It looks more like an apache issue.

My feeling is that the rule about .html files is more important than your rule
about the Location.

+ In your case, it looks like you want to use Directory, not Location.
Location is for the URL space.



On 10 May 2011 17:29, Gregory Skelton <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've run into a problem with my a web server configuration. What I'm
> really after is preventing mason to do its magic on a directory and
> everything underneath it. I've read this FAQ, but after adding
> configuration similar to the example I'm still seeing the same problem.
> This is my mason configuration, and I'm these version of mason:
> perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.09-5.el5
> perl-HTML-Mason-1.39-1.el5
> <web-server-config>
>    PerlSetVar  MasonCompRoot  /var/www/html
>    PerlSetVar  MasonDataDir   /var/www/mason
>    PerlModule  HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
>    <FilesMatch "(\.html)$">
>      SetHandler perl-script
>      PerlHandler HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
>    </FilesMatch>
> #*** following the FAQ here
>    <Location /var/www/html/some/path/to/this/directory/lal>
>      SetHandler default-handler
>    </Location>
> </web-server-config>
> What am I doing wrong? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
> Best,
> Greg
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