Don't Run Your Head against the South Stone Wall Anymore

The annual meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Commission will be
held in Geneva next month. This reporter had twice gone to cover the annual
meeting, the scenes featuring the fierce trial of strength in the
international human rights field remain to this date clear and fresh in his
mind. The Western countries headed by the United States
<>  have since 1990
tabled anti-China proposals at nine UN human rights meetings, which met with
defeat each time. Facts prove that there is no way out for antagonism
created in the international human rights field. Should those, who had run
into the south stone wall nine times and been foiled each time, recall this
history and come to realize something therefrom?

Firstly, they should give up the Cold-War mentality. Human right has its
universality, as well as its particularity, a fact recognized by the
overwhelming majority of countries in the world. The Western countries
headed by the United States invariably delineate countries on the basis of
ideology, they only recognize the Western standard of value and concept of
human rights, insisting that all countries copy the Western stuffs in toto
in disregard of their own historical tradition and social and economic
developmental level. This practice has entailed social disturbances and even
chaos caused by war in some African countries. No wonder that Western
countries headed by the United States invariably stood diametrically opposed
to the vast number of developing nations at each annual meeting of the UN
Human Rights Commission. This confrontation, however, is unfavorable to the
promotion of international cooperation in the field of human rights.

Secondly, they should give up the hegemonic concept. After the conclusion of
the Cold War, the United States, as the only superpower in the world, acted
arrogantly and assumed the air of self-importance, needless to say, it was
all the more domineering in the field of international human rights. From
the very outset, it was the sponsor that spurred the European Union to bring
up anti-China proposals, while the United States itself supported the
proposals. In the spring of 1997, however, the four EU countries represented
by France <>  took the
lead to propose using dialog to replace confrontation in the field of
international human rights, clearly indicating that at UN human rights
meetings, they should no longer table proposals directed against China's
human right situation. As a result, that year the EU did not take the lead
for the first time to table an anti-China proposal. Refusing to take its
defeat lying down, the United States instigated Denmark
<>  to take the lead
to dish out an anti-China proposal which was supported by 10-plus countries
including the United States and Britain. This proposal could still be called
the motion of "Western countries headed by the United States", the United
States managed to shore up its face as "master of the arena" to give an open
challenge, however, it made little combat gains and rolled down from the
arena the seventh time, sustaining disastrous defeat. The following year,
the United States became somewhat clever, refraining from inciting other
countries to table anti-China proposals, and itself did not do so either. In
1999, the United States was ready to make trouble again, it was lamenting
that not a single country in the world wanted to serve as its spokesman, so
this overlord had no alternative but to go into action itself, as it looked
around, and found there was only one small country left to be its follower,
this naturally was another defeat..

Last year, after being defeated in each of eight battles, the United States,
angry and shame, vowed to fight it out with China to see who was the
stronger, it was out of its expectations that it became utterly isolated,
after this single nation dished out the anti-China proposal, there was
unexpectedly not a single follower, and it thus really became a "leader
without a following". Left alone with only its own shadow and suffering a
crushing defeat, it became totally discredited

Thirdly, they should abandon the double human right standards. While
measuring others, the United States should also measure itself with a ruler.
Each year, the United States puts up the air of being a "master". In its
so-called annual human right situation report, the United States ordered
many countries about and made irresponsible remarks against them. Was the
United States itself so clean when it shamelessly censured others? No! Huge
amounts of related facts and figures were ready at hand which were exposed
by US media themselves:

The corruption of the US system of election by the people has been
exceedingly serious, numerous US electors have noticed the "the stink of
money" generated therefrom. The money spent on US election last year reached
as high as US$3 billion. An American expert studying the relations between
money and election campaign gave away the secret when he said that one can
know the final result of the election before it is launched as long as one
looks into the account on the collection of funds at the federal election
committee. Poor American people have been forgotten by "democracy", and the
"equality bragged about by the Constitution has been trampled upon".

US child laborer problem is serious. There are 290,000 children employed by
factories, mines and farms in the United States. They are often working
under dangerous and unbearable conditions. Children working with farms work
even as long as 20 hours a day, the wages they earn are pathetically meager.
What is more, they face the danger of being poisoned by insecticide, injured
and becoming disabled lifelong.

In the United States considered to be the richest in the world, there are
thousands upon thousands of people suffering hunger every day. In 1998, food
was not guaranteed for 9.7 percent families in the United States.

As a matter of fact, the human right situation of any country in today's
world cannot be described as perfect. Allowing the common people of various
countries to enjoy more human rights by constantly improving the human right
situation is the lofty objective being commonly pursued by human societies.
To this end, various countries should strengthen links and understanding
through dialogs and cooperation. At the meetings of the UN Human Rights
Commission, the Chinese government had repeatedly put forward its proposals
for replacing confrontation with dialog, this is the only practical way to
promote the human right cause of humankind. At the UN human right meeting
this year, it can be said with certainty that if anyone who, going against
the historical trend, dishes out an anti-China proposal for the 10th time,
will definitely meet with the 10th disastrous defeat. Quoting the ancient
saying, "Whoever understands the times is a great man", I advise those
gentlemen who suffered repeated defeats should promptly make a fresh start
and must not harp on the same old tunes. I wish the UN human right meeting
this year can make a good beginning and earnestly do something good for
creating an atmosphere for international cooperation in the human right

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