As you alluded, race plays a big factor in the resentment against social 
welfare programs.  In a book called Why Americans Hate Welfare(may not be the 
exact title, it's been a long time since I've seen it last), the author found 
that most Americans support all kinds of welfare programs.  However, they often 
turned vehemently against such programs when there was a hint that these 
programs might significantly benefit minorities, especially black Americans.  
In fact, the common association with welfare is black people, despite the fact 
that far more whites receive such assistance than black Americans.  In fact 
some still believe that only minorities are allowed to collect benefits.  A 
great deal of people believe that illegal immigrants are eligible for state 
benefits, when in fact they are not.


“The entire party and country should hurl into the fire and break the neck of 
anyone who dared trample underfoot the sacred edict of the party on the defense 
of women's rights.”

- Enver Hoxha, 1967

--- On Mon, 1/17/11, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [MLL] Poor Reason Culture still doesn't explain poverty
Date: Monday, January 17, 2011, 10:48 AM

Blaming poverty on those in poverty rather than the logic of the economic  
system is capitalist ideology. Winning a layer of society to this ideology  
requires unrelenting propaganda by the bourgeoisie. It also requires an  
expanding economy and economic stability to sustain the lie. As the crisis  
deepens and the survival fight of the proletariat increases layers of society  
discard chunks of bourgeois ideology. The purpose of the article on the 
"poor"  was to illustrate changing conditions making it possible to bring to 
 forefront the issue of class, wealth, power and distribution of the social 
It is going to be difficult if not impossible for the bourgeoisie to  
sustain an ideology built up based on an expanding economy. The old axiom "in  
the battle between the stomach and the mind, the stomach wins out," is coming  
into play. A class of slaves can only remain loyal to its masters if it is 
fed  and housed. 
Interestingly, an ideological shift is taking place delivering a blow to  
the ideology of the "Welfare Queen." "Welfare Queen" is a derogatory term  
meaning black women in its ideological imagery. The ideological conception was 
 of sexually active black women, with children, "no man" and a willingness 
to lie  and cheat so that "others" would have to take care of her and her 
family. The  imagery is of a black women in a mink coat with three baskets of 
food being paid  for with food stamps white hard working white males are 
forced to pay for her  life style with their taxed wages. 
Although children rather than women make up the bulk of the welfare roll  
and most of these children have always been white, the bourgeoisie is 
compelled  to rely upon the historic white chauvinism to win a section of 
to its  class position. Hence, the Welfare Queen was imagery of the black 
women as lazy  shiftless "mink wearing" whore,  seeking no more than to live 
off of  "decent working Americans." Reagan popularized this term/concept as 
the  centerpiece of his administrations assault on the entire working class. 
An  internet of this term reveals its ugly history. 
As our society is ruptured new forms of the old ideology that poor people  
are poor "because they are poor in work ethics" is needed. Actually, the  
ideology of the work ethic and "a job as the solution to poverty" is so much  
bourgeois imperialist ideology born of the capitalist epoch. As unemployment 
 increases and wages decrease the ideology of "marriage as solution to 
poverty"  also begins to crumble. Married families with both working are being 
pushed into  poverty and homelessness. 
We are entering a new epoch of world history.  
The historic "bribery" of our proletariat is being shattered forever. For  
the first time a survival fight is evolving under conditions where expanding 
 productive capacity cannot expand the mode of distribution and the hiring  
of labor. New means of production expand production dramatically by 
permanently  outing labor from the production process and as consumers. On this 
basis a  practical movement for communism - distribution of socially necessary 
products  without the demand for money, is coming into existence. This 
practical movement  is composed of a growing section of humanity that doesn't 
have the money to pay  for the necessities of life. 
In real time the budding survival fight is compelled to fight for means of  
life alongside the contradictory currents fighting for jobs. Unemployment 
is  still increasing; government and private pension funds are in collapse, 
defaults  on mortgages continue, school systems and public transportation is 
in collapse,  public and private sector unions are under enormous pressure 
by capital to  reduce labor costs, etc. 
While the union movement has reached a cross road demanding the destruction 
 of "business unionism" and extending the scope of union activity into the 
new  proletariat, the people - proletariat, must eat and be housed right 
At any rate, the practical movement for communism in the here and now  
occurs in a new context: new means of production - the computers and robots --  
eliminating human labor permanently; a huge accumulation of built up 
productive  forces being built up based on this new technology that renders 
superfluous the  need for a prior demand of labor as the basis for distribution 
socially  necessary means of production. Of necessity, the goal of this 
practical movement  is a new society organized around distribution by socially 
necessary  needs.  This goal cannot be achieved under a social system based 
on private  property. 
Revolution occurs when antagonism between production and distribution  
(social relations defining the basis on which distribution takes place or in 
 context wage labor) develops. Antagonism develops in the economy as 
economic  revolution disrupts the unity between the mode of producing (wage 
and the  mode of distribution. As the economic revolution destroys the 
existing society,  a spontaneous movement for reform begins. With the help of 
conscious  revolutionaries working within it with a vision of what is 
possible, the  spontaneous movement can become a conscious struggle for the 
political power  necessary to construct a new society. 
The practical movement for communism is in antagonism to a capitalist  
system based on the buying and selling of labor power. This antagonism is  
expressed in the inability of the workers to sell their labor power while at 
same time they are unable to live without selling their labor power.  This  
movement's demand is for a change in the mode of distribution - a change in 
the  way society distributes its food, clothing, shelter, education, 
healthcare,  utilities and a cultured life. Its demands strike at the political 
heart of the  capitalist system. 
No one started this objective process and no one can stop it. It is  
communist because it has no way to achieve its goal for a decent life outside 
the reorganization of society cooperatively, based on post industrial means 
of  production.

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