I tried the below, but I can't seem to get the ARGS right.  I want to get
the args that were involved in the error.  It comes up with nothing.

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Sherrard Burton <sbur...@allafrica.com>wrote:

> the way we did this is to:
> use a custom 500 error document for apache
> ErrorDocument 500 /public/error/500.html
> then in that file, along with the "pretty" message, we have a call to
> $m->comp( '/private/functions/send_error_email' );
> you can also trigger it manually to get some decent
> debugging/environmental info for stuff you're working on.
> form_mailer just uses Net::SMTP, or similar to send the message
> send_error_email:
> <%args>
>   $_type  =>  'error'
>   $_to    =>  'mason-err...@example.com'
> </%args>
> <%flags>
>   inherit => '/autohandler'
> </%flags>
> <%init>
>   %ARGS = ( %{$m->caller_args(-1)}, %ARGS );
>   my $error_text = "Page is '" . $r->uri() . "'\n\n";
>   # try to handle an error, if the object exists
>   if ( my $error = $r->pnotes( 'mason_error' ) ) {
>      $error_text .= UNIVERSAL::can( $error, 'as_text' ) ?
> $error->as_text : $error;
>      $error_text .= "\n\n\n";
>   } else {
>     $r->warn( "error mailing component called with no pnotes from
> '".$m->callers(1)->path()."'" );
>   }
>   $error_text .= "Request Method: '".$r->method()."'\n";
>   $error_text .= "The Request: '".$r->the_request()."'\n";
>   $error_text .= "URI: '".$r->uri()."'\n";
>   $error_text .= "\n\n\n";
>   $error_text .= "Headers\n";
>   foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$r->headers_in()} ) {
>     $error_text .= "$key: " . $r->header_in( $key ) . "\n";
>   }
>   $error_text .= "\n\n\n";
>   $error_text .= $m->scomp( '/scripts/dump_data_structure',
> include_html=> 0, '%ARGS' => \%ARGS );
>   $error_text .= "\n\n\n";
>   my %hash = (
>     from=> 'mason-err...@example.com',
>     header_from=> 'Error Handler<mason-err...@example.com>',
>     to=> $_to,
>     subject=> "Mason ".ucfirst( $_type )." on $hostname ".$r->uri(),
>     body=> $error_text,
>   );
>   $m->comp( '/scripts/form_mailer', %hash );
> </%init>
> <%once>
>   my $hostname = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
> </%once>
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