I agree entirely with Javad who makes a powerful  and considered 
case. He neither attempts to ignore the Trotskyists, in the hope they 
will fade away quietly, nor to waste time countering every word they 
ever utter. As I suggested, he attempts to move the argument onto a 
higher a more serious level. Relating it back to the ever-important 
struggle against Imperialism and the vital role of the revolutionary 
working class.

If this discussion is handled in this serious and comprehensive 
manner I think it can only be of great use to Marxist-Leninists and 
will be highly appropriate for this list. 

Just a couple of points though Javad,  you argue that the 
ideological opposition of Trotskyism 'is doing real damage to the 
revolutionary working class around the world'. I do not think we 
should over-estimate the power and influence of the Trotskiists. As I 
said before, as far as I am aware they are rather thin on the ground 
internationally - and in areas of real revolutionary struggle in the 
oppressed countries they usually don't last long. But, since the 
post-war boom they have been rather dominant and vocal in the 
Imperialist countries - especially Britain and the USA. Because of 
this they also appear more numerous on the largely English-speaking 
Internet. I don't know what comrades experience is from elsewhere?

Also your final flourish where you volunteer to analyse all the 
theoretical works of Trotsky ( a dull task in itself). I think we 
should be aware that countering the argument of Trotsky himself is 
not the same as combating Trotskiism. Again, speaking from my own 
experience, many Trotskyists groups here in Britain tend not to 
follow Trotsky directly and some would not even call themselves 
Trotskyists. As Ella Rule has said they are Trots in the sense that 
when their ideas meet with substantial obstacles they trot-off onto 
another. Just as you cannot defeat Marxist-Leninism by attacking 
Stalin so you cannot destroy Trotskyism just by demolishing Trotsky.

John Walker

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