/Jean Paul Marat: Tribune of the French Revolution, /Pluto Press, 2012

Dear friends,

If you have an interest in French Revolution history, you may enjoy watching an interview I did last week about my biography of Jean Paul Marat.  Interviewer Randy Credico’s enthusiasm for the subject was so infectious that he got me excited talking about it.

The entire program is about an hour and a quarter long, and includes stirring renditions of the revolutionary anthem /La Marseillaise/ interspersed throughout the interview.  Here’s the link:


[click on the portrait of Marat to start the video]

The interview is part of a series of programs devoted to the defense of Julian Assange, whom the Trump administration wants to put on trial for espionage and treason.  This is a dangerous assault on journalists’ freedom to reveal truths to the public that the government would prefer to suppress. Attempts to silence Assange echo attacks on revolutionary journalist Jean Paul Marat more than two centuries ago.

Some of you may know who Randy Credico is, and others may be wondering, “Where have I heard that name before?”  He has been in the news in recent months in connection with the Roger Stone case.  Stone asserted that Credico was his “back channel” to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, a ludicrous claim that Stone was eventually forced to admit was untrue.  Credico, like Marat and Assange, is a courageous journalist that the authorities have tried to intimidate and prevent from publishing.

I had a lot of fun doing the interview.  I hope you find it fun to watch.


P.S.: The entire series of Credico’s “Assange: Countdown to Freedom” broadcasts is available on-line at:


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