Sorry, I don't know. I see that you copied that code directly out of the 
example in Subclassing.pod, but I've never tried to use it and can't say for 
sure if its behavior is still supported.

But presumably you should know whether your application are using ApacheHandler 
or CGIHandler, so it's probably unnecessary to try to alter the superclass 


On Jul 21, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Greg Wickham wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,
> Testing the constructor of my new class the value being passed to the 
> "alter_superclass" method is 'HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler'.
> So the answer to the question seems like yes.
> Ideas?
>   -greg
> On Jul 18, 2011, at 3:13 PM, Jonathan Swartz wrote:
>> Are you subclassing HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler, defined around line 
>> 47 of HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler?
>> On Jul 16, 2011, at 4:43 AM, Greg Wickham wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Kind of stumped trying to get a subclass of HTML::Mason::Request working 
>>> with Mason 1.42.
>>> The error is:
>>> [Fri Jul 15 07:24:09 2011] [error] [client] The following 
>>> parameter was passed in the call to MyApp::Mason::Request->new() but was 
>>> not listed in the validation options: ah\n\nStack:\n  
>>> [/usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/]\n  
>>> [/usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/]\n  
>>> [/var/www/perl/MyApp/]\n  [-e:0]\n, referer: 
>>> http://fusion/index.html
>>> It seems that 'ah' is being passed in as an argument to the constructor of 
>>> the new class (MyApp::Mason::Request) but it is not being recognised by the 
>>> superclass.
>>> The new class (MyApp::Mason::Request) is very tiny / simple - at the moment 
>>> the only method that exists is 'new':
>>> sub new {
>>>  my $class = shift;
>>>  $class->alter_superclass(
>>>      $HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::VERSION ?
>>>      'HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler' :
>>>      $HTML::Mason::CGIHandler::VERSION ?
>>>      'HTML::Mason::Request::CGI' :
>>>      'HTML::Mason::Request' );
>>>  my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
>>>  return( $self );
>>> }
>>> httpd configuration is with a package:
>>> <LocationMatch ".*(\.html|\.pl|\.xml|\/)$">
>>>      DefaultType     text/html
>>>      SetHandler      perl-script
>>>      PerlHandler     MyApp::Mason
>>> </LocationMatch>
>>> And in the package MyApp::Mason there is
>>> my $apacheHandler = new HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler(
>>>  request_class => 'MyApp::Mason::Request',
>>> Everything kind of looks ok.
>>> Any help appreciated.
>>> -greg
>>> --
>>> --
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