----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rachel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 4:35 AM
Subject: [Cuba SI] S11 Protests in Melbourne: new online site 


Web site for S11 protests in Melbourne


MELBOURNE, Australia -- In preparation for the S11 protests against the
World Economic Forum meeting begiining here September 11,
Green Left Weekly, in collaboration with the Democratic Socialist Party
has launched a new web site. The site
(<http://www.greenleft.org.au/globalaction/s11>) contains
background analysis on corporate globalisation, the IMF, WTO and
Third World debt.

Green Left Weekly will have journalists in the city for two
weeks before the beginning of the non-violent mass blockade of
the forum site on September 11. They will cover all the lead-up
activities, actions and preparations exclusively for the site
and, during the three days of the summit, will provide up to the
minute reporting of the protest events.

Activist and GLW journalist Susan Price says the site is an
exciting new venture for the newspaper. ``We've put a lot of
effort into our coverage of this new rise of `global resistance
to global capital','' she said. ``Given the S11 protests will be
this country's first attempt to replicate the Seattle and
Washington demonstrations, we wanted to do something
appropriately ground-breaking -- that's what this site is about.''

Price says the web site aims to keep Green Left's readers
informed no matter where they are, ``whether they're in Melbourne
and participating in the demo's, or in some other part of the
country, or anywhere in the world''.

The site now features more than two dozen articles related to the
World Economic Forum in particular and corporate globalisation in

``We've uploaded all of our newspaper's coverage so far onto the
site, as well as some extras, like a list of frequently asked
questions about the WEF and Fidel Castro's speech to the G77
summit'', Price explained. ``And the contents will be updated as
more features are published in GLW.''

GLW writer Sean Healy explained that the site will cover the many
over political strategy and tactics going on amongst the
protesters. ``There's a lot of discussion, argument even, between
points of view. We hope to both report those debates and bring a
revolutionary socialist viewpoint and analysis to them.''

Price explains that the GLW will cooperate with other
community media outlets to provide a top-notch alternative to
``what is undoubtedly going to be a full-scale mainstream media
assault on the protesters''.

The web site features an expanding list of links to other
progressive sites, an email newsletter, so you can receive
updates as they're posted, and a calendar of upcoming events.
Green Left Weekly is considering maintaining the site for
coverage of days of global action after S11.

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