Bill Howard wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Communist Party of Greece
> Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 10:13 PM
> Subject: CP of Greece, Statement on Yugoslavia, 6.10.2000
> Communist Party of Greece-Central Committee
> 145, L. Irakliou 14231 Athens, Tel:(+301) 2592111, Fax:(+301) 2592298,
> =============================================================
>                   Statement on Yugoslavia, 6.10.2000
> A new step of the brutal and undisguised intervention of USA-EU-NATO,
> that has brought the country very close to a civil war, is in progress
> in Yugoslavia. Its goal is to ensure the implementation, without
> reaction, of the imperialistic plans. Regardless every worker?s
> position on the elections in Yugoslavia, the developments that make
> use of war, terrorism with every means, blackmail and threat should
> not be legalised. Using those means proves the hypocrisy of the
> so-called free people?s feeling and dominance! The fact that
> USA-NATO-EU celebrate is enough to prove where things are going, since
> they are responsible for the carving of Yugoslavia, the massacre and
> poverty of its people and the instability in the Balkans.
> The new  dramatic developments in Yugoslavia will not lead to a
> normalisation for the interest of the people. In spite of what some
> claim, the developments will have extensive effects, since
> entanglement of Yugoslavia into the imperialistic system will be a
> negative turn for the Balkans. The feasts for the so-called progress
> of democracy, aim to the cover-up of the crime committed against
> Yugoslavian people.
> The Greek government proves its complicity to the crime committed in
> Balkans. It continues to participate to the war of NATO against
> Yugoslavia. It is a part of its attempts to become a guard of the
> imperialistic new order in Balkans.
> Under those circumstances,  we call our people, hand in hand with the
> Balkan peoples, to intensify the vigilance and the action against the
> New Order.
>  The rejection and the withdraw of the imperialistic forces from the
> Balkans is the only solution. Nobody else, but the people, has the
> right to decide on the destiny and the future of his country.
> Imperialism is not invincible. The united anti-imperialistic struggle
> can defeat it!
> Athens, 6/10/2000
>                                          Press Bureau of the CC of CPG

        During the American anti-war demonstrations in the 1960’s there was a
very vocal California professor of linguistics and Japanese descent who
devoted a good deal of time excoriating on the uselessness of student
protests.  But while making a comparison between Vietnam and Latin
America he once received a great deal of notoriety by stating, “The
Panama Canal is ours; we stole it fair and square.”  I can’t help but
think of the analogy between that observation and current events in
Yugoslavia.  The United States and its obsequious marionettes were
determined to divide up Yugoslavia, eliminate the socialistic aspects
headquartered in Serbia, and turn the entire region into a photocopy of
what transpired and currently exists in the Soviet Union.  By financing
nationalistic and ethnic elements in various regions as well as using
propaganda to foment divisions and competition, they managed to sever
Yugoslavia province by province.  First they stole Slovenia, then they
stole Croatia, then they stole Bosnia, then they stole the Macedonian
part of Yugoslavia, then they stole Kosovo, and lastly they turned their
attention to Montenegro.  But rather than focus on that province per se,
they decided to concentrate on Serbia itself, knowing full well that if
Serbia were to collapse Montenegro would go as well.
        As a result of events in Kosovo, the capitalists were provided the
opportunity they had been seeking, an excuse to destroy the economic
infrastructure of Serbia and foster widespread unrest and
dissatisfaction with the government.  The Croats, the Muslims, the
Serbs, the Kosovar Albanians and virtually every other ethnic group
practiced what some refer to as “ethnic cleansing,” a reprehensible
activity which no Marxist-Leninist should condone.  But because the
Serbs had a society that possessed far more socialistic aspects than the
capitalists could abide, the latter seized upon events in Kosovo as an
excuse to bomb Serbia’s economic infrastructure.  When that bombing of
key factories, bridges, railroads, shipping and other facilities was
combined with an unjustified trade embargo, sufficient economic unrest
was generated to instigate a rejection of the Serbian government led by
Milosevich, an unrest that came to a head with the recent election and
removal of Milosevich and his supporters.
        Capitalist propaganda tried to paint the entire picture as if the
Serbian government caused the financial plight of Serbia, as if they had
done the bombing and imposed the embargo, when anyone with an ounce of
objectivity can see it was a result of capitalist aggression.
        The capitalists repeatedly called Milosevich and his supporters to
Dayton in the USA, Rambouillet in France and other meetings so they
could present them with “take it or leave it” conditions that they knew
were assaults on Yugoslavian sovereignty, requirements that no
government in its right mind would voluntarily accept.  The capitalists
carefully tailored their terms in such a manner as to know they were
beyond the pale and would be rejected even before submission.  Under the
guise of “negotiations” for purposes of world-wide propaganda they
submitted what were little more than absurd ultimatums clearly designed
to push the Yugoslavian government into what appeared to be unreasonable
        They also tried to depict Milosevich as a dictator even though
elections occurred in Serbia, not only this year but in prior years
while he was in power.  Do the capitalists call Mubarek of Egypt or the
ruler of Saudi Arabia dictators, even though neither was elected by the
people and neither allows decisions by popular mandates.  Of course
not.  Quite the contrary, the bourgeoisie call Mubarek a “President”
because he “plays ball.”  What a travesty!  Moreover, how could 18
political parties actively oppose a government in what is supposedly a
dictatorship.  One can think of many countries in which that kind of
opposition should be allowed to freely operate.
        So what should Milosevich do now?  My advice would be to remain in
Serbia along with his supporters and be a real thorn in the side of the
government of bourgeois stooges that was just installed.  Not only could
“I told you so” be a real theme song, but they could provide viable
alternatives.  The foreign bourgeoisie and its local puppets will oppose
this, of course, and point to “The Hague” every time he and his
supporters speak out, assuming he is allowed to stay.  But these are
idle threats for intimidation only, as that is not a practical option.  
Pinochet showed that.  
        Moreover, imagine the incredible world-wide capitalist propaganda
uproar that would occur if Milosevich had ordered a crackdown in order
to stay in power that resulted in the killing of 70 unarmed, rock
throwing civilians as recently occurred in Palestine?  Yet when the
Zionist state commits atrocities as a result of having stolen the lands
of people 50 years ago, they are soft-peddled, minimized, and described
as unauthorized excesses and unfortunate “incidents.”
        The 18 political parties that backed Kostunica only agreed on the
single point of removing Milosevich, and now that he is out, I have no
doubt they will soon start fighting among themselves.  Although they all
disliked Milosevich, they don’t like one another either.  Because of
bourgeois political myopia the capitalists have put them in an untenable
position.  In their obsession to remove Milosevich by any means, the
capitalists brought real havoc onto the economy and have installed their
puppets on what is essentially a financial pile of rubble.  The people
of Serbia are going to expect real improvements in short order and the
only source of funds by which this can occur are capitalist coffers. 
Will the exploiters restore the economy to the condition that existed in
the early days of Milosevich’s leadership prior to the embargo and the
bombing?  Anyone wish to make some bets.

For the cause,


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