
Transcript: Obama's State Of The Union Address text size A A A January  25, 
2011 The text of President Obama's State of the Union address, as  released 
by  the White House:


What Obama actually said struck me as significant compared to his last  
“State of the Union Address,” and Bush W. last four addresses. (available 
on  line). 
Two things stood out: 
a). His specific politics of bipartisanship rather than demands for  
bipartisanship in the old period and 
b). How he describes the impact of the technology revolution, its  social 
consequences and “the line of march” his administration is charting for a  
form of finance capital increasing divorced from social production – the  
economy, or operating as a notional value. 
Obama’s politics of bipartisanship are of vital importance to those  
communists involved in electoral work and examining the prospect for a broad  
party of the class (not a Leninist Party). This work involves charting and  
tracking the splitting and growing ruptures within Democratic and Republican  
Party, its impact on local electoral work and the prospect of breaking the  
historic reliance of trade unions upon primarily the Democrats. 
The impulse for a Third Party and a broad Workers Party are the same but a  
Third Party is not necessarily a Workers Party. Calling for the  formation 
of a broad class party detached from actual motion within society and  the 
voting section of the working class is like the sectarian calling for the  
dictatorship of the proletariat in a union meeting discussing health care. 
Charting this motion in real time is difficult and requires a general staff 
 or general staffs. 
For those involved in this work “Third Party: Indispensable Step For Our  
Class,” December 2010, Rally Comrades is useful. 
Also, “Bipartisanship: Democracy Debased, Corporations Enthroned,”  
September 2010 and “The Politics of Bipartisanship: Clearing the Way for the 
Economy," March 2010 explains why the splitting and impulse today is 
different  from in the past. 
Obama “State of the Union” presentation on the new economy, where in he  
describes how factories once employing 1000 workers now need only 100, and 
the  undeniable impact of revolution in the means of production, outlines the 
policy  of the bourgeoisie towards the new class of destitute proletarians. 
This new class, arising in correspondence to and expressing revolution in  
the means of production and a qualitative reconfiguration of the old 
industrial  division of labor, brings our society to antagonism. The 
of  bourgeois production is being slowing but inexorably superseded by 
antagonism,  or the expression and appearance of a new class of destitute 
proletarians,  existing outside the system – economy. 
We have entered an era of class struggle meaning the external collision of  
classes without a connecting tissue or bond in production. This class 
evolving  outside the system and in external collision with bourgeois property 
going to  grow. 
Where the liberal left speak of unemployment, Obama’s presentation marks  
the opening of accelerated attack against the destitute proletariat  and the 
opening gun in a national policy of aligning society against this new  class 
of proletarians.  

The President calls for national unity and faith in the free market  
economy, means we are in a period of ideologically attack against the so-called 
idlers or refuge of bourgeois society.  
“New Epoch Makes New World Possible,” July 2010 Rally Comrades, outline 
the  path of the revolution in the means of production and the new social  
consequences to society.

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