
B. Occupation of the country by the “troika”: Commission-ECB-IMF
The  extreme neoliberal financial policy of Karamanlis government, the  
unprecedented looting of public wealth, the successive great scandals,  etc., 
etc., that led the country’s economy to bankruptcy, with  the doubling of 
external debt and the deficit’s surge to 14,5% of GDP,  rendered Greece a weak 
link of imperialist EU and the target of severe  attacks of international 
speculative and usurious capital – in  combination with the intense antagonism 
between Dollar and Euro –  leading to an inability of borrowing and the surge 
spreads to  overwhelming heights. Eventually, the newly-elected Papandreou  
government, also continuing the destructive neoliberal financial policy,  is 
turning to the notorious and newly-created “support mechanism” of EU and IMF, 
with first and fore mostly the imperialist EU, as well as the government of 
PASOK, being responsible.
During  this year, the crisis and the bankruptcy of Greek economy also brought  
to the surface the profound crisis within the domain of imperialist EU,  and 
furthermore, highlighted acutely the relations of servitude, dependence and 
exploitation of the smaller weak capitalist countries, such as Greece, by the 
large  imperialist countries, first being France-Germany, which not only  
imposed to Greece a usurious interest rate of 5%, but pressed-are  pressing 
Greece to buy military equipment manufactured in those  countries.
All these developments led to an unprecedented, in terms of severity, and 
long-lasting supervision of  Greek economy by the imperialist Organizations and 
the placement of  permanent representatives of theirs at Athens, creating a 
completely new  situation: a new occupation of the country, without troops.
It  is certainly a fact that Greece’s incorporation to the imperialist  EEC-EU 
and its entrance to the EMU had as a consequence the drastic  limitation of its 
governments’ role (having an essentially decorative  role), as well as of all 
small, weak and dependent EU member-states, in  the outlining of financial 
politics, since this is determined in its  basic directions by the powerful EU 
monopolies, and are only validated ex post facto by their local 
puppet-parliaments, thus deepening evern further and reinforcing imperialist 
dependence. The  notorious “Stability and Growth Pact” of the Maastricht Treaty 
essentially meant an almost absolute loss of national sovereignty for  the 
dependent member-states of the imperialist EU, such as Greece,  despite the 
much-publicized illusory “equal” co-operation-alliance of  nationally sovereign 
states within the EU domain.
Yet, there is no doubt that the current situation is different, much worse than 
the previous one, and completely new,  since all aspects of Greek economy are 
decided and determined directly  and absolutely by the branches of the 
imperialist Organizations Commission-ECB-IMF. The  recognition and realization 
of this situation requires the  intensification of the class struggle of the 
working class and all broad  popular masses against imperialist dependence in 
general, and the  country’s dependence by the imperialist European Union in 
But this new occupation –  which is obviously accepted and supported by the 
servile government of  PASOK – is disputed by the social democrats of “K”KE by 
considering it  inexistent, beautifying in this way not only imperialist 
dependence but also its particular further deepening and strengthening. 

The appointed members of the Commission-ECB-IMF troika  – these unscrupulous 
stiffening representatives of European and  international capital – are working 
out the implementation of the most  extreme neoliberal measures of cutting down 
wages and pensions,  increasing mass unemployment, poverty and immiseration of 
broad popular  masses, measures of annihilating privatizations as well as 
plundering of  the country’s resources and of turning them over to – mainly – 
foreign  capital, as well as its “poor relative,” the local capital, with  
catastrophic consequences for the workers as well as the country.
C. Violentremoval of all the gains of workers
The  representatives of the “troika’s” imperialist Organizations and the  
servile government of PASOK mounted an attack unprecedented in vehemence  and 
intensity – the larger since the years of “the political  changeover” – against 
the class interests of the working class and all  working people, embracing all 
levels – an attack in favour of European and international, as well as big 
All  the gains of the workers were demolished and annihilated violently  
overnight, the peak being 8 July when even the last remnants of the  working 
class’s rights were abolished. The disgraceful “Memorandum” – a  “Loan 
between Greek Government-European Union-International  Monetary Fund” of 
colonial nature – besides being a monument of  servitude, it moreover marks the 
“graveyard” of workers’ gains. The  PASOK government led by its bosses of the 
EU-ECB-IMF-local capital, and  supported by Nea Dimokratia and LAOS, is 
the most extreme  neo-liberal measures of cutting down wages and pensions, 
increasing of  mass unemployment, sweeping privatization and looting of the 
country’s  resources and selling them out mainly to foreign but also local 
capital,  with devastating consequences for workers and the people. 

Among others, already “lying” in this “graveyard” are the 13th and 14th 
as well workers’ 13th and 14th salary, while a pension with a 65-year age-limit 
and 40-year  employment-limit and a way of estimating it that is leading to a 
40%  decrease was enacted.
A structural component of the Memorandum  is that it imposes the continuous 
clamp-down of workers’ rights when the  local and foreign capital do not see an 
increase of their profitability  in accordance with their objectives. The 
“update” of the Memorandum  last August led to the effective abolition of 
sectoral collective  bargaining agreements, the workers’ weapon against the 
arbitrariness of  “employers”-capitalists. Thus, with the tolerance of the 
GSEE’s sold-out  leadership, workers are left alone to face their bosses, 
even to  negotiate collectively their working conditions. The massive cut-down  
in wages and pensions, the explosion of massive unemployment along with  the 
cut-down of the meager doles, the high level of inflation above  5.5%, with 
unprecedented waves of high prices and the continuous  increase in indirect 
taxes on essential goods, the cuts in social  expenditure on nursing benefits 
public hospitals, the intensification  of class barriers in education, the 
further privatization of public  education, the division of working rights 
deriving from the degree,  etc., are dramatically aggravating the situation of 
the working class  and the broad popular masses, deepening the process of their 
absolute  impoverishmennt to the extreme and confirming afresh Marx’s theory of 
absolute impoverishment,  which was repeatedly declared “dead” and “outdated” 
the bourgeois  and traditional social democrats as well by the social democrats 
of  Khruschevite “K”KE (in 1976, S. Zorbalas, GC of “K”KE’s “Marxist”  Research 
Center claimed that the absolute impoverishment of the  proletariat did not 
exist in advanced capitalist countries and the USA: “without  excluding 
impoverishment, specifically in some branches and  certain popular layers, such 
as USA’s Negroes and minorities, the  proletariat’s relative impoverishment is 
the dominant tendency in these  countries.”)2
Along  with the imposition of anti-worker, anti-people measures, there is an  
increasing advancement of the fascisticization of social life and  conservative 
reorganization of the bourgeois state, in order to weaken  the resistance of 
workers’-people’s movement, given the increasingly  strong social conflicts 
will inevitably occur due to the  increasing repression the masses. The police 
state and the violent  repression of any form of mobilizations have become the 
norm and are  combined with the curtailment of democratic freedoms (new  
counter-terrorism bill, legalization of surveillance through electronic  
On the other hand, there is a clear aim to break the unity of  workers through 
the promotion of racism, the perfect co-operation of  repressive state 
apparatuses and para-statist fascist groups in the  pogroms against immigrants 
who are an integral part of the working  class, the EU’s fascist 
anti-immigration laws, and the ideological  propaganda of bourgeois mass media 
in the direction of constructing a  so-called fascist “socialautomation” 
sections of working people  mobilizing every time. 

 The Political Committee of the "Movement for the Reorganisation of the 
Communist Party of Greece 1918-55"
PO Box 3689, 102 10 Athens
Tel: +30 2108621543
Blog (English):http://anasintaxi-en.blogspot.com
Blog (Greek):http://anasintaxi.blogspot.com


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