The Bad News Behind a Falling Jobless Rate 
Rick Newman, On Friday January 7, 2011, 12:15 pm EST 
It sounds like welcome news. The unemployment rate dropped from 9.8 percent 
 to 9.4 percent, the sharpest one-month drop since 1998. After months of 
grim  news about jobs, it finally seems like things are heading in the right  
[See 20 industries where jobs are coming back.] 
But the fine print is discouraging. The economy did add 103,000 new jobs in 
 the latest month, which accounted for about half of the steep drop in the  
unemployment rate, according to forecasting firm IHS Global Insight. But 
the  number of new jobs is much lower than economists expected, and the 
current pace  of job creation is far too weak to offset all the jobs lost 
the  recession. The other reason the unemployment rate fell is a shrinking 
labor  force. Nearly 400,000 unemployed people stopped looking for work in the 
most  recent month, because they felt no jobs were available. They gave up, 
in  essence, and dropped out of the labor force. And that is not what is 
supposed to  happen as the economy recovers and workers, in theory, become 
more optimistic. 
Such "discouraged workers" have become a key variable in the jobless  
numbers, and in the overall direction of the economy. There are now about 4  
million Americans classified as "discouraged" or "marginally attached to the  
labor force," which basically means they'd look for work if they thought it 
were  available--but they don't, so they're not. That's in addition to about 
14.5  million people who count as unemployed, because they're actively 
looking for  jobs. Four million labor-force dropouts may not sound like a lot 
compared with a  total labor force of nearly 154 million, but those marginal 
workers represent  the difference between healthy growth that would bring the 
economy roaring back,  and the kind of tepid growth we have now, which leaves 
millions of consumers  feeling unsure about their jobs and anxious about 
the future. 
[See why "recession-proof" jobs are a myth.] 
A shrinking labor force also masks deeper weaknesses in the economy. The  
size of the U.S. labor force peaked at about 155 million in October 2008, 
right  after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the financial panic that led 
to  millions of layoffs. Back then, the percentage of adults either working 
or  looking for work was 66 percent, about average for the last two decades. 
The  labor-force participation rate has since fallen to 64.3 percent, the 
lowest  level since the early 1980s. Fewer Americans are working, and fewer 
Americans  want to work. If the participation rate were still 66 percent, 
unemployment  would be closer to 12 percent--a number nobody would tout as 
cheerful news. 
There's usually a decline in the size of the labor force during recessions, 
 as people who might ordinarily work decide to go back to school, or to 
stay home  and help out around the house, until the job market improves. But 
the decline in  the size of the labor force over the last two years is the 
sharpest since World  War II, and economists now think the labor force could be 
shrinking permanently.  Bank of America Merrill Lynch recently predicted 
that labor-force participation  will tick upward as the recovery picks up, but 
then resume a gradual downward  trend that's been in place since 2000. 
Their analysis shows that a shrinking  labor force could whack a full 
point off of GDP growth annually. 
[See how U.S. consumers are conquering debt.] 
That would have a tangible impact on millions of Americans. Slow economic  
growth means an indefinite oversupply of workers, which would continue to 
hold  down pay levels--even for those with jobs that feel secure. That would 
make it  harder to save, pay down debt, and keep up with inflation. Fewer 
earners in the  economy also means fewer people paying taxes, which would 
exacerbate federal  deficits and state and local budget shortfalls, which are 
already a big problem.  And of course the unemployed will continue struggling 
to make mortgage payments,  maintain health insurance, and in many cases 
simply put food on the table,  straining the social safety net that working 
Americans pay for. 
Economists still expect the unemployment rate to go back up as the economy  
improves, which, paradoxically, would be good news because it would signal 
that  discouraged workers are regaining some hope and treading back into the 
job  market. IHS Global Insight, for instance, predicts that unemployment 
will drift  back toward 10 percent in 2011, then turn around and end the year 
close to 9  percent. But that up-and-down trend, typical at the end of 
recessions, was  already supposed to be happening by now. Instead, workforce 
discouragement seems  to be lasting much longer than usual. Optimism, for many, 
remains as elusive as  a job itself. 
Twitter: @rickjnewman

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