The politics of modern day new class revisionism is that the bolshevik 
revolution was not a working class revolution because the productive forces 
didn't include many robots.  It was a "palace coup",  as trots and 
revisionists  have revealed before.  So List people, prepare for that surprised 
announcement  soon.  

Soon it'll be "goodbye Marx",  since Marx predicted proletarian revolution 
according to the means of production available then.  

The 1920's and '30's  could have been ripe for revolution......but we'll never 
know.   In fact, the working class was more rebellious then,  and there were 
many more relative to the whole population, than during the Russian 
revolution.   But the communist party then, liquidated. Liquidators have no 
intention of leading a proletarian revolution.   Even if we had a chance at an 
insurrection of any sort, at least like the heroic Spanish attempt, the 
subjective factor turned treacherous.  There is a thin line between treachery 
and cowardice.

Revisionists today are not so different than the older days  [what has 
They'd still prefer a social democratic type labor party over  a Leninist one, 
remember: "goodbye Lenin"? 

Imperialism will go about its way destroying and killing;  and the world's 
people will die and fight and die and win;  and the modern day  social 
chauvinists of all "color factors" will display their white supremacist  
imperialist ideology.  But the people of the world will defeat monopoly finance 
capital, as they are indeed doing...... China will eat the U.S. up, despite its 
more advanced state capitalism or  slight socialism, and because of it!!  The 
results are what we're living today here in this shitty USA.  Please do not be 
offended, ye patriots.  No amount of inflated money will bail the speculators 

You would need more than the hopes of "economic communism"   to overthrow 
capitalism, you would need a true communist party, no rhetoric intended; 
something that the revisionist pinkos couldn't maintain.  

Flood the ranks of a communist party with the working class, impoverished, 
destitute, skilled, intellectual, or technician....  and we'll prepare 
rightly:  shop nuclei, union fractions,  and all;  and we'll give you a 
revolution the bourgeoisie will never forget. 

Revisionism is such a drag.


--- On Sun, 1/23/11, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [MLL] Trotskyism: socialist revolution not possible during the great 
Date: Sunday, January 23, 2011, 11:23 AM

Note on political Trotskyism as history. 
The US was not ripe for socialist revolution in 1928 up to America's entry  
into the war. 
Past generations of Trotskyism differs from the parties of the Third  
International in assessment of the proletarian movement, its stage of 
and its ripeness for the seizure of state power. "The working class 
movement in  the advanced capitalist countries was ripe for socialist 
during the  Great depression but Stalinist groups - the CPUSA; single handedly 
prevented the  proletariat from seizing political power in America." Such 
is the historic  political line of Trotskyism. 
Trotskyism pre-1917 class roots are the decaying petty bourgeois, as this  
class advances an ideology expressing the logic of being crushed by the 
advance  of large scale industry. Trotskyism declared for "International 
insurrection,"  even in countries not ripe for such, and all those rejecting 
proposition  were declared Stalinist and enemies of revolution. 
Trotskyism as a political trend rest on the political proposition that the  
world was ripe of proletarian insurrection between 1914 and 1940, but the  
parties of the Third International - Stalinism, betrayed the cause of 
communism.  American Trotskyism fundamental assessment is that our country was 
ripe for  political insurrection after 1928 and up to America's entry into the 
war but was  singled handed diverted by the CPUSA. 
The parties of the Comintern and Comrade Stalin define "ripe" for political 
 insurrection very different from political Trotskyism. Unfortunately, 
sections  of the anti-revisionism movement of the 1970's adopted this same 
There are complex reasons why the proletariat at the front curve of  
capitalist-industrial development was not ripe for political insurrection, 
the hundreds of millions of slaves of the imperialist order, constituting 
the  weak link in the imperialist chain were ripe and overripe. Based on 
Lenin's  assessment the Comintern advanced a political slogan of "Workers and 
oppressed  Peoples Unite," with a strategic view of drawing these reserves of 
imperialism -  the hundred of millions of slaves of imperialism, into the 
Soviet orbit. 
"Socialist revolution" can happen in the mouth of spokespersons of the  
petty bourgeoisie as a class is an emotional-ideological statement; a nebulous  
concept of "revolutionary change" and "manning up," rather than political  
insurrection under conditions where such can happen. 
Political insurrection in America could not and did not happen because a  
class that is part of and constituting "the system" cannot overthrow it. No  
class that constitutes the system can overthrow or carryout political  
insurrection against the system it constitutes. One can only "overthrow" a  
political grouping within the system, when reform of the system is needed. Our  
system has traveled all its boundaries of quantitative expansion today.   The 
idea that one can lead a successful political insurrection - in 1928 or  
1933, on the basis of a quantitative adjustment or reform of the system is 
petty  bourgeois ideology. 
Hence, a thousand years of serf rebellions could not overthrow feudalism no 
 matter how destitute it became and no matter how many acts of violent was 
reaped  upon the feudal ruling class. One hundred and fifty years of 
proletarian revolt  and attempts at political insurrection could not bore fruit 
overthrow of the  political order in the advanced capitalist countries 
because the "fruit was not  ripe." 
What is required for insurrection that overthrow a system, rather than a  
palace or military coup that reshuffles political groups, is emergence of new 
 classes created by qualitatively new means of production. The reason  
insurrection - social revolution, erupted at the back curve of capitalist  
development it was BECAUSE IT WAS THE BACK CURVE," i.e., those societies  
advancing from agricultural relations to industrial relations or from 
feudalism  to 
capitalism or from one mode of production to the next, with its new classes 
 connected to the new means of production. 
This is not to suggest the CPUSA under Browder was anything other than  
"what it was." 
"What it was" is a different discussion because the CPUSA problems -  
revisionism, go back to its roots in the American populist movement, with its  
abject ignorance AND CHAUVANISM on the Negro Question. 

Political Trotskyism contains a proposition called "uneven development."  
For Marxists of the Comintern heritage "uneven development" does not mean  
"things develop unevenly within a system."  Uneven development in any  social 
system - mode of production, is an absolute law of development.  
Qualitatively new means of production are applied quantitatively within a  
"here and there," in one area after another and then exported as the  imperial 
relation, inciting another wave of uneven development. 
Uneven development for the heirs of the Comintern means simultaneous  
existence of two mode of production. In the era of Lenin this meant existence 
societies that have not completed the political-economic leap to a new mode 
of  production - industrial society, alongside countries and societies 
having  completed the leap and now develops on a new quantitative basis or a 
based  on  new classes and new property relations. 
In Standard American English this meant political insurrection was ripe in  
countries like Russia struggling to complete the political leap from 
feudalism.  During a period of leap it is possible to impose a different 
form of  property on the new social order, but never is one free to skip a 
stage of means  of production development. In America crisis meant 
resolution of the crisis  through completion of another boundary of development 
the new mode of  production. 
Here is one Trotskyist presentation to the list. 
"What is the difference between Tunisia today and the US 81 years  ago?  
What is the difference between Cuba prior to the 1960's and the US 81  years 
ago?  What is the difference between every poor and oppressed country  today 
and the US 81 years ago?  Basically nothing.  What is my  point?  It is that 
the US was ripe for socialist revolution during the  depression but the 
CPUSA misled the working-class then and steered them away  from revolution to 
tail after Roosevelt and his ilk much like revisionism today,  like the 
revisionist ********* would mislead the working-class into alliances  and 
dependence on the bourgeoisie and steer them away from socialist  revolution." 
The US was not ripe for socialist revolution in 1928 to Americas entry into 
 the war. 
To answer the question "What is the difference between Tunisia today and  
the US 81 years ago?," the difference is between America today - not in  
1931, and Tunisia today, rather than America 81 years from today - 2092. 
The difference is American development of means of production and the  
political superstructure as it was being reshaped to accommodate finance 
 at the front curve of capitalist development - in 1931. Once the 
industrial  bourgeoisie achieves its political hegemony over society the 
struggle of 
the  proletariat is locked into a fight to reform the system. Some call this 
fight  class struggle but it is an economic struggle for reform or over 
shares of the  social product and political liberty with the system being able 
to bend and give  concessions until its reaches its limit of reform. The 
limit of reform is  reached when qualitative new means of production are 
introduced into the  production process and blocks any further reform of the 
system. Then social  revolution is placed on the agenda. 
The difference is the meaning of an imperial power and a colony and former  
colony. The difference is Tunisia place in the international division of 
labor  or the world market. The difference is Tunisia has a population the 
size of  Cuba  (11 million) or New York City and the eruption of political 
revolt is  being carefully steered to conform to a post-industrial form of 
finance capital.  The difference is that American was emerging as the leading 
imperial power on  earth 81 years ago. The difference is America's founding 
absent feudalism and  our war of independence in 1776 versus Tunisia 
independence in 1957.   Tunisia today does not occupy a position akin to 
America in 
1931. Tunisia today  - right now, occurs in a new epoch of social revolution. 


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