By Sam Marcy (May 14, 1992)
The brutal suppression of the Los Angeles insurrection offers a classic example 
of the relationship of bourgeois democracy to the capitalist state. The 
statistics most eloquently demonstrate the relationship. 
The number of arrests in Los Angeles County alone as of May 5 is 12,111 and 
still rising. The number of injuries has reached a staggering 2,383. Several 
hundred are critically wounded. Thus the number of dead at present--55--will 
undoubtedly continue to rise. 
All this has to be seen in light of the repressive forces amassed by the city, 
state and federal government: 8,000 police, 9,800 National Guard troops, 1,400 
Marines, 1,800 Army soldiers and 1,000 federal marshals. (Associated Press, May 

At the bottom of it all 
Marxism differs from all forms of bourgeois sociology in this most fundamental 
way: all bourgeois social sciences are directed at covering up and 
concealing--sometimes in the most shameful way--the predatory class character 
of present- day capitalist society. Marxism, on the other hand, reveals in the 
clearest and sharpest manner not only the antagonisms that continually rend 
asunder present-day bourgeois society but also their basis--the ownership of 
the means of production by a handful of millionaires and billionaires. 
Bourgeois sociology must leave out of consideration the fact that society is 
divided into exploiter and exploited, oppressors of nationalities and 
oppressed. The basis for both the exploitation and oppression is the ownership 
of the means of production by an ever-diminishing group of the population that 
controls the vital arteries of contemporary society. They are the bourgeoisie, 
the ruling class. At the other end of the axis is the proletariat of all 
nationalities, the producer of all the fabulous wealth. 
Material wealth has been vastly increasing along with the masses' productivity 
of labor. But only 1 percent of the population amasses the lion's share of what 
the workers produce while a greater and greater mass is impoverished. 

Flattering `the people' 
Especially during periods of parliamentary elections as in the U.S. today, 
bourgeois sociologists are full of effusive praise for "the people." Each and 
every capitalist politician embraces "the people" with what often becomes 
disgusting flattery. The people are everything during periods when the 
bourgeoisie needs them most of all, as during its many predatory wars. Indeed, 
at no time is the bourgeoisie so attached to the people as when it is in 
deepest crisis. 
But the people--the unarmed masses--become nothing, not even human beings, when 
they are in the full throes of rebellion against the bourgeoisie's monstrous 
police and military machine. Does not the Los Angeles insurrection prove all 
No amount of praise, no amount of flattery can substitute for a clear-cut 
delineation of the class divisions that perpetually rend society apart. 
To the bourgeois social scientists the masses are the object of history. 
Marxist theory, on the other hand, demonstrates that the masses are the subject 
of history. Where they are the objects of history they are manipulated as raw 
material to suit the aims of ruling class exploitation. They become the subject 
of history only when they rise to the surface in mass revolutionary action. 
Their rising, as in Los Angeles, is what Karl Marx called the locomotive of 
history. Their revolutionary struggle accelerates history, bringing to the fore 
the real character of the mass movement. 
To speak of the people in general terms, without cutting through the propaganda 
to reveal the relations of exploiter to exploited, of oppressor to oppressed, 
is to participate in covering up the reality. 

Oppression of a whole people 
Most indispensable for an understanding of contemporary society is the relation 
between oppressor and oppressed nationalities. One cannot apply Marxism to any 
meaningful extent without first recognizing the existence of national 
oppression--the oppression of a whole people by capitalist imperialism. This is 
one of the most characteristic features of the present world reality. 
This concept above all others must be kept foremost if we hope to understand 
what has happened in Los Angeles and in other major cities of this country. 
The insurrection and the way it is being suppressed closely follow the 
exposition by Frederick Engels in his book "The Origin of the Family, Private 
Property and the State," and later brought up to date by Lenin in "State and 
What is the state? What is democracy? 
Bourgeois sociologists and scholars, and above all capitalist politicians, 
always confound the relationship between the two. They often treat them as a 
single phenomenon. In reality, the relation between democracy and the state is 
based on an inner struggle--between form and essence. 
The state can take on many different forms. A state can have the form of a 
bourgeois democracy; it can be a monarchy; it may be ruled by a military junta. 
And in modern society, on the very edge of the 21st century, it may have a 
totalitarian or fascist form. 
Whatever its form, its essence is determined by which class is dominant 
economically and consequently also dominant politically. In contemporary 
society, this means the rule of the imperialist bourgeoisie over the 
proletariat and the oppressed nationalities. 

Bourgeoisie needs different forms of rule 
The bourgeoisie cannot maintain its class rule by relying solely on one 
particular form of the state. It can't rely only on the governing 
officialdom--even those at the very summit of the state, even when they are 
solely millionaires and billionaires. Under such circumstances, should there be 
an imperialist war or a deep capitalist crisis that leads to ferment among the 
masses, the bourgeois state would be vulnerable to revolutionary overthrow. 
But the state is not just the officialdom--who presume to govern in the 
interest of all the people. The state in its essential characteristics is the 
organization, to quote Engels, of a "special public force" that consists not 
merely of armed men and women but of material appendages, prisons and 
repressive institutions of all kinds. 
The decisive basic ingredient of the state is the armed forces with all their 
material appendages and all who service them. Most noteworthy are the 
prisons--more and more of them--calculated to break the spirit of millions of 
the most oppressed while pretending to some mock forms of rehabilitation. All 
the most modern means--mental and physical--are used to demoralize and deprave 
the character of those incarcerated. 
These repressive institutions, this public force appears so omnipotent against 
the unarmed mass of the oppressed and exploited. But it stands out as the very 
epitome of gentility and humaneness when it comes to incarcerating favored 
individuals, especially the very rich, who have transgressed the norms of 
capitalist law. 
In general then, the Los Angeles insurrection shows that democracy is a veil 
that hides the repressive character of the capitalist state. The state at all 
times is the state of the dominant class. And the objective of the special 
bodies of armed men and women is to secure, safeguard and uphold the domination 
of the bourgeoisie. 

Growth of the state 
Engels explained that in the course of development of capitalist society, as 
the class antagonisms grow sharper, the state--that is, the public force--grows 
Said Engels, "We have only to look at our present-day Europe where class 
struggle, rivalry and conquest has screwed up the public power to such a pitch 
that it threatens to devour the whole of society and even the state itself." 
Written more than 100 years ago, this refers to the growth of militarism. The 
sharpening of class and national antagonisms had even then resulted in larger 
and larger appropriations for civilian and military personnel employed for the 
sole purpose of suppressing the civil population at home and waging adventurist 
imperialist wars abroad. 
The state grows in proportion as class and national antagonisms develop. 
Democracy is merely a form which hides the predatory class character of the 
bourgeois state. Nothing so much proves this as the steady and consistent 
growth of militarism and the police forces in times of peace as well as war. 
The ruling class continually cultivates racism to keep the working class 
divided, in order to maintain its domination. This is as true at home as it is 
abroad. The forces of racism and national oppression have been deliberately 
stimulated by Pentagon and State Department policies all across the globe. 

Marxism on violence 
After every stage in the struggle of the workers and oppressed people, there 
follows an ideological struggle over what methods the masses should embrace to 
achieve their liberation from imperialist monopoly capital. There are always 
those who abjure violence while minimizing the initial use of violence by the 
ruling class. They denounce it in words, while in deeds they really cover it 
up. That's precisely what's happening now. 
Yes indeed, they readily admit the verdict in the Rodney King beating was 
erroneous, unfair. But--and here their voices grow louder--"The masses should 
not have taken to the streets and taken matters into their own hands." Their 
denunciation of the violence of the ruling class is subdued and muffled-- above 
all is it hypocritical, a sheer formality. It's an indecent way of seeming to 
take both sides of the argument when what follows is in reality a condemnation 
of the masses. 
In times when the bourgeoisie is up against the wall, when the masses have 
risen suddenly and unexpectedly, the bourgeoisie gets most lyrical in abjuring 
violence. It conjures up all sorts of lies and deceits about the unruliness of 
a few among the masses as against the orderly, law-abiding many. 
Marxism here again cuts through it all. The Marxist view of violence flows from 
an altogether different concept. It first of all distinguishes between the 
violence of the oppressors as against the responsive violence of the masses. 
Just to be able to formulate it that way is a giant step forward, away from 
disgusting bourgeois praise for nonviolence. It never occurs to any of them to 
show that the masses have never made any real leap forward with the theory of 
nonviolence. Timidity never made it in history. 
Indeed, Marxists do prefer nonviolent methods if the objectives the masses 
seek--freedom from oppression and exploitation--can be obtained that way. But 
Marxism explains the historical evolution of the class struggle as well as the 
struggle of oppressed nations as against oppressors. 

Revolutions, force and violence 
As Marx put it, "force is the midwife to every great revolution." This is what 
Marx derived from his study of the class struggle in general and of capitalist 
society in particular. 
None of the great revolutions has ever occurred without being accompanied by 
force and violence. And it is always the oppressor--the ruling class and the 
oppressing nationality--that is most congenitally prone to use force as soon as 
the masses raise their heads. 
In all the bourgeois revolutions in Europe, this new would-be ruling class used 
the masses to fight its battles against the feudal lords. Then, when the masses 
raised their heads to fight for their own liberation against the bourgeoisie, 
they were met with the most fearful and unmitigated violence. All European 
history is filled with such examples, from the revolutions of 1789 and 1848 to 
the Paris Commune of 1871. 
Does not the bourgeoisie, once it has tamed the proletariat at home, use force 
and violence through its vast military armada to more efficiently exploit and 
suppress the many underdeveloped nations throughout the world? 
It is so illuminating that Iraq, the nation subjected to the most violent, 
truly genocidal military attack in recent times, has taken upon itself to press 
a formal complaint in the UN Security Council on behalf of the embattled masses 
in Los Angeles and other cities. Iraq called on that body to condemn and 
investigate the nature of the developments here--and the irony is that the head 
of the Security Council felt obligated to accept the complaint. Not even the 
U.S. delegate, obviously taken by surprise, objected. 
How much real difference is there between the suppression of the Paris Commune 
in 1871 and that of the revolutionary rising of the masses in Los Angeles in 
1992? The brutal suppression differs only in magnitude and not in essence. 
While it might seem that in Los Angeles national oppression alone is involved, 
in reality it derives from the class exploitation of the African American 
masses dating back to the days of slavery. 

Watts and social legislation 
Following the Watts insurrection, the bourgeoisie made lofty promises to 
improve the situation. The Watts, Detroit, Newark and other rebellions in the 
1960s did win significant concessions that eventually were enacted into law. 
They became the basis for a temporary improvement in the economic and social 
situation of the oppressed people. 
None of the progressive legislation, up to and including affirmative action, 
would have been enacted had it not been for the rebellions during the 1960s and 
the 1970s. Yet now, almost three decades after the Watts rebellion, the masses 
are in greater poverty and the repression is heavier than before. The fruits of 
what was won have withered on the vine as racism and the deterioration of 
economic conditions took hold once again. 
Once more the bourgeois politicians attempted to mollify the masses with 
endless promises of improvements never destined to see the light of day. This 
evoked a profound revulsion among the masses. It took only an incident like the 
incredible verdict of the rigged jury that freed the four police officers in 
the Rodney King beating to ignite a storm of revolutionary protest. 
If revolutionary measures are ever to have any validity, doesn't a case like 
this justify the people taking destiny into their own hands? 

Less workers, more cops 
How interesting that technology everywhere displaces labor, reducing the number 
of personnel. 
There was a time when it was hoped that the mere development of technical and 
industrial progress, the increase in mechanization and automation, would 
contribute to the well-being of the masses. This has once again shown itself to 
be a hollow mockery. The truth is that the development of higher and more 
sophisticated technology under capitalism doesn't contribute to the welfare of 
the masses but, on the contrary, throws them into greater misery. 
What has been the general trend? The growth of technology, particularly 
sophisticated high technology, has reduced the number of workers employed in 
industry as well as in the services. The introduction of labor-saving devices 
and methods has dramatically reduced the number of workers in all fields. 
But the opposite trend prevails in the police forces. This is an absolutely 
incontestable fact. 
At one time the police patrolled the streets on foot. Maybe they used a public 
telephone for communications with headquarters. Today they are equipped with 
sophisticated gear. They ride either on motorcycles or in police cars or 
helicopters. They communicate by radio. 
All this should reduce the number of police. But the trend is quite the 
contrary: to increase the forces of repression. This is not geared to 
productivity as in industry. Their growth is geared to the growth of national 
antagonisms, the growth of racism, and the bourgeoisie's general anti-labor 
In Los Angeles, the bourgeoisie is forced to bring in federal troops to assist 
city and state authorities. The social composition of the Army is not just a 
cross-section of capitalist society. The Army and Marines, especially the 
infantry, have a preponderance of Black and Latino soldiers. What does this 
The U.S. imperialists had to wage a technological war against Iraq out of fear 
that the preponderance of Black and Latino soldiers could end up in a 
disastrous rebellion; they might refuse to engage in a war against their 
sisters and brothers in the interests of the class enemy. That's why the armed 
forces never really got into the ground war that seemed at first to be in the 
In Los Angeles the local police and state forces were inadequate. Only because 
the masses were unarmed was the bourgeoisie able to suppress what was in truth 
an insurrection--a revolutionary uprising. 

Spontaneity and consciousness 
As Marx would put it, such a rising is a festival of the masses. The incidental 
harm is far outweighed by the fact that it raises the level of the struggle to 
a higher plateau. The wounds inflicted by the gendarmerie will be healed. The 
lessons will be learned: that a spontaneous uprising has to be supported with 
whatever means are available; that a great divide exists between the leaders 
and the masses. 
No viable class or nation in modern capitalist society can hope to take destiny 
in its own hands by spontaneous struggles alone. Spontaneity as an element of 
social struggle must beget its own opposite: leadership and organization. 
Consciousness of this will inevitably grow. 

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