
The Parti Sosialis Malalaysia has taken the government to court over its
foot dragging over registering the party as an  legal political entity. Here
is its report on the latest devlopment.

The party has been doing good activist and militant work related to the
workers and poorer sections of Malaysian society which is a plus point for

Its down point is that while it claims to not be Trotskyist, it is anti
Stalin which is someting I've been telling them is a mistake on their part
and which is a result of them being influenced by bourgeois propaganda
against Stalin.

Well, sad to say, so far, it's not changed their minds on Stalin, which is
why I refuse to join them, while maintaining communication with them.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Parti Sosialis Malaysia PSM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 11:31 PM

> 22 November 2000, Kuala Lumpur Special Appeals Court, Denmark House
> A fiery court battle to determine the status and registration of Parti
> Sosialis Malaysia(PSM) fizzled out when the Attorney General Chambers
> offered a settlement. The turnabout came when Datuk Azhar bin Muhammad-
> of Civil Division defending the Home Minister seeked an out of court
> settlement. PSM lawyers after consulting with party leadership agreed for
> short postponement to facilitate the out of court settlement.
> PSM was represented by lead counsel Sdr. Tommy Thomas and is assisted by
> Sdr. Ragu Kesavan (Chairperson of Bar Council Legal Aid Centre) and Sdr.
> Teng Chang Khim (National Youth Chief of DAP and State Assemblyman for
> Bandar Klang). All three lawyers are doing a free service for PSM based on
> their believe in the notion of freedom of association.
> Today the courts were jammed with PSM Supporters who came from Perak,
> Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Members wore badges and carried party flags.
> The policemen on duty kept reminding the supporters that there is a new
> directive, which does not allow people to wear badges. The directive did
> materialize, as there was no open hearing. The lawyers discussed with
> Justice KC Vohrah and postponed the case to 13th. Of December 2000.
> Outside the courtroom, Dr. Nasir Hashim (Protem Chairperson) explained the
> new development to party supporters. He said, " If they want to fight, we
> are ready for a fight and if they want to negotiate, we will negotiate ".
> PSM has no problems in seeking an out of court settlement and is open to
> negotiation. The Party knows very well that the settlement came about
> because the Party is strong and we have a credible case to fight.
> PSM sees this new development in a positive light. Dr. Nasir also said
> though we are a small party, we have a big heart.
> PSM created history in October 26 1999 when the party took the Home
> to court. This is the first case in history where the Government is
> challenged and put in the defense on the issue of freedom of association.
> PSM feels strongly that its constitutional right to form a political party
> has been deprived. If nothing works out, then the case will go on on the
> 13th. of December 2000.
> PSM is a party born from years of grassroot struggles. in the factories,
> plantations and the urban settlement. The Party was formed not as an
> election party but a machinery for the poorer classes in society to fight
> for their rights. The party though unregistered continues to threaten the
> capitalist and the exploiters. The party gives room for people who want to
> do away from racial and religious extremism.
> Socialist will continue to exist in Malaysia and other parts of the world
> and will fight for a fairer world and fairer system where the wealth and
> income is well distributed. As long as there are sufferings and
> the struggle has to go on. Registered or not.
> View PSM updated website:
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