----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 8:37 PM
Subject: CP of Britain, British Communists Warn over Global Economic Crisis

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   CP of Britain, British Communists Warn over Global Economic Crisis
                     From: RedNet, Wed, 25 Apr 2001
                   http://www.communist-party.org.uk ,
                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communist Party of Britain, 15/04/2000
Unit F11, Cape House, 787 Commercial Road, London, E14 7HG.
Tel: (44) 207 517 9722 Fax: (44) 207 517 9733.


Communists declared at the weekend that the recent round of high-tech
job losses reflected a a world-wide crisis of overproduction.

Communist Party of Britain Membership Organiser Martin Levy warned that
this would have a knock-on effect through many sectors of the economy.

"As always, capitalism will use this crisis to attempt to drive down
wage costs", he told the Party's Political Committee.
  "That is the reality of both the American Free Trade Area conference
in Quebec and the recent EU Stockholm summit.," Mr Levy argued. "The
whole purpose of the Single European Currency is to ensure that profits
are maintained on the backs of the workers," he added.

The crisis also increased the danger of war, with the new US
administration "aggressively supporting the interests of US-based
transnational corporations and intervening politically, economically and
militarily world-wide".

The Party condemned the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian
people and expressed its solidarity with the people and government of
China over the recent US spy-plane incident.

Mr Levy said that the cost of the foot-and-mouth crisis "has been
enormous, in terms of animals slaughtered, risks to public health and
damage to the tourist industry. "The NFU must not be allowed to hold the
country to ransom - vaccination must start now," he insisted.

The Party reiterated its strategic approach of supporting the return of
a Labour government in the General Election, while standing Communist
Party candidates itself
to promote the perspective of labour movement unity around alternative
left policies.

The Committee pointed to the risk of disillusionment among trade
unionists if their leaders supported Labour uncritically. The Party
called on the labour movement to decide what it wants to demand from the
government, and take practical steps to achieve it.

Published in the Morning Star newspaper Monday 23 April


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