Per Rasmussen wrote:
> Dear Friends and Comrades!
> For a start below:
> Let us all have a great debate on this!
> Open and sharp.
> What is true and false?
> What is useful here?
> You know what I in General mean about Trotsky vs. Stalin!
> The subject is important.
> And we had different experience and goal when it comes to "the real world":
> Solidarity and support on Korea in 1954 and VietNam in 1963 - and Cuba etc.
> etc.
> I want to see you comment based on the main international struggle and on
> diff. levels TODAY?
> Why?
> To see where we for a start can unite - and were we have to have more
> knowledge and debates!!!!
> -----------------------
> Yours in solidarity
> Per Rasmussen
> Cuba SI!
> Viden er Magt! - Magten til folket!
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Socialist Appeal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sendt: 17. august 2000 14:06
> Emne: Trotsky year: on Stalinism
> What's new at In Defence of Marxism
> August 17, 2000
> Trotsky year: July/August: Trotsky on Stalinism
> We are republishing Ted Grant's The Rise and Fall of the Third
> International, written in 1943 after Stalin announced the dissolution of
> the Communist International
> (
> . The article explains how the mighty Communist International founded by
> Lenin could end so ignominiously under Stalin. I topens with the
> following statement: "To understand how it is that this organisation
> which aroused the terror and hatred of the whole capitalist world has
> come to such an inglorious end at the bidding of capitalism, it is
> necessary to review briefly the stormy rise and even stormier decline of
> the International. The decree for its dissolution was merely an
> acknowledgement of what has long been known to all informed people; that
> the Comintern as a factor making for world socialism was dead and had
> departed forever from its original aims and purposes. Its demise was
> predicted and foreseen long in advance." It goes on to develop a
> Trotskyist analysis of the process.
> Together with this we are also publishing Part Two of Ted Grant's book
> Russia: from Revolution to Counterrevolution, The Rise of Stalinism
> ( The whole
> book is available on But for those who may not have the
> time this chapter provides a good introduction.
> For those who want to study the development of Trotsky's analysis of the
> phenomenon of the Stalinist degeneration of the Soviet Union we recommend
> the following texts as a reading on the subject. In these you will find
> how Trotsky traced the degeneration right from the early stages in the
> mid 1920s. Of course the classical work of Trotsky on this subject is The
> Revolution Betrayed.
> The New Course (1923)
> On The Suppressed Testament of Lenin (1926)
> Platform of the Opposition (1927)
> The class nature if the Soviet State (1933)
> The workers' state, Thermidor and Bonapartism (1935)
> The Revolution Betrayed (1936)
> Stalinism and Bolshevism (1937)
> The Stalin School of falsification (1937)
> ------------------------------------------------------
> If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In
> Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "subscribe What's new" as the message
> body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same
> address with "unsubscribe" as the body of the message.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Yours in solidarity,
> Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site
> PO Box 2626
> London N1 7SQ
> Britain


        What on earth are you doing?  You posted just the kind of material I
would expect from a Trot mouthpiece.  Where are the writings by Stalin
and his supporters exposing Trotskyism for the bourgeois agent that it
is?  Why didn't you post a synopsis of the Jan 1937 Pyatakov trial, for
example, in which Trotsky himself is shown to be the prime agent of
bourgeois intelligence services seeking to undermine the Soviet Union. 
Have you read the transcripts of the 1930's trials?  I don't think so.
        Some of your titles are lies themselves.  The so-called testament of
Lenin was never suppressed by anyone.  Even Trotsky originally admitted
that.  In fact, Stalin discussed it at a Central Committee meeting
before everyone.  
        I am surprised and quite disappointed in you.  Should this occur again
a reassessment will be in order.

For  the cause,


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