The Trotskist DSP at it again.
The list recipients have recently been party to the discussion on the CPGB
Trotskyists  masquerading as a Marxist - Leninist party. Well they are not
alone and the DSP(formerly Socialist Workers Party)  from Australia can also
be included in that category. The post below speaks for itself and comrades
may recall not long ago their post supporting the imperialist backed MDC in
Their history of supporting scoundrels and imperialist backed fronts is well
known in Australia.
I will highlight some of their past and present positions to list recipients
for you all to make up your own mind.

* Anti Sovietism in the extreme. Except when Gorbachev was at the helm.
* Anti-China( in fact anti all socialist states except Cuba )
They support the Dalai lama and Tibetan independence.
They oppose unification of Taiwan and China
* Supported Lech Walesa and solidarity
* Supported Havel in the Czech republic.
* Supported KLA during the bombing of Yugoslavia .
* Supported the PAC in Sth Africa until it was obvious that there was
nothing to be gained from that and quickly switched allegiance to the ANC.
Comrades these are some of their positions on the international front. Many
comrades in Australia were sure that SWP stood for the Splitters and
Wreckers Party as they did plenty of both those activities at a local level
(which if comrades were interested in I could go into in detail), the DSP
which they are now called is little different.
I would not support their removal from the list , and am not calling for
that because comrades will have the intelligence to read with care or to
just delete.
Beware of those who dress Trotsky in Lenin's clothes.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Green Left Parramatta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 2:24 AM
Subject: [MLL] GLW: HONG KONG: Socialists run in elections

This article appears in the latest issue of Green Left Weekly

HONG KONG: Socialists run in elections

HONG KONG -- "Our election campaign is based on a transitional program
aimed at gaining the attention of the working masses of Hong Kong",
Kwok-hung, candidate for the April 5 Action socialist organisation,
explained to Green Left Weekly on July 24.

Leung is running for the Hong Kong Legislative Council, a complicated
undemocratic body which limits direct control by the people of Hong Kong
and protects the power of the wealthy elite who continue to rule the
ex-British colony despite its handover to Beijing in 1997.

Leung is well known here as "Long Hair", after numerous public protests
over the years, most recently in the chamber of the council in May,
led to a two-week stint in jail for "disrupting the thoughts" of chief
executive Tung Che-hwa.

Sporting a shorter haircut, thanks to the prison barber, Leung presented
colourful figure in his Che Guevara T-shirt, as he spruiked to passersby
outside the railway station in the working-class suburb of Sheung Shui.

The electorate he is contesting is based on the New Territories area
outside Hong Kong proper. There are 600,000 registered voters in an area
populated by 1.5 million people. The election campaign is a huge task
for a
small organisation.

The main planks of April 5 Action's election platform include: the
establishment of a system of unemployment benefits; the introduction of
livable minimum wage; the restoration of workers' right to collective
bargaining; and the end of discrimination against union and political

"The government is cutting back wages of public servants and slashing
in the public sector, as well as increasing casual and part-time
employment. We are calling for a comprehensive social security system
and a
tax on business speculation", Leung told Green Left Weekly.

April 5 Action also opposes privatisation of state enterprises
China, calls for an election for a Chinese people's congress based on a
genuine universal franchise, and advocates an end to one-party control
for genuine socialist democracy based on the right to organise and
of speech. In Hong Kong, it is calling for a referendum on the system of
government and the basic law that controls administration in the

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