Just as Comrade George predicted with Melvin we are on another roller coaster 
ride of revisionism, diversionism and simply twisting and distorting the truth 
and turning it completely upside and on its head!
This is seen with this revisionist posting of the article under the title of 
this thread which is based on the now defunct Communist Labor Party in the US 
and put into pamphlet form  in 1993.  It had its original beginnings in the 
late 1960's and 1970's.  It was not simply a work by Nelson Peery but a 
collective effort wherein he states that, "It is a summary of the CLP's 
estimate of history."  According to Nelson Peery it was originally published as 
"Political Report to the Fifth Congress of the Communist Labor Party, April, 
1991" and fills 28 pages.
It is interesting that Melvin has reduced it to a few measly paragraphs 
selectively chosen to distort the intent of the actual report but to 
opportunistically present the basis of his incorrect and revisionist views.
The picture painted by this revisionist taking these selected paragraphs out of 
context is that one would draw the conclusion that the Soviet Union was 
conducting itself contrary to Marxism by "doing things that are against the 
interests of the world's workers".  
This, of course, fits in with Melvin's revisionist Marxist reductionist 
position and political line that today scientific Marxism is now reduced to a 
mere "general outline" of Marxs' theory excluding both Lenin and Stalin since 
he has seen fit to mock and sarcastically eschew their contribution to his 
inverse salutation of "Goodbye" to both Lenin and Stalin because this 
revisionist deems their contributions as no longer "applicable" today!
Melvin quotes this report with the last paragraph being:
"The CPUSA cannot explain to its membership why the Soviet government is doing 
things that are against the interests of the world's workers. Their Party  
arose from an ideological tendency that limited them to a certain stage of  
history. They are adrift. Like the old soldiers of "The Barracks Ballad," they  
will now begin to fade away."
Melvins intent here is to bolster his position by giving the impression that 
the CPUSA believed the CPSU(B) of the Soviet Union under Stalin was conducting 
reactionary activities that went against the interests of the working class; 
that the CPSU(B) arose only out of an "ideological tendency" which confined it 
to a small space in time - history - therefore, implying that a Leninist style 
Party is no longer relevant and that those genuine Marxist-Leninists today who 
embrace the relevance of scientific Marxism-Leninism as developed by Marx, 
Engels, Lenin and Staling as well as numerous other faithful Bolshevik Marxist 
revolutionaries are "adrift" and will "fade away".  In other words, 
Marxism-Leninism is no longer applicable today according to this revisionist 
and the new historical period we are in today makes this somehow a truism.  
Further, it indicates that "new" forms must be developed aside from scientific 
Marxism-Leninism that must encompass an
 eclectic "unity" of all social ideologies as this revisionist stated in a 
previous polemic!
Although there is some very good informational value to this "report" it is 
still flawed in that it lays the premise for a Marxist liberalist approach to 
the "new" historical period we live in.  It is based primarily on this 
partially true "report" that Melvin gleans his completely incorrect position of 
"economic communism", his Marxist reductionist views that he claims makes Lenin 
and Stalin no longer applicable and Marx's theory a mere "general outline" that 
is acceptable to revisionists of his ilk.
It is flawed from the beginning wherein under the paragraph entitled THE 
"Within this context of constant birth, decline and death of movements and 
organizations, where do we stand?
"We can honestly state that from the very beginning, we intended to build a 
political party based on the class struggle and guided by scientific 
socialism.  There was no class struggle and we knew very little Marxism.  We 
could not create a class struggle so we set about creating an organization of 
No class struggle?  This is the foundation of revisionism!  Ever since Marx 
described society being formed by classes the concomitant or dialectics of 
scientific Marxism teach that there have been class struggles!
Backing up a little to Melvins quoting of this report.  What this revisionist 
has done is to twist and distort the truth as I already mentioned but how was 
the truth distorted?  It was distorted opportunistically to serve his 
revisionist position by omitting the time period in which the CPUSA was being 
discussed and at which time period the CPSU(B) was also being discussed in 
relation to the CPUSA making such a wild statement.  The time period was 
clearly after Stalin and the succession of the revisionist Kruschev.
It had no bearing on the dictatorship of the proletariat under Stalin although 
Melvin makes it sound as that this is the case to opportunistically support his 
revisionist position that Lenin and Stalin are no longer applicable but only 
the mere "general outline" of Marx.
This report clearly stated that:
"Lenin and the Bolsheviks seized power under adverse circumstances.  They 
rejected the mechanical approach that the socialist revolution could not take 
place in a country that had not gone through the stage of capitalism."
That is the very lesson the October Revolution has taught us genuine 
Marxist-Leninists that we can in fact seize power without eery single textbook 
criterion needing to be available.  That is the lesson Vietnam taught us.  That 
is the lesson the Cuban Revolution taught us.  That is the lesson we are 
learning from Tunisia and even Venezuala.  But this are lessons Melvin attempts 
to eschew and base his rejection of the possibility of socialist revolution at 
any given moment the working class will rise up in a revolutionary mood to 
throw off their oppression by the bourgeoisie.  
What matters is if there is an organization of genuine Marxist-Leninists to 
seize the moment as Lenin and the Bolsheviks did without waiting for every 
piece of the revolutionary puzzle to be put in its place!
It is for this reason that the struggle against revisionism must be relentless 
and aggressive so as not to confuse the working class.
Mark Scott

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