This goes back to bug reported back in 2005 by Colin Henein.

I'm running Mason under FastCGI and wanted to enable cookies with 
MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession.   The following code fails when 
session_use_cookie is true:
     eval {
         $h = HTML::Mason::CGIHandler->new(
             # Base config
             comp_root               => "$mason_root/",
             data_dir                => "$mason_data/",
             allow_globals           => $::MASON_GLOBALS,
             error_mode              => "output",
             default_escape_flags    => "h",

             # ApacheHandler
             request_class           => 
             session_class           => 'Apache::Session::DB_File',
             session_file_name       => 
             session_lock_directory  => "$mason_data/sessionlock",
             session_use_cookie      => 1,
             session_cookie_domain   => $site,
             session_cookie_name     => "${site}_sessiondata",
             session_cookie_expires  => '+1d',
     } or do {
         croak "Could not create mason cgihandler: $@"

The error is: " The header_object parameter is required in order to use 
cookies outside of mod_perl"

What is happening is that  $self->can('cgi_process') returns false with 
HTML::Mason::CGIHandler Version 1.00.   This prevents header_object from 
getting set, resulting in the aforementioned error.   Changing the elsif 
condition to $self->can('cgi_request') eliminates the problem.

I made this change locally and it works for me.

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