----- Original Message ----- 
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 11:01 PM
Subject: Iraqi CP, Condemns the Air Strikes 

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                   Iraqi CP, Condemns the Air Strikes
                From: Iraqi Communist Party, 20.02.2001
             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.iraqcp.org

                           Central Committee
                         IRAQI COMMUNIST PARTY
fax: 0044-207-4192552, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Internet: www.iraqcp.org

Dear Comrades,
Our country was subjected on the night of 16 February 2001 to a new
Anglo-American aggression, as US and British war planes bombed several
sites in the capital Baghdad, injuring innocent civilians, inflicting
damage to installations and spreading fear and horror among our people
without justification.

Our Party condemned, as it has done every time, this criminal act which
reveals the US administration's obstinate and unrealistic policy in
dealing with the Iraqi issue. This policy has aimed at using the
complexities of this to serve US strategy and its special schemes in the
Middle East, regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, and denying the
Palestinian people their right to establish their independent national
state with Jerusalem as its capital.

This aggression comes as part of the series of air raids which have been
going on for ten years and has provided the dictatorial rulers in our
country with pretexts to be used for winning sympathy and diverting
attention from the suffering of our people as a result of repression and

Our Iraqi Communist Party believes that military acts and air strikes
cannot resolve the Iraqi issue, that is if they will not further
complicate and prolong it. As such, they not only harm our people but
even provide the dictatorial regime with more opportunities to
capitalise on the situation with demagogic slogans. For the regime
deliberately escalates tension and stirs up crises and confrontations as
an attempt to get out of the state of impasse in its relationship with
the UN.

It is time that an end is put to these brutal practices, and that means
are found which respond to the legitimate aspirations of our people and
are in accordance with international law to resolve the problems faced
by our country.

While wishing to inform you about the grave developments in our country,
we look forward to intensifying your solidarity with our Iraqi people in
their struggle for salvation from the international economic blockade
and dictatorial rule, putting establishing end to influence by
international powers in our country's affairs, and establishing the
democratic alternative which ensures peace and stability in Iraq and the

Central Committee
Iraqi Communist Party

Arbil - Iraqi Kurdistan


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