Tax Foreclosures Sweep Wayne County, Michigan 

Maureen Taylor, State Chair, Michigan Welfare Rights Organization  
PHOTO /daymonjhartley .com 
The People’s Tribune interviewed Maureen Taylor, chair of the Michigan  
Welfare Rights Organization. 
PT: Maureen, tell us about the tax foreclosures sweeping Wayne County,  
Maureen Taylor: In Wayne County, Michigan, 32 cities are woefully behind in 
 people being able to pay their property taxes. Upwards of 70% of the folks 
that  should be paying taxes on property have defaulted. Only about 23% of 
the folks  that have property taxes are current. Things are so bad in terms 
of unemployment  that the county was almost ready to call for a takeover 
because they couldn’t  make the payment on the bills. 
PT: Are these tax foreclosures also in affluent communities? 
MT: There are places like Inkster, Romulus, Detroit, and Gross Point Woods, 
 which is one of the highest cities with the default rate. That is where 
upper  middle class persons were living. So many have been laid off, they just 
walked  away from their houses. When you ride through their main streets 
you can see  5-6–8 bedroom houses boarded up along the river. 
PT: What are people doing about this? 
MT: Mostly people pray. People go down to their local city government and  
city councils to ask and demand help. We are bumping into each other as we 
try  to figure out how to keep body and soul together. We have a mass walk 
away  response. Even members of the Detroit City Council have walked away from 
their  properties because they cannot pay the taxes. Some of these cities 
have been  hardest hit on bank foreclosures -- but we are not talking about 
bank  foreclosures. We are talking about tax foreclosures. Tax foreclosures 
are tied  to the fact that when you first bought the house it was $200,000 
but now its  worth $50,000 but the bank wants you to pay $200,000 and the 
taxes are based on  $200,000. Its wholesale destruction of neighborhoods all 
over the county. 
PT: What is the cause? 
MT: We continue to allow this entity call capitalism to rape and pillage  
workers. It is a system that is based on ‘gotcha,’ on ambush, on feeding 
frenzy.  They eat us and we die. Everything about capitalism is destruction. If 
the  $200,000 house is now worth, $50,000, they want you to still pay 
$200,000. If  you walk away and its insured and it gets broken into, the bank 
still gets  $200,000 on a wreck of the house. They keep getting paid over and 
over. It’s  like a brand new car. You pay $40,000 when you buy it and keep it 
for three  years and sell it. The next person pays $25,000 over the next 3 
years and now  its 6 years old. The next person pays $10,000 over the next 
three years. And  then it shows up at the gas station with a sign in the 
dashboard. It’s now sold  for $5,000. Then it shows up in the almost junk yard 
and somebody buys it for  $800. So we got, $40,000, $25,000, $10,000, $800 
and then they sell what’s left  for parts. You can’t make this stuff up. So 
it is this system of capitalism and  people’s inability to see that God loves 
us all and we should do better by each  other. 
PT: What is the next step 
People are discussing what to do. The conversation can’t be relegated to  
this one is Democrat and this one is Republican. We have to rise above this  
petty politics and ask how can we make our community, our society, 
responsible  for ourselves and the children. We can’t do it with the current 
guidelines  because the feeding frenzy is at an all time high. We better think 
what  kind of new society we can organize where we can live and die of old 
age in our  beds. That’s the direction.

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