----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:46 PM
Subject: CP Russian Federation, PRAVDA OF FEBRUARY 27, 2001. No23.

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       CP Russian Federation, PRAVDA OF FEBRUARY 27, 2001. No23.
              From: Communist Party of Russian Federation
    http://www.kprf.ru , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                   PRAVDA OF FEBRUARY 27, 2001. No23.

        The newspaper publishes the declaration of the CPRF Central
committee presidium which criticizes the governmental policies in regard
to the budget. All masks have been thrown off, the declaration runs. It
is now clear  that under the pretext of external debt deliberations the
government of Messrs. Kasyanov, Kudrin and Gref tries to force through
the parliament a decision allowing the final sale of all state property.
A large-scale and purposeful annihilation of the scientific and
industrial potential of the country is in progress. During the last year
and a half 13 thousand enterprises were liquidated. Production of crude
oil is growing while peasants have no fuel for any agricultural work.
They insist on adoption by the Duma of new labour laws that would
deprive the labourer of all his rights and put him into the position of
a serf. They also want new agricultural laws adopted which would hand
the land over to home and overseas tycoons and turn the peasant into
their hired work force. The Communist party believes that this
government staying in power is ruinous for the country. The faction of
the party started the procedure of no-confidence vote in the Duma.
        A whole page of the newspaper is devoted to readers’ letters.
One of the readers, Ivan Shalygin, writes that the official media are
persistently trying to convince the public that the GDP growth rate is
increasing. In 2000 it allegedly was 7 percent. But they don’t say a
word about the fact that the level of industrial production fell in the
Russian Federation in the last ten years by not less than a half. Could
a 7 percent growth, if it really took place, be considered a success?
Basic industrial funds are meanwhile rapidly passing out through wear
and tear. Prospects of any industrial growth in the future are very
        Another reader, Pavel Tyrinov from Nijhny Novgorod region, says
that under Soviet power not a single thief visited his household, even
apples in his orchard were all intact. But with the advent of Yeltsyn’s
"freedom" he was robbed seven times already and the thieves had not been
found. In former times there were 36 militiamen in the district and
there was perfect order. Now there are 94 of them and there’s neither
law nor order.


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