The United States Government has been steadily sending $1 Billion aid
packages to combat the "drug cartels" in Colombia for years. The corrupt
Colombian government is using much of this money, to instead combat its
guerrilla rivals.

There are three active guerilla forces in Colombia, that combined control
about 1/3 of the nation. The largest are the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (17,000), the ELN (5,000), and the Maoist EPL (1,000). These forces
have been battling the fascist forces of Colombia for over 40 years and have
never given up.

Regardless of the politics, the money that the United States sends is to
combat narcotics, NOT the freedom fighters. In addition to the stormtroopers
of capitalism, the wealthy land owners have assembled their own paramilitary
security force(AUC). These forces are heavily armed vigilantes that have
killed upto 40 peasants in a single day of killing, in recent news, for
SUSPECTED rebel ties. The paramilitaries have no respect for human life,
they terrorize the countryside, they have full backing by the Colombian
government, and I believe they are indirectly receiving aid from our
ANTI-DRUG aid package.

I am currently writing letters to President Clinton, Rainbow/PUSH Founder
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Oakland Mayor & 1992 Presidential Candidate Jerry Brown,
and various Cardinals of the Catholic Church in the United States. I am
doing the above in the hopes of idealism. I am well aware that capitalist
forces will not aid me nor the Colombian working class. But its my duty as a
communist. Its our duty!

I will be creating a petition to block all aid to Colombia. I call on my
anarchist, green, socialist, and communist brothers and sisters to stand
with me. I need you, but I will stand alone if need be. Its my duty! Its our

Please Write For Info or Questions

Red Fist Network
P.O. Box 600 347
N.Miami Bch, FL 33160

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