Lima, March 10 (RHC)-- Judicial authorities in Peru have formally
charged former President Alberto Fujimori with murder, and he could
be tried in Japan -- where he is currently in self-exile.
   According to Peruvian Justice Minister Diego Garcia, the former
president has been accused of extra judicial executions during a
military assault against the Japanese embassy in Lima nearly four
years ago.

In the attack, 14 members of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
were killed, along with one of the 72 hostages taken by the rebel
commando. The same charges have also been brought against fugitive
former national security chief Vladimiro Montesinos and former head
of the joint chiefs of staff, General Nicolas de Bari Hermoza Rios.

Earlier this week, authorities in Peru announced that they would
exhume the bodies of the 14 rebels to verify whether they were killed
in combat or were summarily executed. Family members of the rebels
have petitioned the courts to find out exactly what happened in April
1997 when the military stormed the Japanese embassy. Ordered by then-
President Alberto Fujimori, the elite force entered the compound
through several tunnels dug under the residence of the Japanese
ambassador to Lima.

According to the Peruvian minister of justice, one of the hostages
and a former Japanese diplomat -- Hidetaka Ogura -- saw three rebels
taken alive. Ogura first published his eye-witness report in
December, and has now decided to cooperate with Peruvian authorities
in the investigation.

Fujimori and the military commando always maintained that the 14 were
killed resisting the attack, but new evidence may show otherwise. The
head of Peru's justice ministry said that the charges are serious
enough that any court in the world could put on trial the former
president and those directly responsible for summarily executing the
rebels -- including the courts of Japan. Peru and Japan are
signatories of an international treaty - along with the European
Union - that allows signatory nations to initiate trial proceedings
in such cases. 

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