Comrades of Newspaper Anasintaxi,
As I just began reading the below article was on my news page so I enclose it 
for your consideration.  I also extend my slodarity to you and the Tunisian 
working-class and the Communist's Party of Tunisia.  There is no shortage of 
courage and militancy shown by the violent struggle of the masses that set the 
standard and example of the required struggle against imperialism.  I am 
extremely encouraged by the bravery of the masses and their complete lack of 
cowardice and that of the vanguard that leads this struggle.  This is an 
example that the communist movement in general should take notice of.  This is 
an example that the US working-class and the US communist in particular should 
take notice of.
Mark Scott
TUNIS, Tunisia – After 23 years of iron-fisted rule, the president of Tunisia 
was driven from power Friday by violent protests over soaring unemployment and 
corruption. Virtually unprecedented in modern Arab history, the populist 
uprising sent an ominous message to authoritarian governments that dominate the 
The office of Saudi King Abdullah confirmed early Saturday that ousted 
President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his family had landed in Saudi Arabia, 
after several hours of mystery over his whereabouts. "As a result of the Saudi 
kingdom's respect for the exceptional circumstances the Tunisian people are 
going through, and with its wish for peace and security to return to the people 
of Tunisia, we have welcomed" him, the statement said.
Tunisians buoyant over Ben Ali's ouster faced uncertainly, however, about 
what's next for the North African nation. The country was under the caretaker 
leadership of the prime minister who took control, the role of the army in the 
transition was unknown, and it was uncertain whether Ben Ali's departure would 
be enough to restore calm.
The ouster followed the country's largest protests in generations and weeks of 
escalating unrest, sparked by one man's suicide and fueled by social media, 
cell phones and young people who have seen relatively little benefit from 
Tunisia's recent economic growth. Thousands of demonstrators from all walks of 
life rejected Ben Ali's promises of change and mobbed Tunis, the capital, to 
demand that he leave.
The government said at least 23 people have been killed in the riots, but 
opposition members put the death toll at more than three times that.
On Friday, police repeatedly clashed with protesters, some of whom climbed onto 
the entrance roof of the dreaded Interior Ministry, widely believed for years 
to be a place where the regime's opponents were tortured.
With clouds of tear gas and black smoke drifting over the city's whitewashed 
buildings, Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi went on state television to 
announce that he was assuming power in this North African nation known mostly 
for its wide sandy beaches and ancient ruins.
"I take over the responsibilities temporarily of the leadership of the country 
at this difficult time to help restore security," Ghannouchi said in a solemn 
statement on state television. "I promise ... to respect the constitution, to 
work on reforming economic and social issues with care and to consult with all 
The prime minister, a longtime ally of the president, suggested that Ben Ali 
had willingly handed over control, but the exact circumstances were unclear.
In a string of last-ditch efforts to tamp down the unrest, Ben Ali dissolved 
the government and promised legislative elections within six months — a pledge 
that appeared to open at least the possibility of a new government. Before his 
removal of power was announced, he declared a state of emergency, including a 
curfew that was in effect Friday night and was to be lifted at 7 a.m. Saturday.
Isolated bursts of gunfire broke a general quiet in the evening. But overnight, 
in a sign that Ben Ali's departure hadn't fully restored calm, plainclothes 
police were seen hustling some people off the streets of Tunis: One was 
clubbed, another was dragged on the ground.
European tour companies moved thousands of tourists out of the country. Foreign 
airlines halted service to Tunisia, and said the country's airspace had been 
temporarily shut down.
Ben Ali's downfall sent a potentially frightening message to autocratic leaders 
across the Arab world, especially because he did not seem especially vulnerable 
until very recently.
He managed the economy of his small country of 10 million better than many 
other Middle Eastern nations grappling with calcified economies and booming 
young populations. He turned Tunisia into a beach haven for tourists, helping 
create an area of stability in volatile North Africa. There was a lack of civil 
rights and little or no freedom of speech, but a better quality of life for 
many than in neighboring countries such as Algeria and Libya.
Ben Ali had won frequent praise from abroad for presiding over reforms to make 
the economy more competitive and attract business. Growth last year was at 3.1 
Unemployment, however, was officially measured at 14 percent, and was far 
higher — 52 percent — among the young. Despair among job-seeking young 
graduates was palpable.
The riots started after an educated but jobless 26-year-old committed suicide 
in mid-December when police confiscated the fruits and vegetables he was 
selling without a permit. His desperate act hit a nerve, sparked copycat 
suicides and focused generalized anger against the regime into a widespread, 
outright revolt.
The president tried vainly to hold onto power. On Thursday night he went on 
television to promise not to run for re-election in 2014 and slashed prices on 
key foods such as sugar, bread and milk. 
Protesters gathered peacefully Friday in front of the Interior Ministry, but 
six hours after the demonstration began hundreds of police with shields and 
riot gear moved in. Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and 
kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, 
covering his face. 
A few youths were spotted throwing stones, but most demonstrated calmly. 
Protesters were of all ages and from all walks of life, from students holding 
sit-ins in the middle of the street to doctors in white coats and black-robed 
lawyers waving posters. 
"A month ago, we didn't believe this uprising was possible," said Beya Mannai, 
a geology professor at the University of Tunis. "But the people rose up." 
"My first reaction is relief," said Dr. Souha Naija, a resident radiologist at 
Charles Nicole Hospital. "He's gone. ... I finally feel free." 
"They got the message. The people don't want a dictator." However, she voiced 
concern for the future because, officially at least, Ben Ali vacated power only 
"It's ambiguous," she said. 
Nejib Chebbi, a founder of the main legal opposition party, said the dramatic 
developments do not amount to a coup d'etat. 
"It's an unannounced resignation," Chebbi said by telephone. To declare a 
permanent absence of a head of state, such as in a coup, elections would have 
to be held within 60 days, he said. "So they declare a temporary vacating of 
U.S. President Barack Obama said he applauded the courage and dignity of 
protesting Tunisians, and urged all parties to keep calm and avoid violence. 
Arabs across the region celebrated news of the Tunisian uprising on Twitter, 
Facebook and blogs. Thousands of tweets congratulating the Tunisian people 
flooded the Internet, and many people changed their profile pictures to 
Tunisian flags. 
Egyptian activists opposed to President Hosni Mubarak's three-decade regime 
looked to the events in Tunisia with hope. About 50 gathered outside the 
Tunisian Embassy in Cairo to celebrate with singing and dancing. They chanted, 
"Ben Ali, tell Mubarak a plane is waiting for him, too!" 
Meanwhile, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists reported that 
three journalists detained in Tunisia had been released: bloggers Azyz Amamy 
and Slim Amamou, who were arrested on Jan. 7, and Radio Kalima correspondent 
Nizar Ben Hasan, who had been taken from his home Tuesday. 
CPJ called for the release of journalist Fahem Boukadous, who it said is 
serving a four-year prison sentence for his coverage of 2008 labor protests. 
Earlier Friday, swirling speculation about Ben Ali's location had reached such 
a fevered pitch that the governments of France and Malta — just two of several 
countries where he was speculated to be heading — put out statements saying 
they have had no requests to accommodate him. 
One French official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the 
sensitivity of the matter, said the French government did not want Ben Ali 
Ghannouchi is a 69-year-old economist who has been prime minister since 1999 
and is among the best-known faces of Tunisia's government. He did not say 
anything about a coup or about the army being in charge. 
Ben Ali, 74, came to power in a bloodless palace coup in 1987. He took over 
from a man formally called President-for-Life — Habib Bourguiba, the founder of 
modern-day Tunisia who set the Muslim country on a pro-Western course after 
independence from France in 1956. 
Ben Ali removed Bourguiba from office for "incompetence," saying he had become 
too old, senile and sick to rule. Ben Ali promised then that his leadership 
would "open the horizons to a truly democratic and evolved political life." 
But after a brief period of reforms, Tunisia's political evolution stopped. 
Ben Ali consistently won elections with questionable tallies: In 2009, he was 
re-elected for a fifth five-year term with 89 percent of the vote — and that 
was the lowest official percentage of any of his victories. Before that vote, 
he had warned opponents they would face legal retaliation if they questioned 
the election's fairness. 
U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks have called Tunisia a "police 
state" and described the corruption there, saying Ben Ali had lost touch with 
his people. Social networks like Facebook helped spread the comments to the 
delight of ordinary Tunisians, who have complained about the same issues for 
Under Ben Ali, most opposition parties were illegal. Amnesty International said 
authorities infiltrated human rights groups and harassed dissenters. Reporters 
Without Borders described Ben Ali as a "press predator" who controlled the 
There is little precedent in the Arab world for a ruler being ousted by street 
protests. In Sudan in 1985, a collapsing economy and other grievances sparked a 
popular uprising, although the government was eventually ousted by a military 
The closest parallel in the broader Middle East comes from Iran — which is not 
an Arab nation — where mass demonstrations helped topple the shah and usher in 
the Islamic Republic in 1979. 
Tunisia's giant neighbor Algeria saw huge protests before it was shaken by a 
military coup in 1992, with a five-man leadership put in place after the army 
canceled the nation's first multiparty legislative elections, which a Muslim 
fundamentalist party was poised to win. The party, the Islamic Salvation Front, 
became a vehicle for popular dissent. 
There were also massive demonstrations in Lebanon in 2005, dubbed the "Cedar 
Revolution," but those were directed against Syrian influence in the country 
and not the Lebanese government per se. The protests led to the withdrawal of 
Syrian forces from Lebanon and the resignation of Lebanon's pro-Syrian prime 
minister and fresh elections. 
Al-Qaida's North African offshoot appeared to try to capitalize on the Tunisian 
unrest, offering its support for protesters this week. There has been no sign 
of Islamic extremist involvement in the rioting. 

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