Solidarity with Daewoo striking workers

Four thousand armed riot police stormed the Daewoo Motors'
plant at Bupyong in South Korea recently. It was being peacefully
occupied by several hundred striking workers and their families
against massive company sackings.

Many were viciously beaten and 76 were taken in for questioning. The
riot police detained seven union leaders and warrants have been drawn
up to arrest the top leaders of the Korean Confederation of Trade

Immediately after the police action the banks which had extended credit
to the bankrupt company, gave the company a pat on the head for the
crackdown by extending the credit period and providing it with even
more funds.

The action of the banks showed in whose interests the government is
acting. South Korea's President is Kim Dae-jung who was recently given
the Nobel Prize for Peace because of negotiations between the government

of South Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The Bupyong workers had begun their strike when the company announced
the sacking of 1,750 workers. Many of the sacked workers are key union
activists and militant workers indicating that the company is out
to destroy the union at its Bupyong plant.

These sackings come on top of some 3,500 that have been laid off since
last November, and thousands more since the collapse of the Daewoo
empire in late 1998.

The sackings are taking place under the label of "restructuring"
and are related to the sell-off of Daewoo to overseas interests. The
government's economic rationalist "reforms" are a desperate
attempt to salvage the crisis-ridden company and the crisis-ridden
economy of South Korea at the expense of the working people's living
conditions and democratic rights.

As in Australia, the Government is pouring billions of dollars into
the pockets of the corporate robbers, while working people suffer
more and more unbearable hardships.

When workers resort to mass struggle to defend even the little
they still have the regime thunders down with batons, tear gas,
and boots. It is nothing short of a war on the South Korean working

The workers have courageously held their ground and continue the
They hold daily rallies in Bupyong and are winning the support of
other workers and organisations.

In response, the regime has deployed even more police and is attempting
to suppress all attempts at protest. The police action recalls similar
suppression of workers during the years of South Korea's military
fascist rule when workers had to converge at pre-arranged locations
to hold surprise demonstrations.

The Daewoo workers and their unions are calling for urgent international

solidarity support.

"We urgently call on the international workers' movement to take
immediate solidarity action to place pressure on the vicious Kim
regime. We request protests and industrial action to target the South
Korean Government's embassies and consulates and the outlets and service

centres of Daewoo Motors", says their appeal.

Send protest messages to Ambassador, Embassy Republic of Korea, 113
Empire Circuit, Yarralumla, ACT 2600. Fax: (02) 6273 4839. Email


Please send solidarity messages and copies of protests to: Park
Seong-In,   General Secretary, Power of the Working  Class  (PWC)

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