Title: CC RCWP January 2001 Plenum

CC RCWP January 2001 Plenum

On 27—28 January 2001, a Plenum of the CC of Russian Communist Workers’ Party was held in Moscow. It determined the further steps to be undertaken for the implementation of the 10th Congress decisions (October 2000).

The participants discussed the tasks for the regional organisations of RCWP to get ready for the work in conditions of rigid pressure from the presidential structures that fulfil the demands of the bourgeois class.

Appropriate orders and a plan of practical actions had been affirmed.

The structure of the CC was given a clearer meaning, so was the distribution of duties amongst the Central Committee members.

A Commission for Agrarian Questions had been formed in the CC. Its task is to mobilise the farming sector workers for struggle to save large-scale enterprises, against the private property and land trade, as outlined in Party’s agrarian programme. G. I. Kotliakov, a farming enterprise leader from Udmurtia was appointed as the chairman of the Commission.

The Plenum pointed out that in the common actions against the government-induced version of the labour code, which expresses bourgeois intentions to deprive the working people terminally of all their rights, the radical opposition managed to reflect the Putin—Kasyanov government’s onslaught for the time being. However, this does not give the right to relax. A new wave of pressure is already imposed on Duma. The new stage of struggle must be developed and carried out by the Party along with other organisations of the working people under the banner of the struggle for the workers’ version of the labour code — Workers’ Academy Fund’s project, introduced by former RCWP deputy V. Grigorjev, and later supported by deputies T. Avaliani and O. Sheïn.

Following an agreement with the Russian Executive Committee of the Workers’ Soviets Congress, the next Congress of Workers’ Resistance Organisations will take place on 14—15 April 2001 in Moscow. The problems of the tactics for labour movement’s struggle will be addressed.

The Plenum took a decision to open a scientific and practical in-absentia conference on the working people’s movement problems in the Party press. The Conference Organising Committee had been chosen.

In accordance with the 10th Congress’ decision, the Plenum of CC of RCWP has carefully considered the question on the condition of Party work amongst the youth. In the Decision passed at the meeting, the Party organisations, while agitating the young people, are proposed to pursue the key position — that the struggle for communism, against the domination of private property and exploitation is the direct interest and the key objective of the youth in the 21st Century.

It was noted that while pseudopatriotic, nationalist organisations and CPRF would be diverting the youth from the class struggle to the way of agreement and compromise, and until RCWP branches learn to organise the youth struggle for their basic and specific interests, the bourgeoisie will be poisoning the consciousness of the young people by its ideology; fascism, religious cults, drugs and propagation of violence.

Within the framework of the Plenum, a Session of the CC Commission for the work amongst the youth took place. It determined the concrete steps to unite the young people who support RCWP, and to provide an informational coverage for them.

The Plenum supported the Statement of the CC Secretariat titled “Let him go!” in response to Ziuganov’s autodeclaration as a Chairman of the Union of Communist Parties—CPSU. In taking forward the Secretariat’s assessment, the Plenum passed a Statement on the Situation of the Communist Movement in Russia and CIS Countries. It stresses, that the left-wing forces are faced with the need to unite the efforts and save UCP—CPSU as a network for exchanging experience and for coördinating actions by the left-wing parties, having reflected social-democratic pro-régime CPRF leadership’s attempts to “privatise” this network. Once again, the Plenum called the parties in the Russian Communist Union (Roskomsojuz) to unite. The Plenum decided that it was also necessary to support UCP—CPSU-published Glasnost newspaper at the time, when Pravda that has just “turned red” by bringing back the slogan “Workingmen of all countries, unite!” which was earlier stripped on Ziuganov’s order, is to be used by the social-democrats in their informational war against the communists.

At that point, the Plenum of the CC of RCWP adjourned.

 Trudovaja Rossija CC RCWP Press Centre. (From Trudovaja Rossija No 127)

Russian Communist Workers' Party January 2001 Plenum

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