Vietnam, Cuba seek to further boost ties

Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien and his Cuban counterpart Felipe Perez Roque
discussed measures to further consolidate and strengthen the fraternal
solidarity, friendship and co-operation between their Parties, States and
people in Hanoi yesterday.

They also exchanged views about issues of regional and international
importance during their talks, held at the Government Guest House, Hanoi,
soon after Mr Rogue began a three-day official visit to Vietnam.

Mr Nien hailed Mr Roque's visit as a step toward the development of
bilateral ties between the two nations.

After briefing his Cuban guest about the progress of doi moi (renovation)
and the Vietnam Communist Party and State's external policy of independence,
self-determination, openness, multilateralism and diversification, he
affirmed that Vietnam was persisting with comprehensive socialist-oriented

The country was also working to boost its indigenous strength,
industrialisation, modernisation and international co-operation in an effort
to make it "a strong nation with prosperous people in a fair, democratic and
civilised society".

Mr Nien praised the achievements of the Cuban people in national
construction and defence, particularly those external achievements that had
foiled hostile schemes to isolate and undermine their revolution.

He said he was confident that the Cuban people would obtain greater success
and continue to make worthy contributions to the revolutionary cause of
nations throughout the world.

The Foreign Minister reiterated the Vietnamese Party, State and people's
consistant support for fraternal Cuba's just cause in the construction and
defence of a socialist country under the leadership of President Fidel

He expressed his sincere thanks to the Cuban Party, State, government and
people for their solidarity, valuable support and generous help to Vietnam
and said that he regarded the assistance as a noble and exemplary
demonstration of the international proletarian spirit.

The Cuban foreign minister praised Vietnam's achievements in national
renovation and international co-operation over the past 15 years.

He thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for their solidarity,
friendship and help to Cuba's national construction and defence.

He also briefed his host about the situation in Cuba and Latin America and
his country's notable achievements in national construction and defence and
the struggle to foil the US embargo.

Both foreign ministers said they were delighted with the development of
solidarity, friendship and co-operation between the two countries and
foreign ministries. They added that the visits to Cuba by Vietnam Communist
Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu in 1999 and President Tran Duc Luong in
2000 had contributed much to the unshakable and loyal comradeship between
Vietnam and Cuba, bringing relations between the two to a higher plane.

They also discussed measures to further co-operation between their foreign
The Cuban Foreign Minister invited Mr Nien to visit Cuba and the invitation
was accepted with pleasure.

Later, Foreign Minister Nien gave a banquet in honour of Cuban Foreign
Minister Roque and his entourage. (VNA)

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