I thank you, comrades of the Newspaper Anasintaxi, for your excellent communist 
exposition on the class struggle in Greece.  I enjoyed reading it dutifully.  
Thank you for standing in the lead and never abandoning the aspirations of the 
working class.


--- On Wed, 1/12/11, Newspaper Anasintaxi <anasint...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Newspaper Anasintaxi <anasint...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [MLL] Unilateral entire debt suspension of payments – Greece out of 
Euro-EMU-European Union part C
To: marxist-leninist-list@lists.econ.utah.edu
Date: Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 6:28 PM


The foreign  and local capitals’ continuous attacks as they are included, 
others, in the enslaving “Memorandum,” and promoted by the troika and  the 
government, as well as the very serious consequences in the  country’s course 
springing from its further stay within EMU-EURO-EU are  determining the 
direction and content for the front of struggle  of the working class and other 
working masses and oblige them to  struggle on the one hand for the defense of 
their class interests and  the regain of their demolished gains and on the 
hand against the  new occupation of Commission-ECB-IMF and not only for the 
country’s exit  from EMU-EURO (through the refusal to recognize and pay the 
debt), but  also the direct, here and now, WITHDRAWAL from the imperialist 
European Union, a proposal which is expressed at a short length in the apropos 
slogan Unilateral entire debt suspension of payments – Greece out of 
Euro-EMU-European Union, against, as already stated, the big local capital’s 
strategic choice of KEEPING Greece in EMU-EURO, but first of all staying within 
imperialist European Union.
If  in the early 60’s the big capital’s strategic choice was the country’s  
entrance to the EEC, its current strategic choice now is the permanent  and 
further STAYING in the “lions’ den” of big and powerful imperialist  EU 
monopolies, the consequences of which have been paid for years by the  Greek 
people and country.
1. The struggle for defending the working class’s interests and the regain of 
demolished conquests.
The  working class’s first goal in this very difficult period is the defense  
its class interests at all levels, the rescue of those few remaining  
gains-rights from the onslaught of the “Memorandum” and the regain of  
demolished conquests.
The working class and the entirety of  working people did not succeed in 
off the foreign and local  capital’s attacks, as these were promoted by the 
troika and the  government and were expressed in the notorious “Momeorandum,” 
this bring  due, as already mentioned, to the reformist worker patrons of  
GSEE-ADEDY-PASKE-PAME-AP’s traitorous line of class collaboration,  the lack of 
massive in the not promptly declared strike mobilizations,  and finally the 
PAME’S reformist disruptive tactic which permanently  undermined the unity and 
massiveness of mobilizations.
The  anti-popular and anti-worker measures are supported directly and  
indirectly by the government of PASOK, the Nazi-fascist LAOS, and the  
monarch-fascist ND, while the latter one demagoguely protests “against”  the 
The Khruschevite social democratic parties  “K”KE and SYN, as well as the 
organizations of the extraparliamentary  Left stood and stand against the 
troika-government’s measures and  support, with their well-known delinquency, 
the workers’ demands,  although they permanently undermine their struggle with 
their separate and splitting strike mobilizations, which result in the 
frustration of the required massiveness and insufficiency.
Through  observing the positions of the social democratic “K”KE-SYN, as well 
all opportunist extraparliamentary organizations, it is easily seen that  they 
are all limiting the working class’s struggle in the projection and claim of 
strictly trade-unionist  demands. The social democratic leaders of Khrushevite 
“K”KE, in  particular, are going even further, and become self-ridiculed, 
claiming  that the trade-union demands of 35 hours a week-5 days a week-7 hours 
a  day, etc. as well as “full and stable work, public and free Health and  
Education,” etc. supposedly consist “a radical context of struggle” 
(“Rizospastis”, 27/6/2010, pp. 10-11) – despite being cut-off from the context 
of the crisis.
2. The struggle against imperialist dependence – direct, here and NOW, 
withdrawal of Greece from EMU-EURO-EUROPEAN UNION.
Before referring to the working class’s second front of struggle – a broader 
more important than the first one – it is obligatory from the outset to note 
underline again the big local capital’s current strategic choice of Greece 
STAYING inside EMU-EURO-EU,  something which is intentionally concealed by all 
parties and  organizations – a reference which allows the better understanding 
of the  current attitude of the various political forces in the country.
The confinement of the working class’s struggle to strictly trade-unionist  
demands, as this is projected by the social democrats (“K”KE-SYN) as  well as 
the organizations of the extraparliamentary Left  (KOE-NAR-ANTARSYA-KKE 
(m-l)-M-L KKE, etc.),7 even as “having as a spearhead the demands of struggle 
for the overthrow of the enslaving memorandum of the government-EU-IMF” 
Dromos,” 3/7/2010, p. 13), is at first sentencing the working class’s struggle 
to a defensive position, demobilizes and paralyzes it, and second – and more 
important – disconnects this necessary and of vital importance struggle of the 
working class for the defense of its class interests from the struggle against 
imperialist dependence by the EU – a dependence which has caused directly a 
series of the country’s economic problems,  which are impossible to become 
understood to the required degree by the  workers and the people without the 
struggle against EU, despite the  breakdown of the myths attached to the EU.
The big local capital’s current strategic choice of KEEPING Greece inside 
EMU-EURO-EU is openly supported by the government of big bourgeois PASOK, the 
monarchofascist ND and the Nazi-fascist LAOS, as well as silently by  the two 
social democratic parties (“K”KE-SYN) and the organizations of  the 
extraparliamentary Left (KOE-NAR-ANTARSYA-KKE (m-l)-M-L KKE, etc.), because  
exactly in this period they are not posing the issue of Greece  WITHDRAWING 
and now neither from the imperialist EU nor even from  EMU-EURO.
The refusal of social democratic “K”KE-SYN and the organizations of the 
extraparliamentary Left to pose the issue of Greece WITHDRAWING here and now 
from the imperialist EU (as well as EMU-EURO) means: 1) abandoning the attitude 
expressed in the anti-imperialist slogan “Greece out of the EU” and resigning 
from the conduction of anti-imperialist struggle, 2) silently supporting the 
local capital’s aims and strategic choices of KEEPING Greece inside 
aligning completely with its current designs, 3) supporting-perpetuating the 
country’s dependence by the imperialist EU’s monopolies.
The social democratic leaders of SYN have abandoned the anti-imperialist 
position-slogan “Greece out of the EU” and  are in favour of the country 
within EU, while those of “K”KE,  who are sometimes invoking the slogan 
phenomenally-demagoguely in order  to deceive the working people, have 
essentially abandoned it as well,  because firstly, they are also in favour of 
Greece staying inside  EU, as A. Papariga recently confessed in an answer of 
hers to a  relevant question that the exit of Greece from the EU at this moment 
“is not a solution in itself”8, and therefore they are in favour of Greece 
staying in the EU, and secondly, they, along with Maoist revisionist KKE (m-l) 
and M-L KKE9 are transferring and relegating Greece’s exit from the EU to – as 
far  as “K”KE is concerned – the Greek calends, i.e. the “Doomsday” of  
so-called “people’s power” – “people’s economy)10,  and to – as far as the 
Maoists are concerned – their “socialism” – both  of which remain in the 
confines of capitalism (because all three  parties reject violent-armed 
revolution and smashing the state machinery, and consequently, the Dictatorship 
of the Proletariat).
Despite  all these, the social democratic “K”KE and the Maoist revisionists of  
KKE (m-l)/ M-L KKE attempted unsuccessfully to construct a “Left”  disguise, to 
appear “more on the Left” by those (NAR, “Left Economists”)  who only suggest 
“exit from EMU-EURO,” and criticizing them, while at the same time, they are 
ones who do not even suggest an “exit from EMU-EURO,” even as a “first 
step,” and even more they do not suggest the here and now exit of Greece from 
imperialist EU, and therefore, since they do not do so, it is obvious that they 
are silently but fully and faithfully supporting the local capital’s current 
strategic choice of KEEPING Greece inside EMU-EURO-EU.
In  opposition to the government and all political parties and  organizations, 
the revolutionary Marxists, i.e. Leninist-Stalinists of  the Movement for the 
Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece  1918-55 are proposing, as 
already stated, the content of the working  class and the people’s struggle for 
this period being the direct, here  and NOW, WITHDRAWAL of Greece from the 
imperialist EU (alongside  EMU-EURO), expressed in the position-slogan 
“Unilateral entire debt suspension of payments – Greece out of 
Union” – a proposal addressed neither to governments nor to political parties 
and organizations, but  to the proletariat and the peasantry, and first of all 
to the youth,  all working people and the entire Greek people and its mass  
organizations (trade unions, farmers’ unions, students’ movement, etc.). 
Concerning the unbearable debt, it must not be recognized and paid by the 
working class and the people, because firstly it is not their creation, but the 
creation of the reactionary bourgeoisie, and secondly, it is in a large part 
product of speculative usurious interest rates. 

It is the only proposal in direct opposition and rupture with the big local 
capital’s strategic choice of KEEPING Greece inside EMU-EURO-EU,  as it is 
promoted in an auspicious moment and favourable, both in  relation to the 
interior and Europe, situation. It is a proposal and  overripe demand for 
promotion when the myths of imperialist Europe and  local capitalism are 
becoming bankrupt daily in front of the wrathful  eyes of the Greek people; the 
only proposal expressing popular and  national interests, and most importantly, 
it is contributing to  the development of an anti-imperialist consciousness for 
the broad  popular masses and is suitable to cause the development of a large,  
broad, gigantic anti-imperialist movement – this is exactly what big  local 
capital as well as EU monopolies fear –, suitable for the shifting  of the 
necessary and requirement balance of power for the preparation  of the future 
terminal release of the country for imperialist bondage,  opening the way of 
revolutionary perspective, in combination with the  fermentation of relevant 
revolutionary slogans in each phase of the  struggle, in the direction of 
anti-imperialist-proletarian revolution  and socialism-communism.
1 Aleka Papariga – “K”KE: “they are bringing back the scarecrow of bankruptcy,” 
“Rizospastis” 23/4/2010, p. 6, Alexis Tsipras – SYN: “nice fable about the 
dragon of bankruptcy,” “Eleftherotypia” 14/3/2010,
2 NAR: New Left Current, split of KKE from 1989. ANTARSYA: Anticapitalist  Left 
Co-operation for the Overthrow: a coalition of organizations of  the 
extraparliantary left.
3 “Rizospastis” 1/8/2010, p. 14
4 S. Zorbalas: “Marxism and Our Age,” p. 41, Athens 1976. Also look N.  
Kyritsis, “Neos Kosmos,” 9/1971, pp. 120-21, Th. Zachos, “Neos Kosmos,”  
11/1972, pp. 40-41, etc. As for D. Koutsoumpas in the spirit of E.David  
Kautsky (1901), Tscheprakow (1969), Farakos (1974), he  rejects-denies both 
relative and absolute immiseration, despite being  economic laws, replacing 
with the version of “tendency”: “a tendency of absolute and relative 
immiseration” (“R,” 25/4/2010, p. 4).
5 GSEE: General Confederation of Greek Workers. ADEDY: Civil Servants’  
Confederation. PASKE (All-Greece Militant Syndicalist Movement): the  
syndicalist wing of PASOK. PAME (All-Workers Militant Front): the  syndicalist 
wing of “K”KE. AP (Autonomi Paremvasi, Autonomous  Intervention): the 
syndicalist wing of SYN.
6 DAKE: Independent Democratic Workers’ Movement. The syndicalist wing of Nea 
7 KOE: Communist Organization of Greece. Maoists co-operating with SYN in  
SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left). KKE (m-l) (Communist Party of  Greece 
(marxist-leninist) and M-L KKE (Marxist-Leninist Communist Party  of Greece) 
Maoists as well.
8 “Rizospastis,” 5/3/2010, p. 10
9 “Laikos Dromos,”, newspaper of M-LKKE, 5/6/2010, pp. 12-13
10 “K”KE: “disconnection from the EU along with people’s power,” (“Rizospastis” 
27/6/2010, p. 11)

 The Political Committee of the "Movement for the Reorganisation of the 
Communist Party of Greece 1918-55"
PO Box 3689, 102 10 Athens
Tel: +30 2108621543
Blog (English):http://anasintaxi-en.blogspot.com
Blog (Greek):http://anasintaxi.blogspot.com


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