Javad Eskandarpour wrote:

> Comrades,
>       "Maoism vs. Marxism-Leninism"  and "The international Zionism"as
> possible topics of discussion on this Marxist-Leninist list seem to have met
> with a great "enthusiasm" , unlike some forwarded liberal news pieces which
> induce a good hibernation amidst the terrible stormy days!
>        In view of this "enthusiasm", I will begin discussing some myths,
> presented as historical and theoretical truth, in the limits of the above
> topics.
> Javad


    If by liberal news pieces you are referring to my forwarding of some
articles regarding demonstrations against the installation of crypto-fascists
to lead the American government, it may surprise you to learn that I agree with
your assessment.  They were, indeed, liberal news pieces and I pondered at
length whether or not they should even be sent to this list.  Demonstrations
are not going to prevent the takeover, but what is the alternative.  Not
demonstrate at all.  Just acquiesce and provide a kind of passive acceptance
without remonstrance.  No, I think demonstrations do bring pressure to bear on
those in power and the greater the crowd the stronger the message.  Those
taking over should know they have no mandate and will be opposed at every
level.  I went through the change from the Carter to the quasi-fascist Rotten
Ronnie Reagan administration and there is a difference in who is in charge.  I
could feel it throughout the entire 8 miserable years.  The current differences
are not much but in this case they are enough to warrant marching in the
streets.  The clear message of all leftists should be:  We are not supporting
Gore; we are opposing a crypto-fascist takeover by the Bushites.
    Stated in stark terms: I dislike that capitalist agent Roosevelt immensely,
but if it is a choice between him and Hitler, I will hit the streets, because I
totally despise the latter.

For the cause,


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