Bill Domhoff was mentioned by Michael Meeropol. Bill's e-mail address is .

Googling for a copy of one of his pieces, "Why Socialists should be
published in Socialist Revolution, no. 31 (January–February 1977), pp.
25–36, this was the first hit.
By LNP3. I took the liberty of correcting the hyperlink Lou gave to
Domhoff's piece from In These Times. Digging through the site,
which has the bulk of the run of Socialist Revolution/Socialist Review,
from the 70's and 80's, ran across one of their classic symposiums, on
populist organizing and the socialist movement, occasioned by a piece by Harry
The late Mike Davis, "Socialist Renaissance or Populist Mirage : A Reply to
Harry Boyte
SR, July-October 1978. Note that Domhoff's article in SR was replied to by
David Plotke and Domhoff makes a reply to Plotke.

Open Letter to G. William Domhoff

posted to on March 21, 2003

Dear Bill,

I hope you don't mind me writing you out of the blue like this, but scruffy
sans-culotte Marxists like myself don't have much other recourse besides
the Internet when it comes to answering Professor Emeritus types like

In the last few days you have come into my radar screen twice. I assume
that you are the same Bill Domhoff who wrote the classic "Who Rules
America," a book that influenced me greatly when I was coming around the
radical movement in 1966. With those kinds of credits, I was kind of at a
loss to understand why you were the most vehement supporter of the
lesser-evil at a debate on whether the Democratic Party can be reformed at
last weekend's Socialist Scholars Conference.

Not having attended that debate, I now understand where you are coming
from. On Denis Dutton's website "Arts and Letters Daily", which is sort of
an Ivory Tower version of the Drudge Report that typically features links
to articles extolling DDT, making Iraq the 51st state or
sociobiological defenses
of old men lusting after younger women, one of your articles showed up. Now
I have to admit that I am suspicious when Dutton features somebody with
leftist credentials. Typically, it is somebody like Meghnad Desai who wrote
"Marx's Revenge", a Verso book arguing that if Marx was alive today he'd be
raising a champagne glass to the IMF.

So when I saw that the link to your article that was in the same box as
links to Fareed Zakaria and Michael "Laptop Bombardier" Walzer, I had to
admit some trepidation. What would you be doing in such bad company?

Now that I've had a chance to look at the article titled " Which Side Are
We On?: Redefining Who's Us and Who's Them" <
<> >, which appears in
Jimmy Weinstein's "In These Times", I can say that Dutton's editorial
grouping makes some sense. In a tribute to class collaborationism that goes
against the grain of the current anti-war and anti-capitalist mood, you

*In trying to bring about egalitarian social change, however, it doesn't
make good political sense to frame this picture of economic concentration
and class domination in terms of one social class against another. Defining
the "opponents" as "the capitalists" or "the rich" is a strategic mistake.*

How very interesting. I was under the impression that people began to think
in class terms because of war, unemployment, racism, and environmental
degradation. When the malefactors tend to belong to what brontosaurus
Marxists like myself call the ruling class, there is a tendency to think of
the capitalists as the enemy. That appeared to be the way you once thought
of them yourself, in your wild and woolly youth.

Most of the article goes along in this dreary vein and I certainly urge the
people on the listservs I participate in to read it. I will limit myself,
however, to one especially wrong-headed item that I have a personal
interest in. Referring to Jon Corzine, you write:

*But an attack on "the rich" or "the capitalist class," or worse, "the
capitalist pigs and bloodsuckers"?** Then what about, for just one example,
New Jersey Sen. Jon Corzine, the multimillionaire banker who has gone
beyond his class interests to advocate a sharply defined progressive
agenda? This Democrat opposed Bush's tax cuts for the rich, wants an
"activist" government, sees a universal health care system as a "basic
right," and opposes the death penalty.*

Since I was an employee of Goldman-Sachs when Corzine was the boss, I have
a slightly different appreciation of whether or not he "has gone beyond his
class interests". I was a 46-year-old computer programmer who was given the
message that the firm wanted to replace me, and others like me, with
younger and cheaper workers. I got the message and moved on. Others were
not so lucky. After arriving at work one morning, 25 long time employees of
the firm, who had given flesh and blood to make it profitable, were told to
pack their belongings into a carton and were then escorted by security
guards to a string of cabs in front of 85 Broad Street, never to return.
Eventually I ran into one of them at Columbia University where he was a day
laborer cleaning windows.

My only suggestion to you is to lay off the politics and society stuff,
where you can only do harm--not that any firebrand undergraduate is likely
to take your stumping for the Democratic Party and class peace too
seriously. Why don't you stick with dream studies? Until I did a google search
on you, I had no idea you were so involved with such an esoteric subject.
Your book "The Mystique of Dreams" earned this cover-leaf accolade: "A
fascinating strand of the human potential movement of the 1960s." I guess
we now know which exit you took off the main highway.

Michael Pugliese

> _._,_._,_

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