Revolutionaries Must Teach Class Politics 
The reality of polarization and efforts of the rich, the capitalist class,  
to hold onto their grip in a collapsing economy are the current face of 
struggle  in our country. But American political history and its repudiation of 
politics  means most Americans view such conditions as only the corruption 
of an ideal.  This leaves the majority of Americans fighting with strategies 
from a past  period for goals that cannot be achieved under the current 
The revolutionary leader knows that the economic system has reached a point 
 of no return, and that those dispossessed by the system have no choice but 
to  fight for the power to shape society in their interest. Those who are 
already  superfluous or are becoming superfluous to a system built around the 
 exploitation of human labor are not aware of themselves as a class and of 
their  interests in contrast to the interests of the ruling class. However, 
the  question of how to fight for such an awareness is anything but simple. 
One thing  we do know is that revolutionaries have to engage in the fights 
before them,  playing midwife to that awareness as it struggles to be born. 
There's nothing simple about that process. An awareness of political  
possibility is not born easily. On some level, most Americans know about the 
between the world's wealthiest hundreds and the billions of people under 
their  control. Many people know that the wealth gap in the United States is 
the  largest since the Great Depression. Everyone acknowledges the 
disappearing  American "middle class," a long-cherished ideal for the American 
 Americans fear the future and see little possibility for hope. 
They certainly don't have faith in the current government's solutions. To  
solve our many economic problems, our government has spent somewhere between 
 Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's lowball estimate of $163 billion and the 
 government Inspector General's projection of $23 trillion dollars 
(Newsweek  reported a year ago that the government had already spent between 
trillion  and $12.8 trillion) to bail out big banks, giant insurance 
companies, and auto  companies. Of course, it's no secret that none of these 
industries are looking  out for the average American. Foreclosure filings 
remain at 
all-time highs and  are growing again; health-care coverage, that people 
will soon be forced to buy,  guarantees that hundreds of millions of Americans 
will remain underinsured; and  first-time jobless claims are on their way 
back to the record-breaking heights  of the first few months of 2009, as real 
unemployment numbers push close to one  in four Americans. 
But objective economic polarization does not inevitably translate into a  
subjective understanding and political polarization. The job of a 
revolutionary  is to participate in the movement in a way that will help the 
become  aware of their own class interests. Old ideas will not disappear 
overnight, but  conditions are opening a window to possibilities for political 
activity that  have not existed before. 
American Dream AND Class Politics 
Capitalism has long preached that individual dreams could only be realized  
through the "free market" system. The possibility of achieving "The 
American  Dream" has been a linchpin that maintained the system. This belief 
not only  obstructed any clear vision of class politics; it has made the 
concept of class  politics seem all but un-American. If the generations before 
could improve  their situation, and, today, if one in a million can "make 
it," then (we have  been taught) there are no classes in America. 
Of course, the reality of classes in America is inescapable. According to  
the National Board of Economic Research, the probability of someone rising 
out  of poverty today is as low as it was during the Great Depression. 
Despite a  tumble after 9/11, CEO pay is up 298% since 1990. One percent of the 
population  has 34% of all wealth and 51% of stocks and bonds; the top 10 
percent has 71%  and 90% respectively. The gap between the rich and poor has 
widened continuously  through four decades of Democratic and Republican 
Congresses and Presidential  Administrations. Still, the false promise of the 
capitalist American dream is so  strong that a purely electoral concept of 
politics serves mainly to turn  American workers against each other precisely 
they should be coming  together. 
Despite the fact that some see Republicans as hawks and Democrats as doves, 
 both parties have strongly supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
Many  health-care advocates and workers supported Democrats despite the party's 
 rejection of a single payer health-care plan. Teachers supported the 
Democrats  as a way of rejecting the failures of the No Child Left Behind law 
even after  the President appointed Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, who is 
the poster  child for the privatization of schools, merit pay, and a more 
competitive  classroom environment. 
The Democrats' manipulation of the progressive dreams of many of their  
supporters has made it easy for the most reactionary forces in America to 
attack  the ideals that fueled Obama's support. Though the collapse of today's 
economy  began decades ago with the introduction of electronics into the 
workplace -  forcing workers to compete with labor that doesn't demand a 
- today's  loudest rhetoric blames Obama's so-called "socialist" agenda and 
"weak defense"  for failures in foreign wars. Mandated purchases of shoddy 
health insurance will  add to public resentment and the further undermining 
of allegiance of what once  was the Democratic working-class base. 
Americans see the alliance between big money and the major parties. As a  
result, though they are rejecting "politics as usual," their activity is 
still  confined to the electoral arena. According to an NBC News/Wall Street 
Journal  poll in January, 41% of Americans like the idea of the Tea Party 
movement, more  than those who have a favorable reaction to the Democratic or 
Republican Party.  Still, as the November 2010 mid-term election have shown, 
the Republicans, with  their anti-incumbent strategies, are managing to 
manipulate this political  frustration in their favor, especially at the state 
local level. 
Myths breaking down 
The situation is anything but clear to people. The Republicans have managed 
 to co-opt America's distrust of a big government Republicans built to 
support  their corporate buddies and defunded to ignore peoples' needs. The 
Democrats  have worked hard to co-opt distrust of the big business they, in 
fact,  represent. But this co-opting of the struggles is only a stop-gap 
measure, and  the positive side of all of this change is that old party myths 
breaking  down. As Americans begin to recognize the need to fight this 
growing alliance of  government and big business, opportunities arise for 
the struggle  toward real solutions. But learning how to fight, developing 
a strategy, is  anything but easy. This is especially true as the 
powers-that-be raise the  volume on the kind of racial and ethnic issues that 
always diverted workers  from their class interests, as well as populist 
rhetoric that panders to the  fear and anger of large numbers of Americans in 
dangerous and divisive ways. 
Revolutionary leaders on all fronts of struggle face the challenge of  
fighting for clarity and strategy against the death throes of capitalist  
propaganda. This propaganda - funded in significant part by oil billionaires  
roots deep in the fascist movement - is popularizing calls for "states'  
rights," attacks on the legacy of the civil rights movement, and on ethnic and 
 religious minorities, working to divide us precisely at the moment when 
the  needs and demands of those discarded by the system present the solution 
for all  working people. 
Learning class politics 
These capitalist ideas do not address the needs of growing numbers of angry 
 Americans who can't feed and shelter their loved ones. Demagogues are 
tapping  into something real. Frightened Americans travel to the Washington 
and echo  a populism that says, as one protester did, "This isn't about 
politics. This is  about us," They don't recognize that this populism is, in 
itself, a political  vision and can only turn against Americans facing the 
same struggles as they do. 
The revolutionary leader, then, has to fight for the future only possible  
through political unity by fighting for the demands of those the capitalist  
system no longer needs. And that political unity will not grow as an idea  
separate from the fight; it will grow out of the fight. We fight alongside 
those  experiencing what the capitalist propagandists can't explain, 
struggling to  solve the problems faced by those Americans being forced out of 
Unlike the capitalists, revolutionaries have no desire to manipulate  
people's fears and we have nothing to fear from truth. We aim for real  
solutions. We work on our different fronts with a sense of the larger context  
is necessary to win the war for our future. Within each individual  struggle, 
we seek to identify the next step that will help move that fight to a  
broader political discussion and awareness of our class interests. As our  
struggles are thrown against the roadblocks of the State, we search for  
opportunities to work with others aligned in the same battle. Our political  
understanding will grow as we work through the complexities of the struggles,  
engaged in the specific dialogue that comes out of that work. And we will build 
on that understanding. 
With that increased understanding among those fighting together, each front 
 of struggle can then work to define next steps that will help broaden the  
discussion of our interests as that of a class. In so doing, we will find  
specific opportunities to awaken the struggle to the deep structure of its  
reality. We have to seek every opportunity to build a working dialogue that 
has  never before been possible on a broad scale in American society. We 
have to help  clarify what "politics" has to do with "us." 
November.2010.Vol20.Ed6 This article originated in Rally, Comrades! P.O.  
Box 477113 Chicago, IL 60647 _ra...@lrna.org_ (   Free 
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