Response from Partija Rada spokesman Milan to me after my posting of this news item:


Dear Comrade Jim!


Just a two questions for you. Do you know who, when, how, and why start a war in Croatia? Second: when you was last time on Kosovo, speaking with Albanians, and do you believe in news brought by Tanjug, official state information center which is now under rule of Kostunica, and other Imperialist servants?


For Communism,




Source of Partija Rada post by Milan, “SPS FALLING APART,” which appeared one day later:


The comrades at the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)


Now, let us meet the comrades who selflessly finance IWPR:

IWPR gratefully acknowledges the many private and governmental foundations and agencies supporting its regional reporting and media development activities, including:

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Department for International Development (UK)

European Commission

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Freedom Forum

Ford Foundation

National Endowment for Democracy

National Lottery Charities Board (UK)

Open Society Institute

Press Now


Samuel Rubin Foundation

Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency

US Institute for Peace

Winston Foundation for World Peace



Next, let us meet the comrades who serve on the Board of Trustees, the governing body of this fine “charity”:


Dan Smith (chair), director, International Peace Research Institute (PRIO), Oslo.

Murtaza Jessa (treasurer), fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, founding partner of Jessa & Co, a UK firm of accountants and registered auditors.

Zoran Pajic, professor of international law, formerly at Sarajevo University; associate fellow, Royal Institute for International Affairs; senior legal advisor, International Crisis Group Bosnia project.

Jane M.O. Sharp, analyst at the Department of War Studies, King's College, London.

Martin Woollacott, associate editor, foreign affairs columnist, and award winning war correspondent, The Guardian.

Fiona Hill, fellow of the Foreign Policy Studies Programme, The Brookings Institution.

Sheena McDonald, senior broadcaster and journalist, BBC, ITV.

And finally, let us read the effusive praises of the comrades at IWPR from respected comrades in journalism around the world:


IWPR "features reports...on events that don't make it into the main-stream press until it's too tragically late. This site is a Nobel Prize waiting to happen."
- James Wolcott

IWPR: "one of the best sources of news" on ex-Yugoslavia

"IWPR has been at the vanguard of covering the Kosovo crisis."

"[IWPR provides] outstanding coverage ... by reporters on the ground."


IWPR "provide[s] excellent analysis and background coverage of conflict from reporters in trouble spots."

"Reporters in training for a London-based news service scoop the world from Eastern Europe."
- Vivienne Walt

Dear Comrade Milan,

Thank you – I have learned my lesson, applied self-criticism, and next time I will know better than to believe reports put out by servants of imperialism.  Please extend my warmest greetings to the comrades at the Open Society Institute, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, the Brookings Institution, the BBC, the Freedom Forum, ABC News, the European Commission, the UK Foreign Office, etc, etc.

Yours comradely,









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