies to this question in the affirmative, i.e., it recognizes  
the existence of revolutionary capacities in the national liberation 
movement of  the oppressed countries, and the possibility of using these for 
overthrowing the  common enemy, for overthrowing imperialism. The mechanics of 
development of  imperialism, the imperialist war and the revolution in 
Russia wholly confirm the  conclusions of Leninism on this score. 
Hence the necessity for the proletariat of the "dominant" nations to  
support-resolutely and actively to support-the national liberation movement of  
the oppressed and dependent peoples." (End quote) 
When Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin wrote of oppressed peoples and colonial 
 countries they did not simply mean imperial entrapment, dependence of a  
political state or inequality within a system, but a specific system of 
direct  colonialism. The national liberation movement has run their course as 
 salient feature of the revolutionary process. This social process called  
national liberation is an epochal movement with a prelude, first phase, 
middle  and ending. In every area of earth today what directly face the 
proletarian  masses is social revolution and the overthrow of bourgeois 
The first American Revolution opened this economic and political epoch,  
running 200 years. The liberation and unification of Vietnam fundamentally  
completes this epoch of history as a social motion. For instance the struggle 
of  the masses in the historic black belt nation of America is not that of a 
middle  strata or small producers but that of the proletariat and directly 
a struggle  for the overthrown of bourgeois property rather than one for 
self determination  or secession. Today the struggle for equality, or rather 
against inequality as  nations and political states is directly a struggle for 
proletarian revolution  and completing the leap to a new mode of 
This does not mean that the equality form of struggle has been exhausted on 
 earth. The proletariat is not equal with itself and hence equality remains 
a  very important and sharp form of struggle. Actually, the equality 
struggle -  more THAN less IS the class struggle of the proletariat. 
Imperialist wars based on the existence of imperialist states or  
imperialist blocks in rivalry for colonies, at a specific stage of development  
means of production and economic classes, is part and parcel of Lenin's  
description of the era of "imperialism and proletarian revolution." WWII was 
last great imperialist war described by Lenin, with Germany seeking to 
recreate  the closed colonial system in political antagonism to Soviet Power 
American  led financial imperialism. 
The imperialist states Lenin describes were locked into a struggle for  
redivision of an already divided world. Attached to these imperialist states 
and  blocks were the hundred and millions of NON PROLETARIAN slaves of 
imperialism.  This ECONOMIC characterization as a non-proletarian mass, the 
producer as  this small producer or middle strata - peasantry, develops from 
lingering  economic, social and political feudal relations is gone. The 
wiping out of the  small producer is the condition for the two great classes to 
stand face to face  with nothing between them. 
Hence, the ECONOMIC CONTENT of the peasant question and national question. 
"The October Revolution undoubtedly represented that happy combination of a 
 "peasant war" and a "proletarian revolution" of which Marx wrote, despite 
all  the "highly principled" chatterboxes. The October Revolution proved 
that such a  combination is possible and can be brought about. The October 
Revolution proved  that the proletariat can seize power and retain it, if it 
succeeds in wresting  the middle strata, primarily the peasantry, from the 
capitalist class, if it  succeeds in converting these strata from reserves of 
capital into reserves of  the proletariat. 
In brief: the October Revolution was the first of all the revolutions in  
the world to bring into the forefront the question of the middle strata, and  
primarily of the peasantry, and the first to solve it successfully, despite 
all  the "theories" and lamentations of the heroes of the Second 
That is the first merit of the October Revolution, if one may speak of  
merit in such a connection." The October Revolution and the Question of the  
Middle Strata November 7, 1923. J.V. Stalin 
The doctrine of combat based on the existence of the small producer - the  
peasantry, has been rendered fundamentally obsolete, most certainly in 
Where is the peasant population today that the proletariat at the front  
seeks to detach from imperialism as a reserve? This specific economic relation 
 no longer exists as a defining attribute of the social revolution. 
Further, these imperialist blocks were organized based on the closed  
colonial system or the direct colony. The salient political feature  
corresponding to the economic features of the era Lenin characterizes was the  
revolutions and national movements; their converging with and morphing  into 
national liberation movements, and attempts at revolt and political  
revolution in the advanced capitalist countries. 
The doctrine of combat based on the closed colonial system has been  
rendered obsolete. 
Whether regional blocks emerge in the new era and wars take place based on  
these regional blocks is a wholly different question. These wars will not 
and  cannot be riveted to a colonial world defined as the closed colonial 
system. Not  the abolition of wars but the abolition of wars for the 
re-division of the world  based on imperialist blocks constituted on the closed 
colonial system. 
I fundamentally disagree that we are still in the era Lenin describes as  
"imperialism and proletarian revolution." 
Such is my "revisionism." 

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