The future is ours to win. But to get there, we can't just stand still. As  
Robert Kennedy told us, "The future is not a gift. It is an achievement."  
Sustaining the American Dream has never been about standing pat. It has 
required  each generation to sacrifice, and struggle, and meet the demands of a 
new age. 
And now it's our turn. We know what it takes to compete for the jobs and  
industries of our time. We need to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build 
the  rest of the world. (Applause.) We have to make America the best place on 
Earth  to do business. We need to take responsibility for our deficit and 
reform our  government. That's how our people will prosper. That's how we'll 
win the future.  (Applause.) And tonight, I'd like to talk about how we get 
The first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation.  
None of us can predict with certainty what the next big industry will be or  
where the new jobs will come from. Thirty years ago, we couldn't know that  
something called the Internet would lead to an economic revolution. What we 
can  do — what America does better than anyone else — is spark the 
creativity and  imagination of our people. We're the nation that put cars in 
driveways and  computers in offices; the nation of Edison and the Wright 
of Google  and Facebook. In America, innovation doesn't just change our 
lives. It is how we  make our living.
Obama State of the Union.

What Obama actually said is important because it impacts the American  
people and a vast segment of our proletariat, specifically that section of the  
proletariat that votes.  Our voting section of the working class thinks  
like little bitty capitalist and this is not going to change over night. 
The American experience is that we manage to come out of crisis and the  
economy expands lifting all boats. This ideology has been engrained in five  
generations. Restoration of employment, "good jobs and the old way of  life 
is not going to happen due to revolution in the means of production  and with 
it the emergence of antagonism between the old property/industrial form  of 
society and new means of production and new classes created by these new  
means of production. 
A voice of class politics matching how our proletariat thinks things out is 
 needed. The key for communists working in the electoral arena, which is 
never  confined to Election Day, is the communist press and expansion of 
distribution,  no matter what ones line of compromise is with the masses. 
Rally Comrades is such a paper. _ 

These are the millions of proletarians that crossed the color line and  
sweep Obama into office. Without question the growing mass of proletariats cast 
 out of bourgeois production, and constituting themselves as a new class in 
the  developing post industrial social order, don’t vote or listen to the 
honey  mouthed speeches of bourgeois politicals. Here is the weak link in the 
bourgeois  order. 
While ignoring no section of the proletatiat, here is the communist line of 

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