John E, quotes probably John R   "...she is a mainstream Democrat with all that 
implies..." yet all that that implies has not been identified by John R and the 
State Department socialists who think they are somehow leading the workers and 
left into building  a new anti-fascist front.  
Marxists understand that the path to fascism is paved by all that the rule of 
"mainstream Democrats" ( and social Democrats) implies. It is because they 
implement the program of the ruling capitalist class, imposing austerity, 
violence against anti-imperialists and anti-Zionist protesters while allowing 
fascists to march is not a qualification of anti-fascist leadership.  The 
militarization of the police and the imperialist foreign policy is promised by 
the leadership of John's anti-fascist coalition.  The "socialists" who put 
their faith in Harris to stop fascism should know that the Democrats  cannot 
defend the  historic gains and reforms won during the ascendancy of the 
American empire and  before the consequences of the tendency of the rate of 
profit eliminated its ability to conceded any further  lasting reforms.  It is 
that inability to make economic concessions to the masses that they have lost 
the ground to the rising fascist MAGA movement.
Fascism is the consequence of the failure of bourgeois democracy to deliver, it 
is the punishment of the working class for not taking power the only way to 
stop the fascist reaction with with working class independent mobilizations, 
building a mass workers party in a contest for the leadership of the unions and 
organizations of the oppressed and ultimately arming the working class.
The bourgeois democrats flail in their own incapacities to address what their 
rule has wrought. They have shown that they are not only unwilling but 
incapable of mobilizing an anti-fascist united front.  They lit the fire, 
continue to put fuel on the fire, are not qualified firemen yet John R  calls 
on the left to bring gas cans not water hoses!  He calls the Fahrenheit 451 
fire team to the print shop!  
Harris Waltz  double down on militarism, their anti-immigration policy, provoke 
nuclear war, they bail out the banks and corporations at our expense,  they 
dole out health care from eye droppers to ensure profits flow to big Pharma and 
insurance companies and lose ground to MAGA all the while. 
The leadership of the Trade Unions, the labor bureaucracy  have long been 
integrated into the state and the imperialist project disarming the working 
class with the pragmatism of  promoting the "lesser-evils" and conciliation vs 
class independence and class struggle.  
Yet in the streets fighting against genocide the youth have won gains in the 
union movement as the genocide is turning the tide. The dialectic works through 
class struggle for our basic and more advanced demands, yet  John R. and his 
merry band of liquidators jump aboard the ship and row in the opposite 
direction of the anti-imperialists. He wants the radicalizing activists  to 
stack their imperialists in a pecking order, he wants them to see US 
imperialist Democrats as a lesser evil (than both Trump and Putin) and sign on 
with those who are  committing  the genocide in Palestine as it spreads to 
Lebanon where workers are now being indiscriminately bombed.   What  they deny 
is that imperialism is a world system, there is no stacking and categorizing of 
imperialists into friendly or lesser imperialists. This stacking game played by 
both the Harris and Putin/Xi campists blocks the working class from its path to 
power with idealist empiricism creating illusions rather than fighting for 
working class agency. 
Stopping the fascist MAGA Tump movement, which will mobilize its hoards win 
lose or draw is not something that can be accomplished in the electoral arena 
or in the courts.  
The fascist threat  can only be defeated by a working class anti-fascist and 
anti-imperialist united front that initiates the mass workers party and arms 
our class. 
 Charles Rachlis"The working class and the employing class have nothing in 
common." IWW founding congress opening statement

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